MacRobertson Shield
Test 3 MtM Day 2 Aust v US by Tony Hall
This morning we have 6/8 cloud but mostly sunny, with a gentle breeze. Temperature is about 18 degrees but will warm up quickly.
There are three singles starting now and I will be able to comment on only the two on courts 5 and 6 as Malcolm Fletcher v Jeff Soo is on court 1.
Tim O'Leary v Jim Basty
Game 1. Tim is K and U, Jim is R and Y
1. U to IV.
2. Y to between 1 and 2.
3. K hits U, sets up on eb about four yards apart.
4. R is placed on III.
5. K hits U, plays good split and starts break, collecting R before 3, now in control, but sticks in 5.
6. Y hits U, peels K through 5 and should start his break. He makes 1 but is hampered, calls referee for sweep shot who calls a second referee. He misses.
7. K hits (12y) and resumes his break from 6.
Ian Dumergue v Danny Huneycutt
Game 1. Danny is K and U, Ian is R and Y
1. K or U to eb
2. Y to II.
3. U or K join the other on eb, 4y apart.
4. R misses Y.
5. K hits U, goes off to R and Y, calls referee, gets cannon, sends R to 4y NE of 2 and Y to 8y NNW of 1, approaches sending Y to 3y SW of 1 and K into the back of 1. Retires to 14y S of II, about equi-distant from Y and R.
6. R hits Y (26y) to I, takes off along the wb and gets a rush on K to 1. Wow! Bounces off 1.
7. K has part of the R ball, calls referee, hits.
12 Jan 2014 9:25AM (Tournament); 40 Readers
T O'L v JB. This match is on Court 5.
7(contInued). K sticks in 3b with Y close.
8. Y hits K, watched by hard-working referee, approaches 2, very angled from 8 inches, calls referee and clears R to the N bdry leaving a rush for R to the S.
9. U from 4y S of the peg misses K near 4, to III.
10. U hits R, goes to K, sends K to N of 2, near R, and then to wb level with 1, holding position for 2, makes 2, starts break but sticks in 4.
ID v DH. This match is on Court 6.
7(continued). K establishes break. He sticks in 5 with K and Y close, R at 6, calls referee to check hoop. It is OK.
8. Y hits K.
12 Jan 2014 9:41AM (Tournament); 49 Readers
Court 5.
Turn 10 was with Y, not U, sorry!
11. K hits Y, sets R and Y across 1, wired and retires to III ( a sextuple leave).
12. R misses U (35y).
13. U starts break and has peeled 4b, so K must have been peeled through 3b earlier,probably by oppo. He now peels penult after 6 to peg high.
Court 6.
8(continued). Sets R and Y near I with U near 2 and K E of the peg by 4 y.
9. K misses oppo's.
10. Y makes 1 by a mm or two, calls referee, hits R and is away on a break. He has left K at the end of B baulk, for some reason and is making 4, under control.
12 Jan 2014 9:58AM (Tournament); 60 Readers
Court 5.
13( continued). He has reached 1b and has the peelee just N of rover. He bounces the peelee off rover on the way to 3b from a good position. He peels rover straight and finishes. Game 1 to Australia.
Court 6.
10 (continued). He makes 5 but the pioneer for 6 is just N of the peg. He copes without becoming wired, runs 6 hard to the boundary, collects K.
12 Jan 2014 10:06AM (Tournament); 64 Readers
On court 1 Malcolm Fletcher is playing Jeff Soo. I am told that Jeff won the first game 26tp - 0.
Court 5.
Game 2.
1. R. To IV.
2. K hits R rolls them to either side of peg.
3. Y to middle of eb.
4. U misses Y from III to IV.
5. Y shoots at U (11y), misses, hits peg, stays close.
6. K starts break, has reached 3 but fails. R is 8 or 9 y away.
7. Y from N of 4 hits U in IV, starts a break.
Court 6.
10 (continued). Clips are U and R on 1, K on 5, Y on a break, has reached 2b with tight pioneers. He goes to 4b and sets up with U 2y from the wb, about 15 y S of the N bdry, K wired from U and a yard E of the peg, r on the eb, 2y N of IV and Y 2y N of R.
11. K misses R from A baulk.
12. R rushes Y to U and U to S bdry, 11y E of I. Approaches 1 to 2 ft at 10 degrees, fails hoop and may be on the E wire.
13. Danny calls referee and shoots at R from 6 y. Just hits and he should have a break. Yes!
12 Jan 2014 10:31AM (Tournament); 77 Readers
Court 5.
7 (continued). The break has become loose as he approaches 4, with the pioneer for 5 some yards S. He makes 5 and gets better control. Now for 2b. I missed this but he must have made a leave.
8. U or K must have missed the lift.
9. R is in play, has made 1, takes off from K in II, runs 2, hits K and hits a huge split, K to 6 y N of 4, R to near 1, rushes U to S bdry, takes off to Y, 6y S of 3, has a very loose break. Has now reached 5.
Court 6.
13 (continued). His break is tight as he approaches 4. Now for 2b. Makes 2b and puts Y and K at 5, makes 3b off R, just!, calls referee, copes, puts R to 8y SW of 2, puts Y N of 5, almost in the jaws and leaves K on the eb, 12 y n of IV with a 1 y rush on U towards R.
14. Y misses from III to IV.
15. K rushes U to R, R to Y and Y to N of 5, sends Y to near I, hoping to get position, fails, retires to 3y NE of 2, 9y from 7 which is 4y W of 6. R is 6y N of IV
16. Y shoots at U, misses to N bdry, 11y W of III.
17. U hits K.
The day has become overcast but now probably 20 degrees and fine.
12 Jan 2014 11:01AM (Tournament); 80 Readers
Court 5.
7 (continued). The break is tidier as he approaches 1b.
I lost the plot here but he has peeled Y through 4b and put the clip on penult and is thinking. He makes penult and approaches rover with K as his pioneer. He makes rover, leaves K on eb, peg high, U 2y W of peg and R and Y on wb, rush for Y to penult.
Court 6.
17 (continued). He goes to Y, takes off to get behind R , goes off court.
18. R hits U, Takes off to Y, putting U to 2y N and 9y W of IV, takes off from Y and gets rush on K to 1, leaving Y 3y S and 4y W of III, rushes K S of 1 and fails to get position, retires to N of Y.
19. K hits U (14y), takes off to oppo's balls, tries to rush R to 5, gets it to 5y NE, sends R to 9y N of 1, joins U on S bdry, with rush for K towards 1.
20. R hits U (20y),
12 Jan 2014 11:21AM (Tournament); 87 Readers
Court 5.
8. U is lifted to I, misses Y to II.
9. Y rushes R to penult, makes the hoop and rushes R to K on the eb, rushes K to rover, makes rover takes off to R on the eb, cuts it to 15y from the peg, rolls to the peg, pegs off Y. U is in II, K near S bdry.
10. K misses R
11. R finishes.
One game each.
Court 6.
20 (continued). Takes off to Y, sets rush in corner III for R.
21. K hits Y (14y), rushes R to IV, behind U, leaves R in IV, rushes U to 5, makes 5 and 6 and retires, K on N bdry,, U 5y SE of 2, R W of 1 and Y S of 4, 18 y apart.
22. R hits Y.
12 Jan 2014 11:35AM (Tournament); 87 Readers
Court. 6.
22 (continued). Takes off to K, sends K to .2 and rushes U to S bdry 12 y E of I. Approaches 1 to a yard at an angle and runs through to 8 y S of 2. Turns and hits U (10y) and has a break. He mis- approaches 2 and bounces off by 4y to behind him.
23. K hits R (7y) goes to Y and then rushes U to II ( K is for 1b), takes off for the hoop, angled approach, runs it to within 5 y of R but declines that and hits U in II, 15y. He now takes off to Y9 y n of 4 and gets a rush to the wb, level with 1. Makes 2b but bounces off 3b to the eb.
24. Y misses K (7y).
25. K hits Y, approaches 4b and hits forehead with palm as he realises he is for 3b. Retires K to I with U 3y NE of 4b. Y is 3 y SE of 6 and R is peg high on the wb.
26. Y misses R.
27. K hits Y (15y), rushes R to 3b, makes the hoop and rushes R back to Y. With U NE of 4b he should have his break to the peg.
Court 5 has started game 3 while I was distracted.
Game 3.
K (Tim O'Leary) has made 1, R is in play, Y in II. Just rushed K to 4y S of 1. Jim Bast makes 1, rushes K to 5ySE of 6, takes off to Y, hits it in the takeoff, fails to make 2.
I lost this plot again as they are playing very quickly and messily.
Clips are U and Y on 1, R on 3 and K is in play, just made 2 from a long way out, makes 3 and rushes R into I, sends R to 5 and Y to 6 with the U as his pioneer for 4. He has a break under good control.
12 Jan 2014 12:15PM (Tournament); 83 Readers
Court 5.
The K clip is now on 4b, with R clip on 3 and the others still on 1.R is in play and makes 3, with U near 4 and Y peg high 4 y in from the wb. He misses a short return roquet to the N bdry and K (Tim) hits R, leaves R and Y wired across 1, with U and K near III. Y has a 3 y angled shot at 1. Bounces off.
U has an easy start to his second break. Makes 4 and sets for the delayed triple. He gets the first peel before 6 and something has happened when I was not watching. He plays so fast! Ahhh, he is setting for a straight double finish. Gets good position at penult.
Court 6.
27 (continued). He goes to the peg and makes his leave: R on the wb, peg high, Y on the eb, 16 y N of IV, U on IV and K 18 inches N of U.
28. R is lifted to A baulk, misses between the oppo's balls. U makes a cannon, sends R to just N of 4 and K off court 10 y N of IV, sends K to E of 4b and gets a cut rush on Y to SE of 4b, sends Y to N of penult and gets position for 4b, makes the hoop, hits K and finishes.
First game to US.
12 Jan 2014 12:40PM (Tournament); 68 Readers
I am told that Jeff Soo won the second game against Malcolm Fletcher.
Court 5.
The peelee goes through penult to half way between peg and rover, he makes penult and over-rushes K to beside the hoop. After making rover he attempts a posthumous bombard peel using Y but K goes to near the S bdry and he misses it with U. Jim lifts R to A baulk, sends U to 3y S of 1 and K to Y near rover and rushes Y to 4, his hoop. He has a break.
Court 6 has gone to lunch.
12 Jan 2014 12:50PM (Tournament); 68 Readers
Court 5.
Clips are U on the peg, K on rover, Y on 1 and R is in play. Jim has made 6 and has a controlled break. He makes 3b and misses to the N bdry. Tim lifts K to B baulk, hits the 1 y roquet and finishes.
Australia wins, 2 games to 1.
12 Jan 2014 1:01PM (Tournament); 67 Readers
Court 6.
Game 2.
1. K (Ian Dumergue) to eb.
2. Y (Danny Huneycutt) to 14 y N of I.
3. U hits Y. Moves it to equi-distant from both baulks near wb, sets rush for K on U on eb. Ian tells me I can say he is very happy with that opening. (Good morning, Ceridwen!)
4. R misses from III to IV.
5. K rushes U to wb, sends it to 2 and rushes Y to 1 ft in front of 1. He makes 1 and has a break, but sticks in 3.
6. Y calls a referee and hits the ball in the hoop, takes off to 5 y from U, rushes it to 3y NW of R in IV , gets a rush on it to 1, approaches to 1 yard at 50 degrees. He retires to 4y W of 1, guarding both the E and S bdrys.
7. U shoots at R, misses (16 y).
8. Y hits R, takes off to K, NE of 3, rushes it to E of the peg, sends it to 2, going to U. Is 12 y from 1. Sends U to 2y E of I, just fails to get position for 1 and retires to 1y N of IV. R is 3 y E of 5.
9. U misses K to N bdry.
10. Y hits R (16y), takes off to U, rushes K to 5 ft SSE of 1. He makes 1 and has a break.
Court 3.
Ken Bald is playing Rich Lamm. Rich's clips are on 1 and 2 and Ken has jawsed U in 4b at the start of a triple. He has, however, stuck in 4. Rich calls a referee to watch and hits the ball in 4, makes 1 and has a break, but leaves his clip on 5. Ken is now in play, making 2b, with two peels done. He completes the rover peel on the way to 3b and only has 3 hoops to finish.
12 Jan 2014 2:10PM (Tournament); 55 Readers
Court 3. Ken makes penult and sticks in rover. Rich hits the ball in the hoop and has all the balls in the middle.
Court 5.
10 (continued). R (Danny) has reached 5. Clips are K on 3, U and Y on 1 and R in play.
12 Jan 2014 2:18PM (Tournament); 50 Readers
Court 3. Rich goes to 4b and makes a diagonal spread leave. Ken takes the long lift shot and hits Y to IV. He must have finished as the referees are re-setting the hoops.
Australia leads 1 game to nil.
Court 5.
10 (continued). Danny leaves U at hoop 2 after making 1 b, goes to 4b, leaves K 4 y ESE of the peg and returns to U to put it nearer 2 ( into the jaws?) and leaving Y and R on the wb and 3 y E respectively.
11. Ian calls referee to watch the ball at 2 and uses K, missing to II.
12. Y sends R to 3, moves K out to W of 2 , calls referee and rushes U from through 1b to 1 ft in front of 1. He makes 1 and 2 and sets up for his standard triple.
12 Jan 2014 2:37PM (Tournament); 60 Readers
Court 5.
12 (continued). Danny sets up for a delayed triple as he did not get R in good position to attempt the first peel after 3. The peelee bounces of 4b before 6. Before 1b he rushes R into the jaws of 4b and completes the peel on the take off to the pioneer at 1 b. He makes 1b, puts U to 3b and must have rushed R into the back of 4 b as it is now 4 y E of 4b. He makes 2 b, rushes K to S of penult and takes off to the other side of R, rushes R to penult, has K 8y S of 4b, makes 3b, peels R through penult, makes 4b and penult then almost puts U into the jaws of rover - but it bounces to one side - sets for the rover peel straight, makes it and finishes.
US wins, 2 - nil.
Court 3.
Game 2.
1. K (Ken Bald) to eb.
2. R (Rich Lamm) to wb, peg high.
3. U hits R to a foot N of 2, ... I went to the other game... He must have made 1 as he is approaching and failing 2, with R 4 yards away but Y has to come into the game.
4. Y attempts something unseen and finishes 4y N of 3.
5. U makes 2 and has a controlled break which he has taken to 1b.
12 Jan 2014 3:06PM (Tournament); 65 Readers
5 (continued). He goes to 4b, puts Y too far N of 4, sends K to IV and U to II.
6. Rich lifts Y to B baulk and misses U on the left.
7. U sends Y to WSW of 1, R to 4yESE of 3 and sets up in IV with a rush for K to the peg.
The sun came out and it was difficult to SE the screen for a few minutes but has disappeared and it's now very pleasant, mostly overcast 7/8 cloud.
8. Y hits K to applause (24y), puts K to 4 rushes Y to R and then puts it to 6 and rushes R to 5ySW of 1. Makes 1 and should have a break. Yes.
12 Jan 2014 3:23PM (Tournament); 63 Readers
8 (continued). He sets for the tpo on U, tries the first peel after 3 but the peelee goes to a position just off the wire, probably rush- peelable.
After 4 he takes U away from the hoop, abandons the tpo, continues a controlled break, leaves U near the wb after 1b, makes 2b and 3b, puts K 3 y E of the peg and leaves R near IV with a rush on Y to the peg. Two clips are now on 1 and two on 4b. They are even.
9. K is lifted to A baulk and Ken hits R, rushes Y to 1 and should have a peeling break. He makes 1, rushes Y to IV, sends it to 12y N and 3y W of IV and rushes R to near 1. R is sent to 3 and he gets a good rush on U to 2, makes 2 with a rush to near 3. He sets for the triple but can only jaws the peelee. He rushes R to the eb, peg high and his break is under control.
12 Jan 2014 3:49PM (Tournament); 64 Readers
9 (continued). K makes 4 and 5 and misses a short rush after 5. K is jawsed in 4b, R near 5, Y near 6 and K in III.
10. Y shoots at R but misses to the S bdry.
11. Ken calls the referee and is to shoot at the ball in the jaws from III. He hits hard and although U only moves a few inches the referee says it was roqueted. He takes off to Y and re-establishes the break, but with no peeling. After 2b he sends the peelee to 4b but attempts no peel. He goes to the peg and leaves U on the eb with a 3y rush on K to the peg, Y just E of the peg, R near the wb 6y SW of 2.
12. Y is lifted to III and hits U (17y), sends U to 3y E of 3, k to 5y W of 4 and sets up near II, probably wired from U, with a rush for R to U.
The breeze has become a gentle wind. The flags are flying well.
12 Jan 2014 4:15PM (Tournament); 64 Readers
13. U shoots at K, hits. The sun is out again, 5/8 cloud, difficult to see the screen. U has only three hoops to finish. He rushes Y to 4y S of 4b, approaches to 4 ft, smashes through, rushes Y to S bdry behind K, puts it to rover but fails to get good rush back to R which is 7y W of penult. He rushes it too the wb, peg high and gets only a cut rush to penult on R. He approaches and sticks in penult.
14. Rich calls a referee to watch and hits the ball in the hoop from 3 y to the N bdry - using R whose clip is still on 1. He takes off to K, 2 y from the W bdry and rushes it to due S of 1. Y is 4y SE of 5 and U remains at the end of B baulk. He sends K to 6 y S of 2 and gets a 5 y rush on Y towards 1, snicks it to due S of 5. Approaches 1 to 4 ft at 45 degrees, bounces off to due S of 5.
15. U hits K (15y), rushes R behind Y, puts R to rover, rushes Y to penult, makes penult, slightly hampered, copes with referee watching and finishes.
12 Jan 2014 4:33PM (Tournament); 59 Readers
On court 1 Robert Fletcher won his match 2 games to nil, unseen by me.
I have transferred to the balcony of the clubhouse, to watch Stephen Forster playing against Ben Rothman. They have each won a game and this is the third. They each have a clip on 4b, with BR's other clip on 1. SF is just finishing a break to the peg leaving a flattish diagonal spread.
Ben lifts the ball at the peg to III and shoots at K. It's almost a last chance. He misses by a foot to IV.
Stephen rushes U to R, puts it into court by 2 y and rushes R to 5y N of 4b. He takes off to a good 2 ft position, makes 4b with a rush due S. He rushes R to peg high 3 y from the eb, takes off to K but no rush takes off to penult, gets 3 ft position at 15 degrees, sticks in the hoop.
Ben lifts R to A baulk and shoots at Y in IV. Hits. He ponders. Then sends Y to 3 and goes to 3 y SE of penult. Calls referee . Hits K gently to 2 y N of 6, puts K to 2 and gets a 3 y cut rush to 1. Cuts it too much to 7 y N of 1. Takes position 3 ft, 25 degrees. Looks at it and ponders. Walks around it ... twice . Looks again from the S bdry. Maybe 30 degrees. Stands still. Decides to have a go. No! Retires to 3 y NE of Y.
Stephen shoots with U from near 1 at the oppo's double and hits R. He needs to make 2 hops with K as U is on the peg. He sends R to 7y NE of 4 hits Y and sends it to 3y NNE, setting up his balls on the wb, hopefully wired from Y, with a rush for K towards II. One of the balls must be open to Y.
Ben looks at the situation from his oppo's balls, returns to Y and shoots at one and misses. The wind is now significant with the flags standing out square.
Stephen roquets Y, gets a rush to R but only to the ball, so needs to leave U 9 y W of rover. He rushes R to penult, makes it and has no forward or side rush. He takes off to get behind Y, with only a couple of yards space, succeeds, rushes it to 1 ft in front of rover, makes rover and finishes.
Today the singles went to Australia, 4 - 2, yesterday Australia won the doubles 2 - 1, so it is now 6 - 3 in Australia's favour.
NZ are hosting a barbecue this evening for the Aust and NZ players and officials.
Until tomorrow, goodbye!
12 Jan 2014 5:27PM (Tournament); 43 Readers
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