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CNZ Terminator Mallet U21 GC Championship
Update to Players Welcome Note by Tom Berryman
In discussion with Greg Bryant we have the following tweaks to information contained in the players Welcome Note sent to you earlier.
Doubles Format.
We have now decided that at the conclusion of the Doubles double round robin, we will not have single game positional play-offs. The winner will be determined from the results of the double round robin. If necessary we will break a tie via a further game.
Double Banking and Time Limits
The following words are added to this section.
“If an otherwise untimed game has had a time limit imposed then if at the completion of this time period the scores are tied then there will be two full rotations of the four balls. A player scoring their 7th point during this period, or otherwise ahead on points at the end of this period, will be the winner. If the scores remain tied at the end of this period, then the next hoop in order will be contested to determine the winner.”
15 Mar 2024 6:03PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
At 30 Mar 2025 2:28AM (Tournament) there are 0 people reading commentaries.