MacRobertson Shield
test 3 day 3 Clarke v Death by Kathie Grant
Chris playing blue and black starts with K N H5 between 1 & 5.
James playing R & Y p[lays to E boundarySouth H4
CHris plays B hits red.
Sunny day bit of wind lots of spectators.
Chris sends Red to NW of peg rushes K to south H1
Takes off makes H1
Send K to H3 rushes Red just west H2
Angled shot for H2 makes cleanly with rush to H4. Gently hits croquets R to H4 cloase to K.
Roquets K croqet K 1yd in front, B through hoop passed K
Roll shot K to 5 B to R
Deep R B through H4 to boundary
Roquet R send R to 6 B N of K
Rush K to H5 Croquet B to right of h5 makes H5
Roquet K send K to H1B rush R to 6 good poitioning makes 6
Roquets red sends R to 2B Rush on K to 1 B
Makes 1B passed K roquets rolls K to 3B going to R
Roquets R good position for 2B hits through hoop to boundary
Rushes R to through H5 sends R to E boundary N of H4 roquets K good hoop position makes hoop
roquets K sendf K toward boundary behind R roquets R sends it in direction for K to hit towards the peg. Sends B on W boundary diagonally opposite K & R
James Y from B Baulk to fire on R or K lots of spectators. Misses Y about 1/2 yd out of cnr 4
Chris hits K onto R sending R to B.
Sends R to W of H2 with rush on B to H1. Ball rolls past H1 but in front. Croquet B deep K goes level with H1
Looking at sweep shot to Corner 1, thinking,
Calls ref, marking ballSweep shot to N of corner 1
James to play R fires onto Y in corner 4 Hits flag not ball
Chris K onto B cloud coming over, misses, K on B baulk W H3
Wind picking up. James roquets R onto Y to W B. Y to H2 rushes B in front H1
Waiting for wind gust to ease, makes H1 roquets B
Sends B toS H3 rush on Y to H2. Slightly angled shot hits through to boundary, roquets Y sends Y to 4 going to K
Sorryf Y to 3
Sends K to 4 roquets B places it in peeling position with Y an escape ball.
Setting up to peel B, peels just through no rush on Y. Roquets Y sends Y to 5 with rush on K to H4
Makes H4 roquets K sends K to H6 going to Y with rush to H5
Makes H5 with rush on Y to E boundary
Sends Y to 1B roquets B which bounces back from hoop. Rolls to K
Makes H6 hits B angles shot for peel about 1 yd back
B bounces off hoop leg. HIt K to N Boundary send K to 2 B rush on Y to 1B
makes 1B roquets Yellow sends Y to 3B rush on B of another attempt at peel
Better angle and closer this time. CHecks position of K which looks as though it is in the jaws of H2b Opponent and ref on lawn
Roll peels B passed rover roquets K out of hoop NE side Makes H2b roquet R
Sends K to 4B roquets red to in front of rover
B through Rover rush on Y to 3b
Waits for wind again makes 3b
hits Y to B sents Y to W of rover rushes B to K at 4B sends B to penault
Makes 4b
rushes K to S boundary between 1 & 5 send K N of H1 rushes Y to E penault
Roquets B makes penault rushes B to W bound sned B towards peg going to K
Tries to peel K through H1 K bounces off sits infront H1
Makes Rover off Y
Roquets Y NEof H4
Sends Y S towards cnr 4 going to K
roquets K leaves K NW h1about 3yds pegs of B sends R to corner 2
State of game K and Y on 1 R on peg with B pegged off.
Chris takes croquet from R in cnr 2 to Y. sends Y to 7 yds N of H2 going to H1 about 2 yds out and angled
Makes hoop 1 roquets Y to N boundary
croquet shot of R in cnr 2. makes roquet
Sends R to H3 angled approach to H2
ball bounces off H2
James hits K with Y sends K to 3 rushes R to S of H1
Checks for wiring positions with K on R & Y
Sets up leave for Y on R to H1
CHris sends K to cnr 4
James roquets R with Y makes H1, WInd getting gusty at times, rushes R to H2
Makes H2
rushes R to H3 goes about 1 han a half yds beyond. slightly angled hoop
makes H3Looks to cut rush R to cnr 4
Ref checking if balls will be touching when lined in
Yes, has cannon
James uses a long handled mallet stands quite upright for his strokes. Standard grip with hands lightly apart.
makes h4 sending ball to S boundary roqueting R at same time.
Sends R to 6 rush on K to 5
K just behind hoop slightly angled approach
hits hard through hoop roqueting black to S of H4
Sends K NE of 1b rush on R to 5
Makes 5 roquets Red sending R to 2b with Rush on K to 1b
Makes 1b roquets K to W level with H1
Sends K to 3b rush on red for 2b
makes 2b hoop and roquet
sends R to NW 4b rush on K to in front of 3b
makes 3b, roquets K to penault
rush on R to 4b
makes 4b to N boundary
roquets R sends R to N of rover rush on K to penault
makes Penault sends K south ROver Roquets red
makes rover roquets K y with cut rush on R to peg
Pegs off game to James Death 26 TPO Chris Clarke 13
game two about to start James hits Y tice NW hoop 6
Chris hit
sK to peg
R aims at Y and K
waiting for wind gusts to ease
R hits Y
Y toward H2 Rush on K, K goes 6yds SW H1
K North near Y Red angled hoop
Hits hardf Redf through hoo about 4 yds roquets K
Take off rushes Y to H2
Makes H2 rush back towards K
sends Y H4 rush K to W of 3
Red short angled
Hit red through hoop down to Y
Makes H4 rush to K
Y toward H6 about 5 yds W rush on K to N H5
K deep makes H5
roquets K sends K towards E boundary corquets K to 1b going to Y
Makes H6
hit Y sends Y 3 yds N 2b
makes 1b
roquets K towards Y sends K to w of H3b makes 2b
roquets Y towards center sends Y NE 3b
Croquets K 2yds off boundary Y on yd line R diagonally opp on W boundary
Chris to play in B ball
WInd comes in gusts, sky cloudy
b from b baulk
misses. Lawns a bit patchy, fast in parts and slower in other parts.
James hit Y onto K to R
K north of R croquets K infield rushes R to just N H1
Makes H1
roquets R sents RH3 going to K 2yds of W boundary
Roquets K onto boundary
sends Y too far
Sends Y to E boundary block for K firing on R
Chris hits B to Y misses
B on North boundary just our of cnr 3
Y to R Misses
Chris hits Y with K in corner 2
take off to red
sorry take off to B in corner 3
Take off for rush on R to H1. Shot doesn't go to plan. R E H5
Rolls to H1 about 2yds north H1
Hoop and roquet
take off to Y near boundary rush Y to H2 makes H2
HIts Y south about level H5sends Y to H4 with rush on red to B
Has rush on B to H3
makes Hoop3 rushes B down the lawn
SEnds B to H5 rush Y to H4
Makes H4 roquets Y sends Y to H6 going to pioneer B at H5
Splatters of rain coming this way.
makes H5
Still windy
Takes off to R near corner3
Sends R to !b going to pioneer Y at H6
Y in front of hoop
lots of spectators
Makes H6 rushes Y N of H4
Sends Y to H2b rush on B to R
Y gone about 2yds W 2b
sends B S 1b rushes R in front of hoop
makes 1b roquets B into H1b jaws take off B now S hoop 2
Rushes R to South b near cnr 1
Sends R to 3b Makes 2b
hits Y to W oundary about midway
Y W boundary S of hoop 2 Roquet B to near cnr 4
Even roll with B to R at 3b
makes 3b
checks line from A baulk
taps red leaves R near E leg of Hoop 4 NSL
James is considering options
takes shot from B baulk
chris K onto B gently
Take off to Y in cnr 4
Send y to H2 not quite a rush to h1
Good cut goes too far
about level with H1 on W boundary
Takes off to hoop makes hoop 1
rain and wind now
misses red
waiting for James
Here he comes.
playes red onto blue
sends B to S H4 going to B
takes off to Y looks like he will be wiring B & K
Roquets Y selecting a position of both balls
Leaves himself a rush to H2
Chris plays K into Cnr 1
James roquets R with Y just through but no shot on R
Rain still light like a heavy mist
James thinking
sends Y to S boundary
Chris B onto K
big shot K to £ B to Balls N of H2 fomr Cnr 1
roquets R
Roquets Y to h2
good hoop position
makes hoop
Roquets Y to H1 sends Y to H4 with B going to R
%yd roquet on red hits
5 yd
Good rush on K for H3
tries to put K into peeling position K hits leg of hoop and deflects
makes hoop with B Puts K back into peeling position
Rushes R towards H4.
Sends R to H5 makes hoop 4 off Y
Roquets Y towards H1
Sends y to between H6 and 4b
Makes h5
goes past red. touches red sends R to 1b going to K
TOuches K
Peels K with rush on Y to Hoop 6
Y deep to N boundary blue to boundary
Hits B to between 6 and !b
sends K to to 2b roquets R to in front of 1B
Makes 1B
roquets red
sends R to 3b going to N of Y
roquets Y to S of H1
sends Y to penault
still drizzle
roquets Kmakes 2b
rushes K to penault about 3 yes NE
looks as though he is planning to peel yes great shot
rush on Y to red at 3b
sends Y to SW of 4b
makes 3b
roquets red to bewtween 2b and rover
sends R in even roll towards penault
K not in front of Penault. I got that wrong before as he is setting up for K peel again
goes to hit b hard through 4b does not go through.
Yellow on 3 R and B on 4b K on penault
James to hit Y onto B at hoop 3
Y to R croquets R to H3 rush on K to 3
makes Y
makes H3 with Y
tries to peel Red, against leg rush on K to B
Sends K to 5 Y though H to boundary
reoquet B B to 6 going to K
bit short rush K to hoop makes hoop and roquet sending K to Y
Roquets R red again against the leg of the hoop.
Short on approach to B
Now angled shot for Y on H6
Hits hard goes through
Roquets K towards cnr 3
sends K towards H2b hits peg and stays there
Sends Red to 2b with rush on B to h1b
drizzle stopped
makes hoop
sends B to 4brushes K to NW Y
Sends K to 3b hitting h5 on the way
makes 2b
drizzle again
rushes red to 4b
looking at a peel for R angled and about2-3 yds out from hoop
peel done
roquet B
take off to K at 3b
y good hoop position
makes hoop
roquets K sends K to penault going to R
sends R to penault with rush on B to 4b
hits Y hard through hoop to boundary
roquets B
Sends B S of penault roquets R
Lines up for a peel
peels red beyond rover
making penult with yellow. Hits B N rover and K comes down to the S boundary
Approach S of R to hit R N of hoop
R level with Rove
makes Rover with Y going to the S boundary
roquets K to E boundary North H4
Takes off to B
roquets B to Peg B open on K
roquets Red sends red and Y to W boundary with rush to B & K
Chris plays K from where it lies.
WInd picking up.
James hies Y onto red rushing to B
ROquets B
angled hoop position
makes hoop takes off to y
peg out from about 1 and half yds success
James wins 2-0
13 Jan 2014 5:11PM (Tournament); 54 Readers
At 23 Feb 2025 10:25PM (Tournament) there are 3 people reading commentaries.