The 14th WCF AC World Championship
Trimmer v Chapman by Chris Clarke
The players are practicing. Lawn 2 is the lawn directly in front on the pavilion, so I'll have a good view of this one. Trimmer may be playing for a place in the English Mac team
16 Aug 2013 8:26AM (Tournament)
Play starts at 9.38
1. Chapman K to 10y N of C4
2. Trimmer Y Duffer just NE of hoop 6
3. Paddy U driibles at Y from end of B-Baulk...............hits, but Y finishes on the wire of penult.........he'll have to leave it there. Takes off to partner and gets a rush that he takes to 10y W of C4. Approaching h1............immaculate. Runs a very short straight h1 to partner up near 2, getting a rush. Now making h2. Is yellow in penult or rushable to h3????? Paddy looking at maybe bouncing it off the left hand wire to near h3...........he's opted not put out a h4 pioneer in order to get perfect position for the tricky rush......rushes it 7feet E of h33 and approaches well. Makes h3 and has partner just E of h6. Rushes to 4y W of h4 and takes off to 3 foot 15 degrees,........through to the boundary ........6 yard return.........hits and now has 3 ball break
16 Aug 2013 8:49AM (Tournament)
3. Paddy is on 4-b and is making a 3 ducks. I prefer a defensive spread - he can make those for me in the Mac!!
4. Pete taking some time to decide on which shot to take. Opts to go to B-Baulk..........shoots at the in-lawn ball......................restalks...................hits
16 Aug 2013 9:00AM (Tournament)
Sorry, turn numbering not working on site at present
16 Aug 2013 9:04AM (Tournament)
Pete (turn 4) has turned down the tpo and looks like he's just going to 4-b.
16 Aug 2013 9:11AM (Tournament)
Pete (turn 4) to 4-b with an NSL leaving Paddy's h1 ball near the W boundary
16 Aug 2013 9:22AM (Tournament)
Paddy lifts his h1 ball and takes the short lift..........misses
16 Aug 2013 9:26AM (Tournament)
Pete has made h1 and should have a standard tp ahead of him
16 Aug 2013 9:33AM (Tournament)
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16 Aug 2013 9:36AM (Tournament)
Pete has full control of his triple after h3
16 Aug 2013 9:37AM (Tournament)
Pete is hampered after h4.............not easy
16 Aug 2013 9:43AM (Tournament)
Opts to shoot at h5 pioneer...............hits
Now picking up break again. Should still finish
16 Aug 2013 9:48AM (Tournament)
Pete has a 4 foot 30 degree h5.......blobs.
Paddy has all the balls for a standard tp, although may opt to have partner at h2
16 Aug 2013 9:51AM (Tournament)
Paddy takes longer shot and makes h1 off partner and has all the balls
16 Aug 2013 9:54AM (Tournament)
Paddy in full control, peeling penult after h6.........hmmmm.....peelee finishes on left hand wire - that was very short peel to fail to jaws
16 Aug 2013 10:07AM (Tournament)
Paddy rushes to N boundary, sends pioneer to 2-b going to ball at 1-b............dreadful shot........strikers ball heading towards hoop............runs 1-b!!!!
16 Aug 2013 10:09AM (Tournament)
Apparently the peelee will rush peel - yes it's through and Paddy chooses to send it to 3-b to tidy up his break
16 Aug 2013 10:11AM (Tournament)
After 3-b rushes back and tries the rover peel.........fails and bounces a yard away. Straight rover peel left.
16 Aug 2013 10:14AM (Tournament)
Paddy takes the first +12tp
16 Aug 2013 10:20AM (Tournament)
Game 2
1. Pete 13y narrow supershot
2. Paddy just S of C2
3. Pete shoots at Paddy from B-Baulk................misses leaving fairly big double
4. Paddy takes double..................misses
16 Aug 2013 10:32AM (Tournament)
5. Pete rushes from C2 to spot where 5 is in the way of getting a good rush to 1, longish rush, sticks in 1 from 1yd @ 30deg
16 Aug 2013 10:39AM (Tournament)
6. Paddy misses from H2 to H3
16 Aug 2013 10:40AM (Tournament)
7. Pete completes running of 1, rushes to ball on E boundary, makes 2 with rush back to E boundary, has a break
16 Aug 2013 10:45AM (Tournament)
7. Pete to 4b, spread. K a long way N, so close to B baulk if Paddy fancies it
16 Aug 2013 11:08AM (Tournament)
8. He does, misses
16 Aug 2013 11:11AM (Tournament)
9. Pete approaches H1 from 1 ft to the side. Makes it, standard tp ahead
16 Aug 2013 11:15AM (Tournament)
Jawses penult peel after 6, approaching 1b from position worse than death. Copes
16 Aug 2013 11:34AM (Tournament)
Poor croquet stroke, has to roquet peelee back out of the jaws
16 Aug 2013 11:39AM (Tournament)
Does penult peel with death roll going to 3b, makes long angled hoop
16 Aug 2013 11:50AM (Tournament)
Finishes +26tp for 1-1
16 Aug 2013 11:52AM (Tournament)
16 Aug 2013 11:53AM (Tournament)
1. Paddy K to short supershot
2. Pete Y to C2
3. Paddy U hits Y, rolls Y out, plausible rush to 1, makes it, going round...
16 Aug 2013 12:48PM (Tournament)
Goes to 4b, Dream Leave. Don't know why he didn't have this leave in in Game 1
16 Aug 2013 12:58PM (Tournament)
4. Pete misses long shot from C3 to 2yds N of C4
16 Aug 2013 1:05PM (Tournament)
5. Paddy jawses 4b peel after 3
16 Aug 2013 1:09PM (Tournament)
Completes peel after 4, overolls after 5 sending 1b pioneer 2yds off N boundary and leaving 3yd rush on peelee.
Has to use peelee as 1b pioneer.
16 Aug 2013 1:15PM (Tournament)
Penult peel after 1b
16 Aug 2013 1:19PM (Tournament)
Straight rover peel, +26tp
Chapman 2 Trimmer 1
16 Aug 2013 1:27PM (Tournament)
1. Pete Y to supershot
2. Paddy K to 6inches S C2
3. Pete R misses K
4. Paddy U hits R in C2, cannon. R along N boundary to 2yds E of H2, K S of Y, so K to H2, rushes Y to 1, four ball break
16 Aug 2013 1:36PM (Tournament)
Paddy around to 4back with a spread.
5. Pete has shot from near the middle of the north boundary at the ball at the peg .... miss.
6. Paddy making hoop 2 off partner, but strong favourite to take the match this turn
16 Aug 2013 1:58PM (Tournament)
Paddy has the first peel after 3 - rushed back to about level with hoop 6 on the east boundary - looks in great nick
16 Aug 2013 2:03PM (Tournament)
Second peel after 6 - looked like he might have been happy in the jaws from a bit of an angle - peels by about 16 inches.
16 Aug 2013 2:08PM (Tournament)
Rolls peelee to 3back to look to have a go at rushing across for the peel after 3b.... rushes it across, leaves it very close to rover after 3b
16 Aug 2013 2:13PM (Tournament)
Straight rover peel... +26TP for a very solid win to Paddy Chapman!!
16 Aug 2013 2:17PM (Tournament)
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