NZ Open - Singles KO
Hogan vs Mulliner by Jarrod Coutts
Mulliner game up (14-9).
G2, Mulliner 3 and break approaching h6 vs 1 and 4b
21 Jan 2016 2:20PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
I don't know how he got to this position, but it looks like Mulliner has a ladies leave? It's a very strange position as Hogan was positioned slightly in lawn 3y N of c1 and near c3. Hogan shoots from c3 and misses.
21 Jan 2016 2:26PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Muliner rushes the 1b peel to 3y S of h1 and takes off to ball near c1.. looks good... not quite. Roquets it on the way. Approaches h1 sending oppo to 4yN of h4
21 Jan 2016 2:27PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
doesn't take on the hoop and leaves a rush for his h1 ball. Hogan shooting from WB near 2 to ball 3y N of 4
21 Jan 2016 2:29PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
The wind has picked up and Hogan re-stalks
21 Jan 2016 2:29PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Mulliner has a 1.5y angled h2 with oppo as a reception ball. Balls to 1ft in front but possibly wired
21 Jan 2016 2:36PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
A bit more interaction between Hogan or Mulliner, Hogan has the innings. I think the clippage is Hogan 4b and 2 with the chance of a break with his h2 ball vs 2b and 2
21 Jan 2016 2:44PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Some very good croquet strokes from Hogan and he has a standard TP ahead of him
21 Jan 2016 2:47PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Hogan one peel done and in complete control. About to load 1b from c3 and a good pioneer at h6
21 Jan 2016 2:52PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
Doesn't get the peel after 6 but is still relatively in control - good 2b pioneer but it is a very tight peele 6 inches NE of penault and didn't get the rush to it after 1b. Takes the safe option and goes N or peele so I'd say the earliest we see the penault peel will be going to 4b
21 Jan 2016 2:58PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
4b pioneer is in a good position to peel towards. Approaching 3b from relatively close so might struggle to get a rush out of it
21 Jan 2016 3:02PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Hogan falls short on his croquet stroke to peele. Won't be peeling going to 4b and will have to rush peele to penault from 4-5 yards away
21 Jan 2016 3:07PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
I think Hogan tried a phostumous peel which he didn't get, will finish peg and penault vs 2b and 2 with some form of leave
21 Jan 2016 3:11PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Tough approach to rover from 1y SE - lots of hills and very brown grass around there
21 Jan 2016 3:12PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Good hoop and the leave is;
Mulliners 2b ball 2y N of h5, h2 ball roughly 12 yards S of c3
Hogans peg ball EB level with 4 and his penault ball 2y N of 5 on EB
21 Jan 2016 3:17PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Mulliner plays his 2b ball and heads to c3
21 Jan 2016 3:17PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Good shot from Mulliner, middles the lift but didn't get a good rush to 2b and will be approaching from 7y NW
21 Jan 2016 3:19PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Looks like a very good approach, 2ft 10 degrees?
21 Jan 2016 3:20PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Smoothly through and that will be the break. Will he stop at and make a crosswire giving no lift or will he peg Hogan off?
21 Jan 2016 3:20PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
It will be a peg off
21 Jan 2016 3:25PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Hogan penault alone vs peg and h2.
Mulliner laid up on eb near 4 with a rush to h2.
21 Jan 2016 3:32PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Hogan takes the long lift and looks hopeful...
21 Jan 2016 3:32PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Sails past and finishes in c4.. I'm going to see how long is left in this game
21 Jan 2016 3:33PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Morrow is doing it for me. Gives me time to focus on this lovely Monteiths instead. Happy days!
21 Jan 2016 3:35PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
I lied - I didn't see the 4th ball in the corner so Hogan wasn't pegged off. Mulliner now has an established break and is approaching h4
21 Jan 2016 3:39PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Mulliner has done something wrong as he now has a 8 yarder mid break, I think he might have clipped a hoop again? Good shot, middles it
21 Jan 2016 3:42PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Still in control at 2b so should be all over
21 Jan 2016 3:46PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
No problems and Mulliner takes the match 2-0; 14-9 26-23
21 Jan 2016 3:57PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
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