CNZ Third GC Invitation
Tournament briefing by Beverley Prankerd
On behalf of Croquet South Taranaki, the Hawera Croquet Club congratulates you on your selection to play in the CNZ Tier 3 Invitation event and welcomes you to South Taranaki.
Date: Friday 22nd November – Sunday 24th November
Venue: Hawera Croquet Lawns, 71 Albion St, Hawera. Behind the Community centre.
Pre-tournament practice: The lawns will be available for practice from 5.30pm – 7pm on Thursday 21st.
Reporting time: Friday 8.15am for welcome and tournament briefing. Play to start after a 5min warm up.
On Saturday and Sunday reporting time is 8.20am with a 5min warm up before play starts at 8.30am.
Parking: Beside the lawns. Alternative parking is at the Community centre car park.
Tournament format: Single round robin. Best of 3. No time limit. If the weather is an issue the tournament manager
reserves the right to alter the format.
Rankings: will be on the most current available.
Double banking: There will be double banking so please remember your markers.
Lawn allocation: This will be done by the tournament manager. These may be altered if necessary.
Club house fees: $5 per day which includes morning and afternoon teas. Cold water and hot drinks available all day.
Payable at start of play.
Lunch: If you would like us to get bread rolls etc for you please contact Beverley with your requirements before play
starts in the morning.
Appeals committee: will be available
Weather: Hawera can have 4 seasons in a day so please bring appropriate wet weather gear and sun hats.
Dinner: You are invited to attend dinner on Saturday night at the South Taranaki club, 43 Caledonia St, Hawera
from 7pm (depending on when play finishes). Numbers attending will be required by Friday lunchtime.
Menu available to see on Friday.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks.
Beverley Prankerd
[email protected]
09 Nov 2024 7:26PM (Tournament); 13 Readers
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