Aust AC Singles
Aus Open Final - Sharpe v. Clarke - Game 4 by Kevin Beard
Jenny leads 2 games to 1 in this best of 5 match.
The 4th game begins with Jenny playing first with Black and Blue. She plays Blue to EB 1 yard N of H4. Alison puts Yellow in tice position on WB just N of H5. Jenny fires at partner with Black from C3 into C4. Alison hits partner with Red.
25 Nov 2018 1:39PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Alison makes H1 with Red off Black. She fails to get in front of H2 after a long hoop approach with partner. Jenny fires with Black from near H3 at Blue near H4 and misses into C4.
25 Nov 2018 1:43PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Alison plays Red and sets the lawn with Black near H1, Blue near C2 and her balls on N boundary near H3. She has set up a rush with Yellow to corner 2. Jenny plays Black from H1 to C4.
25 Nov 2018 1:47PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Alison plays Yellow and rushes Red well to near C2, but fails to get good position for a rush on Blue to H1. Rushes Blue to near H4, takes off to Black and stop shots Black to near H1. Yellow is then retired to C2 near Red. Jenny firs Black at Blue but misses.
25 Nov 2018 1:53PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Alison goes round the world with Yellow but, fails to get in front of H1 using Blue and retires to partner near H2. Jenny misses 12 yarder at Black to EB peg high. Alison is off around the world again, but this time is on her way making H1 off Black with Blue loaded at H2.
25 Nov 2018 1:59PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
Nice clean break from Alison. Neat Diagonal leave with Black 5 yards in from WB just S of H6, Blue wired at Peg with no backswing on Alison's balls on EB.
25 Nov 2018 2:30PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Jenny lifted Black and missed Red, going out 2-3 yards past Red. Alison turned on Black, but couldn't get a break going. Left Blue 5 yards from H2 (Red's hoop), Black near H3 and Red and Yellow quite close together near boundary S of H4. Jenny fired at Alison's balls with Black and missed.
25 Nov 2018 2:32PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Alison gets break going with Red making H2 off Blue. Attempts peel on Yellow after H3 and gets it in the jaws. After H4 she rushes Black back up the lawn and is able to rush-peel Yellow through 4-back. Does a thick takeoff pushing Yellow 3 yards W of H3. Runs H5 but is hampered on Blue about 3 yards away. Misses.
25 Nov 2018 2:38PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Jenny hits Red with Blue, loads the lawn and runs H1 with Blue with a reception ball, a ball at H2 and a ball at H3. Looks good.
25 Nov 2018 2:41PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Jenny in a break. Alison on H6 with Red and H11 with Yellow. Jenny attempts to peel Yellow after H6 unsuccessfully but it bounces back a little. After 1-back, Jenny attempts a rush peel of Yellow. Once again it bounces back to peeling position. She successfully peels Yellow with a death roll to Black near H8. Not much danger.
25 Nov 2018 2:53PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Attempts unsuccessful Rover peel on Yellow before 3-back. Leaves yellow near Rover. Makes 3-back, loads Red to penult, leaves Yellow 1 yard in front of rover while taking off to Black at 4-back.
25 Nov 2018 2:55PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
After 4-back, moves Yellow to 1 foot in front of Rover and takes off back to Red at penult. Runs Penult, loads Red deep behind Rover, followed by Irish peel of Yellow at Rover. Pegs off Yellow leaving partner ball (Black) peg-high on EB and Blue in C1. Good turn.
25 Nov 2018 3:04PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Jenny has Black on H1 and Blue on Peg. Alison has Red for H6 and Yellow in the box.
25 Nov 2018 3:08PM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Alison takes contact from Black and lags towards H6, failing to get running position. Lags closer to angled position. Jenny fires with Black at Blue, misses and leaved both touching in C1. Alison runs H6 nicely and retires to C3.
25 Nov 2018 3:13PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Jenny manoeuvres around near H1 and Alison moves Red to EB near H4. Jenny makes H1 and wires both balls from Red through H5. No rush to H2.
25 Nov 2018 3:17PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Alison to 2 yards N of Peg near EB. Jenny sets tight rush to H2 for Black wired from Red through the Peg. Alison moves Red to EB near H3 (I'm not sure of the benefit of this - also it is not risk free). Jenny rushes to H2, makes it and rushes Blue to middle of court. Jenny then accidentally puts Blue out while trying to get Blue close to C4. Black is left 10 yards into the court.
25 Nov 2018 3:29PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
Alison fires Red at Blue in C4 and misses. Jenny moves Red to near H1 and sets up near H3 (her next hoop fro Black). Jenny makes H3 in one turn, then H4 in next turn while Alison stays away. Jenny has balls 2 yards apart on EB near H4 after making H4. Alison fires at Black and misses. Jenny plays the Peg ball (Blue) and sends Red near H2 and retires to near H4.
Jenny for H5 with Black and for Peg with Blue. Alison for H7 with Red and Yellow is in the box.
25 Nov 2018 3:37PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Alison stays on WB and Jenny sets wired rush to H5 with Black near EB.
25 Nov 2018 3:42PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Cat and Mouse for a few turns. Jenny didn't consider the initial rush good enough and is continually resetting while Alison moves up and down the WB.
25 Nov 2018 3:44PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Jenny makes H5 and retires back to EB, wired. Alison mixes things up by going to EB about 20 yards from Jenny's balls. A few more turns and then Jenny takes the plunge and takes a 3 yard rush on partner towards H6. Alison's Red was on EB between Peg and H4 - maybe Jenny took the rush because Alison would be firing into her break if Jenny's turn went awry. Jeanny has an angled H6 and gets through by a few inches. She misses the 5 yard hampered shot at Blue to end on the N border on front of 1-back.
25 Nov 2018 4:06PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
Both players are for 1-back. This time Alison decides to take the plunge. She fires at Blue and misses, ending 3 yards W of Black. Jenny rushes red to C2 and plays a lovely croquet stroke loading H8 with red and getting an almost perfect rush on Blue to H7.
25 Nov 2018 4:10PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
No drama at H7, but Jenny has a hampered shot at Red after H8. Makes it. Loads Red to H10 and then sticks in H9 with partner. Now there is some drama! Alison has a bit of a double, misses front ball (Blue) and hits the hoop, bouncing off half way to A-baulk. The referee rules that Black moved as a result of Red hitting the hoop and awards Jenny a lift with Black.
25 Nov 2018 4:19PM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Jenny takes the lift, makes H9 and H10 with Black. She runs H11 to the Peg and hits Red near Rover leaving partner behind at Penult. Makes Rover off Red and then misses 8 yard return roquet on Red to N border level with H7.
25 Nov 2018 4:25PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Alison takes her lift with Red and hits Black to C2. Load Black to H8 too deep and doesn't get a rush on Blue to he H7 hoop. Rolls in but doesn't get running position and Blue's position means the best she can do is take 6 yard position on the hoop. Jenny fires at Peg with Blue, missing to EB level with H4.
25 Nov 2018 4:29PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
Alison lags for hoop position but gets too close and angled. Jenny lags with Black towards Blue giving a 3-4 yard angled rush towards the Peg. Alison can't see these balls and so takes better position.
25 Nov 2018 4:32PM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Jenny misses peg out with front ball and pegs out second ball. Alison runs H7, and lags near H8. Jenny lags closer to the Peg. Alison fires at Jenny's ball, but misses. Jenny pegs out to win her second Australian Open Singles Championship.
25 Nov 2018 4:43PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
Congratulations to Jenny and to Alison for a great, competitive final.
Jenny also won the Doubles with Trevor Bassett to complete an impressive tournament.
Over and out.
25 Nov 2018 4:47PM (Tournament); 16 Readers
At 31 Jan 2025 1:54AM (Tournament) there are 10 people reading commentaries.