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CNZ Terminator Mallet U21 GC Championship
Players Welcome Note by Tom Berryman
CNZ U21 GC Championship
Welcome Notes by Tom Berryman – V2
Thank you for entering the 2024 CNZ U21 GC Championship. All play will be at Waimarie HV only. Below you will find details of the formats and timings for the events and other matters of relevance. If you have any queries please e-mail me at [email protected] or phone 04 2368877 or mobile 022 469 0309.
Doubles: (Friday 29 – Saturday 30 March)
Play starts at 8.30am each day. Please be on deck by 8.00am on day 1 for Opening Remarks, etc, 8.15am on day 2.
We have 6 pairs and will play the event as a single block and as a double round robin. On day 1 we will play 3 rounds before lunch. After lunch we will complete the first round-robin and play the first game of the second round-robin. On day 2 we will again play 3 rounds before lunch. After lunch we will play the last round and then have single game positional play-offs. (1 v 2, 3 v 4, 5 v 6).
At the conclusion of the Doubles and presentations, Greg Bryant will run a coaching session as a lead-in to Singles play commencing on Sunday. The Waimarie HV Club is planning to have a BBQ when the coaching session completes at around 4pm for those who would like a nibble. See further details under Catering below.
Singles: (Sunday 31 March – Tuesday 2 April)
Play starts at 8.30am on Sunday. Please be on deck by 8.00am on day 1 for Opening Remarks, etc. Play start times on subsequent days may also be 8.30am but could be 8am, if necessary to keep play on schedule.
We have 11 players for the singles and our initial plan, to ensure full tournament play for all participants, is to play this event as a single block and as a double round robin. However, this will require 22 rounds of play across the three days, 7 or 8 rounds per day, and circumstances may make this goal unattainable. At the conclusion of the first round robin we will re-evaluate the plan and if necessary introduce an alternative means of achieving a timely and satisfactory conclusion to the event.
If possible we would like four rounds played before the lunchbreak each day. Should your ordered lunch arrive mid-game you may agree to stop play and eat your lunch before continuing. This will be a useful time-saver.
Starting of Games
Players are to toss for who starts the game in both the first and second round robins.
The Draws
The doubles and singles blocks have been entered on croquetscores.com with teams and players ordered by their Dgrade rankings as at 7 March. A copy of the draws and their order of play will be copied to players in a day or two.
Details regarding order of play and other relevant information, including this welcome e-mail will also be posted in the commentary section of the CNZ U21 GC Championship on croquetscores.com. Please check this section for updates.
Double-banking and time limits
Generally, there will be no double-banking. However, if during the singles there is a need to take a court out of play for maintenance reasons then some games may be double-banked as a consequence. Both doubles and singles games will be untimed. Time limits will only be applied should delays place tournament completion at risk.
Practice Sessions
Waimarie courts will be available from 2pm – 4pm on Thursday, 28 March. The practice session will use the current hoop holes and not the tournament hoop positions.
All players are also entitled to 5 minutes practice prior to their first game of each day. During this time, hoops may be run, but only with strokes that would send the ball no further than 7 yards if the hoop was run cleanly.
There will be a Clubhouse fee of $5 per playing day for all players. Please pay this to the nominated person on the first day you are present. Morning and afternoon tea will be included in this. Should your non-playing supporters, parents or caregivers also wish to have refreshments during the day e.g. a cup of tea and a cake then we would appreciate their payment of the $5 clubhouse fee also.
Tea breaks should be taken after the second game of each morning and afternoon session. Please keep these brief, particularly if your next opponent is available to play.
Lunches will be available. This will comprise toasted sandwiches with fresh seasonal fruit. The cost will be $6 per sandwich with a piece of fruit. The catering team will take your order prior to play start each morning and will deliver it to you at your nominated time.
On Saturday afternoon at the conclusion of Greg’s coaching session, the Club will have a BBQ for players and their supporters. The cost will be $15 per head. The menu will comprise salads, sausages, meat patties, meat/chicken kebabs with dessert to follow. Juice, tea and coffee will also be available. BYO softdrinks but please no alcohol. On Friday, players and supporters will be asked to confirm their attendance and make payment so that catering supplies can be purchased.
Tournament Referee is Wayne Gair. Other referees will be available on call.
Appeals Committee
The Appeals Committee members will be Greg Bryant, Ross Bisley (Waimarie HV President) and the Tournament Referee.
Greg Bryant with a team of volunteers will be video streaming action on courts 1 and 2. As the tournament proceeds with the second round robin, we may change the order of play for each event so that we can have games played on those courts that are likely to decide the final placings.
Consent for Image Capture
Would you please consult with your parent/care-giver to confirm whether there is any objection to your image being captured in this way. Your parent/care-giver should advise Croquet NZ if you are to be excluded from image capture. We will then organise play or the video-stream accordingly.
Kind Regards,
Tom Berryman
15 Mar 2024 6:06PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
At 30 Mar 2025 2:28AM (Tournament) there are 0 people reading commentaries.