CNZ Arthur Ross Memorial Event
Player Information by Ngaire McKenzie
Welcome to the Arthur Ross Memorial Handicap Singles There are 11 players divided into 2 blocks. There will be 5 rounds then a play off. Time limit 3 hours. 3 games Friday,Saturday 2 games Sunday.Double banking as required.Report time 8.15am for 8.30am start.Warm up available from 8am. Practice available at Leith 3-5pm Thursday 27 February.
Club House Fee $5 includes Morning & Afternoon teas. Lunch can be ordered for $10. Social dinner at Rope & Twine Saturday 29 February.
25 Feb 2020 2:35PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
At 04 Dec 2024 9:35PM (Tournament) there are 9 people reading commentaries.