CNZ AC Open Championship
Game 2 summary by Hamish McIntosh
We had some technical difficulties there sorry. To sum that up...
13 Jan 2019 2:37PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Bryant pegged Freeth off with two peels. Freeth did some cornering before Greg dug out a 3ball break. This continued until he ran into a ball between 2b and 3b when loading 3b. Played defensive approach and made 2b but had to corner, Freeth ran 8 yard 30 degree hoop 4 for a 2ball break. Was unlucky to not get forward rush out of 1b and ended up approaching 3b from corner 3 with a ball at 4b. Freeth failed a 5y 3b giving Greg a chance to finish. Greg then missed a 5yarder after 4b trying to mid-pace it to penult. This gave Josh a chance at a finish but ended up with no rush after 3b and then played a reasonably large roll loading penult going to a ball 4y yards NW of peg. Freeth tried a very fine cut but missed the ball completely. Greg hit and approached penult from north boundary and made rover off oppo but failed to get a rush back to partner. With 1min on the clock Greg pegged one ball off and Freeth missed a 20 yarder allowing Greg the win 26-22
13 Jan 2019 2:56PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
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