USCA AC Nationals
Championship Singles Final by Jeff Soo
Zack Watson vs. Stephen Morgan
Game 1
Watson opened with a Supershot ball nearly peg high. Morgan played just outside IV. Watson missed, Morgan hit. Break to 4b. Attempt at a Spread left the opponent balls open on each other; Morgan sent his balls off about 5 and 10 yards north of IV.
Watson made a double from outside III, missed into IV. Morgan missed the 5-yarder at Watson's ball. Watson went round and made a Spread, leaving Morgan's backward ball tight to the peg, unrushable to 1.
Morgan lifted that ball and took the long shot down the east boundary, hitting. Coped with some interesting ball positions while making 6 and 1b, back on track with a death roll to 3b. Straight rover peel from inside a foot. Barely snicked the peg from about 3 yards.
Morgan +17tp
30 Mar 2019 10:25AM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Game 2
Morgan opened about 12 yards north of IV, Watson to just outside II. Morgan shot down the east boundary, missing into IV. Watson shot at his ball in II, missing. Morgan hit back up the line. Failed to approach 1, Watson to IV. Morgan rolled from IV to good position at 1, scored it, rolled to the ball a couple of yards inside II, stopping a few inches from the boundary. Reverse take-off from the boundary north of 2 came just short, and Morgan returned to partner in IV.
Watson took on the 35-yard double, hitting. Round to 4b with a tidy Spread. Morgan missed the long shot into IV. First peel before 6. Made 2b off partner, rushed to 2-yard peeling position and got the second peel before 3b.
30 Mar 2019 10:31AM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Straight peel from around a foot, striker's ball just scoring the hoop; no problem thanks to a properly-positioned escape ball.
Watson +25tp, match tied 1-all.
30 Mar 2019 10:56AM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Game 3
Watson to 8 yards north of IV, Morgan just outside II. Watson shot at partner, missing by a few inches to the right. Morgan made a double from b-baulk, missed. Watson made 1, rolled to 3 and the ball in II (almost identical to Morgan's shot in game 2, again ending just inches from the boundary). Took off to angled position at 2, played a hard flat stroke, ball finishing in the jaws but only slightly through. Morgan took the 22-yard shot at partner near 3, hitting center ball. Took off to the opponent ball 6 yards north of IV, rolled to 1 but came up well short. Joined partner about 7 yards south of III.
30 Mar 2019 11:21AM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Watson played U (the ball Morgan had left near 1) to IV. Morgan cut to the middle of the north boundary and rolled to the ball (K) in 2. Had an angled shot of nearly 3 yards at a very small target, hit it perfectly and rushed K nearly to I. Good roll to position and R is underway with a three-ball break.
30 Mar 2019 11:25AM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Morgan to 4b with a Spread. K (for 2) just west of the 1-2 line, U (for 1) at the peg. K has an eight-yard quarter-ball target at U.
30 Mar 2019 11:44AM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Watson declined the lift and shot K at R and Y, something of a double, missing.
30 Mar 2019 11:46AM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Morgan has an immediate four-ball break to complete his second singles-doubles sweep at this tournament.
30 Mar 2019 11:50AM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Put out a short pivot for use in sending R to peeling position after 2. Sent it a little too long, and it will be a delayed triple attempt.
30 Mar 2019 11:58AM (Tournament); 2 Readers
A mix of excellent and mediocre croquet strokes gave Morgan a jawsed R at 4b and a five-footer at 6. Ran it smoothly and back on track.
30 Mar 2019 12:07PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Excellent stroke to peel penult 10 yards through and to get a dolly rush on the escape ball to 4b.
30 Mar 2019 12:16PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Morgan's attempt to tidy up R after 4b was not especially productive. R is still 4 yards north of rover as Morgan approaches penult.
30 Mar 2019 12:18PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
Copes with a short angled shot at penult, luckily finishing with a downcourt rush.
30 Mar 2019 12:19PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Rushes R to about 6" straight position.
30 Mar 2019 12:21PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Nearly straight.
30 Mar 2019 12:21PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Morgan +25tp and 2-1 for the match and championship.
30 Mar 2019 12:25PM (Tournament); 2 Readers
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