MacRobertson Shield
Test 3 Day 2: Lawn 4: Bryant and Clarke vs Fulford and Patel by Dallas Cooke
Kiwi's are playing B an K with ENG R an Y
Patel playing Y lays a supershot
Bryant playing K goes max distance EB
Fulford playing R misses EB ball for c4
Clarke playing B just misses EB
12 Jan 2014 9:20AM (Tournament); 39 Readers
Patel shoots at B an K... nails the y ball
b promoted slightly to 4 k rushed to cnr 4 cannon achieved, unfortunately k hit hoop on way to 2 and r 4 mtrs short of 1
roll slightly short , nice hoop run with long return shot hit.
12 Jan 2014 9:27AM (Tournament); 38 Readers
Lawn 6 Danny Huneycut US b & k, Ian Dumergue R & Y
Danny has started break and is on hoop 3 with K, 4 ball break under control and should be 4bk finish
12 Jan 2014 9:33AM (Tournament); 51 Readers
Patel Y is now making hoop 4, 1 foot in front, made, 5,6
12 Jan 2014 9:37AM (Tournament); 50 Readers
lawn 6 Danny is stuck in 6, and Ian in play
12 Jan 2014 9:42AM (Tournament); 52 Readers
Woops, had to dash off for some sand and have come back with Jenny making hoop 1 with b ball.
y clip is on 3bk, sorry not sure what happened
B run hoop cleanly and stops 3 quarters of the way up the lawn, rush R to hoop 3, take off to black back at 1
hit half way to 2, takes off to Y in middle of lawn resulting in cut rush to 2
4 yd roll, hoop 2 made and we are off.
12 Jan 2014 9:47AM (Tournament); 57 Readers
lawn 6 Ian has just made hoop 1 with yellow by the skin on his teeth, ref called
2 yd shot onto R straight thru, nice hit.
b 1 yds west of hoop 2 and slightly behind, he should be off
12 Jan 2014 9:51AM (Tournament); 56 Readers
Jenny still in play, making hoop 5, 6 with classic book style 4 ball break
12 Jan 2014 9:55AM (Tournament); 62 Readers
Patel has just walked round the lawn and delivered English flag to the spectators.
12 Jan 2014 9:57AM (Tournament); 60 Readers
1bk made, jenny send red to 1 1/2 yards west boundary, nearly level with hoop 6,
send y to hoop 3 bk, oops hits 5 on way over and is stuck on west side of hoop leg.
managed to make 3bk off y ball ran hard and then missed shot at black. on 4bk.
12 Jan 2014 10:04AM (Tournament); 64 Readers
y hits black towards hoop 3. should stop to talk as things happen when you blink and look away
12 Jan 2014 10:06AM (Tournament); 65 Readers
lawn 6 Ian is slowly making his way round the lawn as has is just making 1bk, made
12 Jan 2014 10:07AM (Tournament); 68 Readers
English are still deciding how to maximise the break down by b and with k 1 yds nth of 3 and slightly to the w side they have wired it from b who is on the e boundry about hoop 6 high.
12 Jan 2014 10:10AM (Tournament); 69 Readers
hit r, rolled to cnr 2, just short, y placed on w boundry 18in in, r rush to 1
12 Jan 2014 10:12AM (Tournament); 68 Readers
kiwis on lawn sighting k to b, is it wired?
12 Jan 2014 10:14AM (Tournament); 68 Readers
deciding against now looking at English balls,
12 Jan 2014 10:14AM (Tournament); 68 Readers
blue and black must nearly be open as looking again at that shot.
12 Jan 2014 10:15AM (Tournament); 68 Readers
12 Jan 2014 10:15AM (Tournament); 68 Readers
greg hits k and nicks hoop 3, ball comes to rest 1 yds from b
12 Jan 2014 10:16AM (Tournament); 68 Readers
Robert rushes y towards hoop one, over cuts, now sending back to hoop 2 and goes across to kiwi balls
hits k, looks like to is on his way.
12 Jan 2014 10:18AM (Tournament); 71 Readers
r claws his way thr hoop one, ref called.
marking balls, nasty shot on b,
why worry, made it look easy.
hoop 2 made
12 Jan 2014 10:22AM (Tournament); 74 Readers
lawn 6, ian must be round by now, looks like he is setting up for leave
12 Jan 2014 10:24AM (Tournament); 76 Readers
Robert double loads hoop 4, y in position to peel 3 bk
hoop 3 made
12 Jan 2014 10:25AM (Tournament); 76 Readers
hampered shot on blue, rushes half way down lawn,
put to 6, hits y
12 Jan 2014 10:26AM (Tournament); 77 Readers
peels y thru 3bk, ball stops half way to 4bk
12 Jan 2014 10:27AM (Tournament); 75 Readers
makes hoop 4 off k, runs, hits 7 yd return shot
12 Jan 2014 10:28AM (Tournament); 75 Readers
looks like bread and butter standard tp is on the cards
12 Jan 2014 10:29AM (Tournament); 74 Readers
lawn 6, ian made leave, Danny missed,
Ian was making hoop 1 and stuck in jaws with Danny's b ball and he in now in play making hoop 2
12 Jan 2014 10:30AM (Tournament); 77 Readers
4 bk peel with y, failed, bounce back into position again
12 Jan 2014 10:32AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
hoop 6 made,
loading 2bk, beautiful position on y to try for peel as goes to ball at 1bk
12 Jan 2014 10:34AM (Tournament); 84 Readers
nicely done, peel made
12 Jan 2014 10:34AM (Tournament); 84 Readers
lawn 6, Danny on hoop 5 with b, same hoop he stuck in last time, made safely,
loading 2 bk with k
12 Jan 2014 10:36AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
Robert made 2bk with R
penault peel made
12 Jan 2014 10:38AM (Tournament); 78 Readers
woops sorry forgot to watch as enthralled in one ball match on next lawn. Toby is had 4 hoop as I watch and is on 1bk with Death on penalt. placing the ball two inches in front of hoop and hoping.
12 Jan 2014 10:43AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
Robert has made penalt and will be doing a straight peel to finish game with all balls in good positions to do this
12 Jan 2014 10:44AM (Tournament); 81 Readers
toby made 2bk but James is in position in front of penalt. Discussion, what to do
12 Jan 2014 10:45AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
Robert has slightly anglul
12 Jan 2014 10:45AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
12 Jan 2014 10:45AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
woops sorry, pressed the wrong button, while typing.
Peel slightly angular, made by 2 feet but own ball not in an easy position to run.
12 Jan 2014 10:46AM (Tournament); 84 Readers
james made penalt
12 Jan 2014 10:47AM (Tournament); 84 Readers
Robert played little jump shot thru hoop
peg out to come
12 Jan 2014 10:48AM (Tournament); 86 Readers
toby hit james ball at rover and has now made 3 bk with 2 ball break, 4 bk
12 Jan 2014 10:48AM (Tournament); 86 Readers
congrats England 1-0, 26-9
12 Jan 2014 10:49AM (Tournament); 87 Readers
toby made penault but ball over ran k for rush to rover, a long roll coming up.
12 Jan 2014 10:51AM (Tournament); 84 Readers
a beautiful long hoop run at rover, roquet on k and take off to peg.
a really excellent game to watch. 26-24 kiwis
12 Jan 2014 10:53AM (Tournament); 89 Readers
Lawn 6, Danny is play 4 bk and 5
Ian 1 and 4 bk, isn't able to make a break so is setting.
Time for coffee break
12 Jan 2014 10:55AM (Tournament); 92 Readers
right I'm back, having walked the length of the complex, all kiwi teams are in play.
Jenny has just gone round to 4bk with yellow and is setting up a nsl
12 Jan 2014 11:27AM (Tournament); 82 Readers
At 23 Feb 2025 10:24PM (Tournament) there are 3 people reading commentaries.