2016 Golf Croquet World Team Championship Tier 1
Final Day's Play by Will Gee
Hello from an overcast Surbiton. The first round of morning matches have already begun finishing. The New Zealanders have maintained their lead in the final this morning (now 5-3 in matches), with the singles being shared. Meanwhile, Wales and South Africa are playing to avoid relegation. Their matches have only just started- Judith took the first game against John Evans but is now trailing in the second.
21 May 2016 10:17AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
I'm going to have a go at monitoring the 3 matches from South Africa/Wales, whilst concentrating more on the NZ Egy doubles
21 May 2016 10:19AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Scrap that--- the doubles has just finished. Hami ran a good 11 to seal the second 7-4. This puts the final at NZ 5-4 Egypt
21 May 2016 10:20AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
The Wales / SA match is quite finely poised at the moment. 3-3 in matches over all in the test. Reg and Victor are leading 2-0 in the first game of the doubles, but with red in the jaws of 3 and blue near hoop 1, it looks set to be 2-2 soon.
21 May 2016 10:25AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Meanwhile, John is leading Judith 6-2 in the second singles game, so will likely be going to a third game.
21 May 2016 10:25AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
I'm sat watching Burridge vs Louw. It's been a bit of a slow start. Burridge rush peeled William through Hoop 1, and a long battle in front of hoop 2 seems to be going William's way
21 May 2016 10:27AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Erm- I looked away for a moment from Reg's doubles game to hear loud applause. Somehow he's turned things around, jumped the hoop and SA are now 3-0 up and in command of 4
21 May 2016 10:29AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
John has beaten Judith in the second 7-2, taking that match to the third
21 May 2016 10:29AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
A few good clearances by Ian Burridge has brought him back into Hoop 2.
21 May 2016 10:30AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
But an underhit position shot by Ian has now put him back into hot water
21 May 2016 10:30AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Ian tries a block but fails. William runs a smooth Hoop 2, to take the game to William 2-0 Ian
21 May 2016 10:32AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Score: First Game
William Louw (SA) 2 - 0 Ian Burridge (Wal)
21 May 2016 10:33AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Both William and Ian took positions at 3. Ian clears William, who misses the return clearance. Ian has a 1 yarder for Hoop 3
21 May 2016 10:35AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Ian runs by a couple of yards
21 May 2016 10:35AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Score: First Game
William Louw (SA) 2 - 1 Ian Burridge (Wal)
21 May 2016 10:35AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
William runs another smooth hoop after a missed clearance by Ian at 4
21 May 2016 10:37AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Score: First Game
William Louw (SA) 3 - 1 Ian Burridge (Wal)
21 May 2016 10:37AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Good first position by Ian was gently cleared by William. Second ball in is also good, but probably not wired
21 May 2016 10:38AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
A second very good, gentle clearance by William has given him command of Hoop 5. Both Ian's balls were cleared 4 yards, with William's second ball bouncing off Hoop 5 to 6inches to the side
21 May 2016 10:39AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Ian plays another good position, hiding from clearance behind William's other ball
21 May 2016 10:39AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
William plays in, but bounces off the hoop to very angled position
21 May 2016 10:39AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Clearance by Ian takes William's Red ball to Corner 4, with Ian's Black 1 foot in front of 5
21 May 2016 10:40AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Doubles Update
Score: First Game
(SA) 4 - 0 (Wal)
21 May 2016 10:40AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Another cracking clearance by William nudges Ian a few yards past 5. He's more fortunate with the richochet this time, and red ends up just out side the jaws
21 May 2016 10:41AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Ian takes two goes at the clearance, the second seeming to hill off just before contact.
21 May 2016 10:42AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
With both Ian's balls on the E and W boundaries, William tries to better the jaws
21 May 2016 10:42AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Ian attempts a clear. Good pace, just off from perfect line. Doesn't budge William out
21 May 2016 10:43AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
William puts his second 1 foot in front of 5, as Ian is lining up a second clearance from West of H1
21 May 2016 10:44AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Misses to Eastern penalty spot
21 May 2016 10:44AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
William runs 5 from the jaws to 3 yards in front of 6
21 May 2016 10:44AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Score: First Game
William Louw (SA) 4 - 1 Ian Burridge (Wal)
21 May 2016 10:44AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Sorry sorry
21 May 2016 10:50AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Internet issues. Now tethering.
21 May 2016 10:50AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Ian ran 6, but then blobbed a shortish 7. William then took a lot of wire on his hoop 7 (tight hoop?) to end up a few inches through.
21 May 2016 10:51AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Score: First Game
William Louw (SA) 5 - 2 Ian Burridge (Wal)
21 May 2016 10:51AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Meanwhile in the doubles, Wales took their first hoop at hoop5, only to be jumped by Victor at 6. It looks like SA got hoop 7 too, so South Africa has a commanding lead in game 1 of the doubles
21 May 2016 10:52AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
2 good positions by Ian, a missed clearance by William and a very hampered approach by William's second ball has given Ian an angled 1 yarder at 8
21 May 2016 10:53AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
He runs by 1 yard
21 May 2016 10:53AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Score: First Game
William Louw (SA) 5 - 3 Ian Burridge (Wal)
21 May 2016 10:54AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Williams first approach is short, second approach is long. Ian's first is bang in front, but his second rolls a yard further giving angled position
21 May 2016 10:54AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
William misses a 2 yarder clearance, allowing Ian a hoop shot at 9 from 1 yard
21 May 2016 10:55AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
South Africa took the first Doubles game 7-1
21 May 2016 10:55AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Ian runs 9 to about halfway
21 May 2016 10:55AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Score: First Game
William Louw (SA) 5 - 4 Ian Burridge (Wal)
21 May 2016 10:55AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
William's first approach sneaks past the hoop. Ian plays close to the hoop, maybe half blocked by the wire. William's second ball in is cleared at distance by Ian
21 May 2016 10:57AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Another internet issue. Ian gets hoop 10
21 May 2016 11:03AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Score: First Game
William Louw (SA) 5 - 5 Ian Burridge (Wal)
21 May 2016 11:03AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
William's first approach was shot at by Ian. Ian snicked the left edge taking Ian's ball to peg and nudging William out of position.
21 May 2016 11:04AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
William's second ball was good, and was also shot at. Ian's blue missed to West boundary.
21 May 2016 11:05AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
William lags his ball back into position. A solid clearance by black clears yellow, but black disappears to corner 3
21 May 2016 11:05AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
William lags yellow back in. Gets tangled up with red. Looks like William's red doesn't have much on, and Ian lags blue into decent position. Red can't clear blue it seems
21 May 2016 11:06AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
William's red doesn't seem to have any option other than blocking blue's hoop run. Ian is lining up clearance on yellow---good chance for a double clearance
21 May 2016 11:07AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Good double clearance. Yellow scattered toward peg (doesn't seem wired from blue). Similarly, red goes toward peg
21 May 2016 11:08AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Yellow puts in a very good block 6-12inches from 11
21 May 2016 11:08AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Ian's pondering whether to jump or clear. With his record in clearing balls near hoops this tournament, the clearance has got to be a little nervy
21 May 2016 11:09AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Maybe wasn't blocking. In off attempt centres yellow to hoop 4, but fails to find the jaws. Looks like red is mostly open after red goes to tight position
21 May 2016 11:10AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
black lags in
21 May 2016 11:10AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
yellow lags in
21 May 2016 11:10AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
good clearance by Ian's blue takes red to north boundary
21 May 2016 11:11AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
big shot in the context of relegation here....
21 May 2016 11:11AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
red slides down the left hand side of black. Black's lining up the shot
21 May 2016 11:11AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Ian runs black straight through, to the south boundary
21 May 2016 11:12AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Score: First Game
William Louw (SA) 5 - 6 Ian Burridge (Wal)
21 May 2016 11:12AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
SA leading the second doubles game 2-0. Reports are that Judith is leading John, and is currently sat in the jaws of 7
21 May 2016 11:13AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
William's yellow 4 yards in front of 12. Ian's blue angled 1 yard from 12. Red gets cracking position at 12, 1 yard in front. I doubt Ian's black can see very much of yellow or red...
21 May 2016 11:14AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
....black aiming at something
21 May 2016 11:14AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
crashes into the back of the hoop, and bounces off eastward, pass the penalty point
21 May 2016 11:15AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
yellow clears blue to south boundary. looks like it should be wired from Red
21 May 2016 11:15AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
seems not. Blue scatter red to hoop 3, blue bounces to hoop 2
21 May 2016 11:16AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
SA doubles are in control of 3
21 May 2016 11:16AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Red decent position. Black attempts close position, drifts inches to the side of hoop. Yellow fails to get hoop running position
21 May 2016 11:17AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
big 20 yarder for blue now....
21 May 2016 11:17AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
watching it.....
21 May 2016 11:17AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
centres it! even bashes red into yellow. Red on South boundary, blue and yellow scattered toward 4
21 May 2016 11:18AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
red takes cannon fodder position in front of 12.... a good stop would be decisive here
21 May 2016 11:18AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
centre ball-ish, but not enough stop to hold for a hoop running position. Yellow lags in
21 May 2016 11:18AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
blue gets good close position. Black is maybe 5 yards from yelllow
21 May 2016 11:19AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
very good block from distance by red blocks black's clearance at yellow. Quite straight and near to yellow though, so double clearance quite likely...
21 May 2016 11:19AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
snicks red to unrunnable position but yellow is unharmed.
21 May 2016 11:20AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
yellow declines hoop in favour of a stunning stopshot (pun intended)
21 May 2016 11:20AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
blue lags back in and hides from red behind the hoop / yellow
21 May 2016 11:21AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
don't think red has blocked black's clearance here.... shooting from west boundary level with H1
21 May 2016 11:21AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
misses to just south of Eastern penalty point
21 May 2016 11:22AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Yellow runs to south boundary
21 May 2016 11:22AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Score: First Game
William Louw (SA) 6-6 Ian Burridge (Wal)
21 May 2016 11:22AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Good first position by blue at 13.
21 May 2016 11:23AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
William's position with red hills
21 May 2016 11:23AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
magnificent position by Ian's second ball at 13. Blue has the option of clearing or running the hoop here....
21 May 2016 11:24AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
yellow's clearance just misses. Blue takes on the clearance. With half the lawn available to wire behind the hoop, looks like it's actually the blue ball itself that's protecting black
21 May 2016 11:25AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
red misses closely to C3
21 May 2016 11:26AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Ian's not liking this hoop shot somehow. Look's quite straightforward
21 May 2016 11:27AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Big swing takes an awful lot of wire.
21 May 2016 11:27AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
but ends up what seems like 3/4 through
21 May 2016 11:28AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
speculative jump shot from 7 yards coming up....
21 May 2016 11:28AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
not a bad effort- bounces nicely. Crashes into hoop and knocks black through
21 May 2016 11:28AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
21 May 2016 11:28AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
In the rest of Wales SA-
SA lead the doubles 1 game to 0, and are 2-1 up in the second.
21 May 2016 11:33AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
John has recovered game 3 to 5-5 in what could prove to be a very important game
21 May 2016 11:33AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
I'm going to take the opportunity to eat and get some charge into my laptop. Will probably be back with Egy vs NZ
21 May 2016 11:34AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Back from Lunch. Switching over to a new commentary for the afternoon play
21 May 2016 12:06PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
At 11 Mar 2025 7:34PM (Tournament) there are 12 people reading commentaries.