CNZ SI AC Champs
Formats and other information by Chris Clarke
2018 SI AC Champs Welcome
Dear All,
Many thanks for entering the 2018 SI AC Championships. This email is designed to let you know what to expect for each of the croquet events as well as food and social activities.
Doubles – Wed/Thurs
We have 9 pairs. The format will be a 6-round strict swiss with 3hour time limits. This means that 6 pairs will have 5 games and 3 pairs will have 6 games over the two days. In the event of a tie, the winner will be the pair with the best sum of opponents wins.
The first round bye will be Kathie Grant and John Hearnshaw who may have a late start and arrive by 10.30am.
4+ Singles
We have 8 entries. The entire event will be hosted by Holmes Park Croquet Club
The Holmes Park Croquet Club is found down a pathway off English Street which runs between Yaldhurst Rd and the Main South Road near the Riccarton Road corner. The pathway is alongside a drive leading to a small townhouse development. Holmes Park relaid their lawns a couple of seasons ago and when I visited earlier this year, they were in the best condition I have ever seen them, so I hope you enjoy playing there. They have two lawns, so all games will be double banked.
The format will a block followed by play-offs between 1st and 2nd for 1st place, 3rd and 4th for 3rd place, 5th and 6th for 5th place and 7th and 8th for 7th place. Block games will have 3 hour time limits and the play-off games will have 3.5 hour time limits. You will all play 3 games on Friday and Saturday, then two games on Sunday with an expected finish time of 3.30pm. We hope that you will then be able to join the remaining players at United (about an 11 minute drive) for the presentation. If any of you require lifts from United to Holmes Park before play each day, we can probably arrange these if you let me know beforehand.
0-3.5 Singles
We have 9 entries. The entire event will be played at United Croquet Club.
The format will be an American Block. This gives 9 rounds and each player will have one bye. Each day will comprise three 2.75 hour games meaning that you are likely to be finished about 5.30pm on Sunday.
If any of the players travelling from afar would like the first round bye, please let me know and you will be able to arrive at 11am on Friday, otherwise I will randomly assign it in about a week and advise the relevant player. Equally, if anyone would like the final round bye to be able to get away early, please let me know.
Open Singles
We have 12 entries. The entire event will be played at United Croquet Club. Play will start with two seeded blocks of 6 players. After the blocks are complete, the bottom 4 players in each block will go into the Plate. This will comprise two blocks of four players. The winners of the two Plate blocks will play for the Plate final. Those finishing 2nd to 4th in the Plate blocks may opt to play a 9th game or simply sit back and watch the finals.
The top two in each block will go into best of 3 semi-finals with time limits of 3/5.5/8. I would like to make as much progress with the semi-finals on Saturday as possible. Time limits for 3rd/4th and the final will be dependent on the time taken to complete the semis.
Entries and blocks for all events can be found at
Lunches, clubhouse fee and social functions
Lunches will be available at United in the form of a sandwich/filled roll for $5 which you can order before play each day. I will get back in touch with the 4+ players regarding what will be provided at Holmes Park once their contact is back from Nepal!!
A clubhouse fee of $5 per day will be payable by all players. For this, liquid refreshments will be available throughout the day plus a light morning tea and a nice afternoon tea.
On Saturday, after play, there will be a social function at United, which is likely to be in the form of a BBQ. Further details relating to this will be sent prior to the start of the event. All players from all events plus helpers, hosts, partners and volunteers are welcome.
If you have any queries, please let me know.
Chris Clarke (Manager)
03 3855957
02 Dec 2018 7:36PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
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