NZ Open - Doubles KO
Quarters by Jarrod Coutts
Lawn 4 primarys;
Toby 4b with Y and Hemi h3 with R v Paul h5 with B and Hogan h2 with K
Bryant h4 with w and Felix h4 with p. Morrow on rover with G and Christie on h2 with B
Lawn 3
Grant 3b with R and Filbee 4b with Y
Mulliner 4b with K and Roberts h4 with B
hakes 2b with Green and Skinley h2 with B
Anthony on h4 with white and Shilling on 4b with p
17 Jan 2016 6:38PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
At 04 Dec 2024 9:18PM (Tournament) there are 9 people reading commentaries.