MacRobertson Shield
Day 5 Lawn 7 Maugham an Burch vs Fletcher an Forster by Jarrod Coutts
G1 to ENG 26-1
Burch went round 4th turn of a c2 opening
Fletcher hit had a dream leave
Burch hit went round.. something happened which I missed
Maugham 'had unluckiest shot he has ever had when playing a croquet stroke' runs 2b to the boundary, has a 2.-3y return.. he talked to fast so I can't remember the rest of it, but rolled both ways round on something, an partner is between himself an oppo.
Anyway they won the first game.
Maugham currently doing a TPO in g2 on Fletcher
03 Jan 2014 11:04AM (Tournament); 40 Readers
Close g2 but ENG have done it again. 15-5
03 Jan 2014 4:01PM (Tournament); 36 Readers
At 23 Feb 2025 10:33PM (Tournament) there are 2 people reading commentaries.