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11th WCF Golf Croquet World Championship
Rotorua, Day 4 by Jenny Clarke
Hello world. I'm in Rotorua today for Day 4 of qualifying.
10 Feb 2015 12:01PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
There is an absolutely beautiful building in front of me, and 5 croquet lawns full of players.
10 Feb 2015 12:02PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
Today we have the 1s v the 2s in the blocks, and the start of the big mini-block between 3,4,5,6, which will be critical for qualification places.
Unfortunately the scoreboards here have absolutely minute numbers - and there's often people standing in front of them, so it's a bit hard to tell what's going on.
10 Feb 2015 12:05PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
The lawns. Are slow. Very slow if you're hitting across the grain of the really long grass (it's mowed pretty well, but there's enormously long bits of grass lying down - I did see some of this at an earlier venue, Katikati, I think, but that was outside the lawns - this covers about 70% of lawn 1).
10 Feb 2015 12:06PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
They're also not very flat. My back was aching by 10.30 and my wrist wants a break. One more match to play here in the afternoon then I'm outta here.
My first match - v Ahmed El Mahdi. It's a priviledge to play the Egyptians - they're really nice and play a great style of game.
Despite a lead of 5-4 in game 1, a shot at hoop 12 for 6-6, and chances for a slim lead in game 2, Mahdi played better,and won in straight games. The power required to clear Egyptians sufficiently far on very slow lawns is significant, and Mahdi's shooting was excellent - right from the 15 yard hoop 2 at the start of game 1. It was fun though. Think I need to go and play in the Egyptian Open sometime soon.
10 Feb 2015 12:13PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
As i write, Reg is finishing off game 1 against Mohamed Karem, with a 6-2 lead, I'll stop chatting with Omar and will do a full commentary on game 2.
10 Feb 2015 12:14PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
Rachel Rowe (4 wins) had a critical game against Aussie hitter Chris McWhirter (3 wins). She looked to be doing pretty well, but her more gentle strokes were hilling badly, and her wrists didn't enjoy the big clearances which are also required against someone with Chris's accuracy. Chris wasn't shooting as well as yesterday, but managed to get up and win the 13th hoop in game 3.
10 Feb 2015 12:16PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
In another crucial block E game, Omar Fahmy beat Terry Ericson in straight games. Terry is another soft hitter who will not do well in these conditions.
10 Feb 2015 12:16PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
Round 2 is presently on, where we have the pleasure of the company of the likes of Josh Freeth, Reg Bamford, Hamish McIntosh, JP Moberly and Mohamed Karem.
10 Feb 2015 12:18PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Quick check around the lawns... Reg is giving nothing away against Karem - he is 6-2 up and hitting from everywhere - including a half-ball clearance from half the lawn away. He looks calm and focussed. I'm inclined to believe my expert commentator here who predicts Ahmed Nasr as the only person with any chance of beating Reg. Nasr has a very aggressive style, which is needed against Reg's precision.
10 Feb 2015 12:23PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
JP Moberly is playing Judy Wembridge on lawn 1. He's on 3 wins and has a good chance of forcing a playoff. It looks like JP is 3-1 up.
10 Feb 2015 12:26PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Hamish is game up against Hisham Yassin in their block C match.
10 Feb 2015 12:27PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Josh Freeth is playing Ann Quinn - I can't see the scoreboard at all there as it's in the shelter. Josh is on 4 wins and in good position. Ann is on 3 wins as well.
10 Feb 2015 12:30PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Reg Bamford v Mohamed Karem - Game 2
10 Feb 2015 12:30PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
And we're off. Marem has taken excellent position with blue.
10 Feb 2015 12:30PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
Reg misses (!)
10 Feb 2015 12:31PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Karem takes position (missed that). Reg missed again.
10 Feb 2015 12:31PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Karem bounces back from hoop 1 (I got distracted, but am pretty sure this was the sequence)
10 Feb 2015 12:31PM (Tournament); 4 Readers
Red takes deep position, yellow clears blue, red runs hoop 1. Reg leads 1-0.
10 Feb 2015 12:35PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Reg has run hoop 2 with red from distance to lead 2-0, and Karem takes good position at hoop 3 with black.
10 Feb 2015 12:35PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Two shots from Reg miss, blue takes position in his turn, and black has a firm shot at hoop 3. We've got a referee on to decide if black is through - noone is waving at the spectators, so I guess it's got a wee bit sticking out.
10 Feb 2015 12:36PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Yellow plays near halfway. Blue holds position in front of the hoop as red is kind of adjacent to hoop 3 on the east boundary. Reg takes and percentage option and plays red to half-way.
10 Feb 2015 12:37PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Karem plays black from the jaws to about 4 yard straight position. Reg leads 2-1
10 Feb 2015 12:37PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Reg has taken excellent position about a foot out from the hoop with yellow - lovely touch there. Blue plays halfway between black and yellow - not blocking anything.Reg clears with red - hit it pretty centrally, and red has rolled on - looks like a possibility red has blocked the shot at yellow!
10 Feb 2015 12:39PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
No - Karem clears yellow to the East boundary, black is off the middle of the north boundary.
10 Feb 2015 12:40PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Yellow shoots at blue - about a 12 yarder - misses. Even Reg is fallible!
10 Feb 2015 12:40PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Blue crashes through hoop 4 2-2
10 Feb 2015 12:40PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Red takes good position. Black plays down from the middle of the lawn and gets good position. Yellow plays in from corner 2.
10 Feb 2015 12:42PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Blue tries to clear, but only snicks red.
10 Feb 2015 12:43PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
red clears black - looks like he got a wire also. Plays back down, but bounces off the wire, and reg has a very abgled looking hoop 5 with yellow.
10 Feb 2015 12:44PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Takes position wired from yellow and to the side where clearing black should still leave a wire. Blue will need to shoot from the side boundary.
10 Feb 2015 12:45PM (Tournament); 3 Readers
Today is still technically summer - but it is cold. Cold, cold, cold. There's a bit of wind which is just cooling things, probably not enough to bother players. We started in light rain too. There was sun for a wee while - we went and got sushi in town. We? - me and Hemi McLaren - birthday boy today - the now-17 year old celebrated with a straight-games win this morning against Mike McClure.
10 Feb 2015 12:46PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Meanwhile, back at lawn 5. Blue shot and missed to corner 4. red must have cleared black, as Black cleared yellow from the side boundary - nice shot
10 Feb 2015 12:47PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
yellow plays back - but to very angled position, possibly also blocking red. blue plays in. Reg is having a go with red - this looks very difficult. Bounces off the outside of the near wire!
10 Feb 2015 12:48PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Will have a similar shot with yellow as blue is too far back to jump easily. No -he's clearing blue. Black has meanwhile played back into position.
10 Feb 2015 12:48PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Best we can tell from Josh's match is that apparently Ann reckons she's playing "very poorly", so we'll assume it's 1-0 to Josh. Can't see the scoreboard, so no other news.
10 Feb 2015 12:49PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
yellow clears black, blue clears yellow
10 Feb 2015 12:49PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
red's now in front of the jaws, but black has an easy half-ball clearance - hits it at gentle pace and replaces it in the jaws - nice shot. Yellow is up by the peg, so this should be Karem's point from here.
10 Feb 2015 12:50PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Reg lining up the shot through the hoop. Gets most of the jaws, but it spins and bounces harmlessly away. Blue has a northwards clearance on red.
10 Feb 2015 12:51PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Lines up a 4 yarder - and misses. Not sure red can see much.. lining it up confidently though...
10 Feb 2015 12:52PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
half-balls black to the middle of the west boundary.
10 Feb 2015 12:52PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
I guess that's as much as he could see - definitely like Reg's confidence here.
10 Feb 2015 12:52PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Black plays back in. Yellow plays into the jaws. I think it was an attempt at running the hoop - got distracted by work emails.
10 Feb 2015 12:54PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
blue is shooting from the north boundary at yellow in the jaws - misses left.
10 Feb 2015 12:54PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Black is a couple of yards back and angled, doesn't look nice to jump.
10 Feb 2015 12:54PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Reg hits his 8 yard clearance.
10 Feb 2015 12:55PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
*bit of an issue here, if anyone is reading and can tell the management... there has been a swap around of two blocks B? and E (mine). This is to avoid country-people playing each other - however.. half block E was supposed to be at Katikati and half at Mt Maunganui. My understanding was that i was to be at Katikati, and Hemi reckoned he was at the Mount. Now Hemi and I are playing each other - virtual croquet?? - so just a little chaos of noone being sure what venue they're at. Definitive answers by email please :) *
10 Feb 2015 12:58PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Reg eventually won hoop 5, and leads 3-2. He's in front of 6, and has cleared blue to somewhere that looks approximately wired, putting yellow towards hoop 7 (Mahdi did that brilliantly, and repeatedly, in our match!)
10 Feb 2015 12:59PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Karem bounces harmlessly off hoop 6, and red is through to the boundary 4-2 to Reg
10 Feb 2015 12:59PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Karem plays black to 6.5 yards back. Yellow plays short, and pulls up angled, red has a 6 yarder on black, and I expect him to clear that to the west boundary
10 Feb 2015 1:00PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Blue takes 2 yard position. Still slightly angled, but easy enough
10 Feb 2015 1:00PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Red plays into position - not sure if black is still open on the hoop, but red is now glued behind blue.
10 Feb 2015 1:01PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Karem is taking a long time - not sure what he can see.
10 Feb 2015 1:01PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Had the hoop but bounces out of it.
10 Feb 2015 1:01PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Takes a long hard look.
10 Feb 2015 1:02PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
35 degree hoop - Reg restalks as the wind gusts... runs it with a firm stroke which goes through by about a foot.
10 Feb 2015 1:02PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
blue plays to stay in front of red
10 Feb 2015 1:03PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
I don't think Reg will be risking another warning today. Checking that the balls are touching - this will be a big croquet stroke.
10 Feb 2015 1:03PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Plays across it and red ends up 8 yards north and quite west of hoop 1, blue off the south boundary.
10 Feb 2015 1:04PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
black plays down, yellow is played with hands far down the mallet and its a good shot a yard or two back from hoop 8. Reg leads 5-2. Good think I'm keeping up - the wee numbers are beyond me!
10 Feb 2015 1:04PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
think... thing. tsk.
10 Feb 2015 1:05PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Blue clears yellow, red plays a controlled clearance on black staying very close to the hoop.
10 Feb 2015 1:05PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Black comes back to about 5 yards north of red - easy pickings, and yellow takes good position from near hoop 4.
10 Feb 2015 1:06PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Reg isn't letting these conditions bother him.
10 Feb 2015 1:06PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Blue clears yellow - nice stroke
10 Feb 2015 1:06PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
red takes tight position. Black will either have to go over, or might have been left a chance to skim past red as it has gone a bit far.
10 Feb 2015 1:07PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Umpire is on banging down the hoop ... and he's going on the ground - that was a poor shot with red.
10 Feb 2015 1:07PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Karem fails hoop 8, nudging red back a bit, probably still runnable, but open on blue from the south boundary
10 Feb 2015 1:07PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
yellow plays to the side of the hoop, wired from black
10 Feb 2015 1:08PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
blue clears red - into the front of the jaws of hoop 2! - a wry smile is extracted from Reg.
10 Feb 2015 1:08PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Ref watches a safe shot through hoop 2, down to 3 yard position.
10 Feb 2015 1:09PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Rotorua Duck sightseeing tour bus quacks past - I kid you not!
10 Feb 2015 1:09PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Reg has just bounced out of a very angled hoop 8, and there are now lots of balls back near 8. Karem clearing with black, Blue quite close to the hoop (well, 3 yards...)
10 Feb 2015 1:11PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Clears black to the middle of the south boundary with black heading towards hoop 9
10 Feb 2015 1:11PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Reg misses the clearance and Karem scores hoop 8 Reg leads 5-3
10 Feb 2015 1:12PM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Reg takes longish straight position with red Karem clearing from west of hoop 5 and near the south boundary - misses.
10 Feb 2015 1:13PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
His shooting was awesome yesterday - the conditions today aren't so conducive.
10 Feb 2015 1:13PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Yellow plays in - deep but quite angled. Blue shoots from south of hoop 1 - misses. 4+ yard hoop to go 6-2 up...
10 Feb 2015 1:14PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
bounces off. he's human yet. Yellow still has an angled version of that to have a go at.
10 Feb 2015 1:14PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
Srry there's nothing to report from the other lawns - the scores are impossible to see.
10 Feb 2015 1:15PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Black takes position, but yellow runs hoop 9 off the north boundary 6-3 (ok, i got it wrong earlier when I suggseted 6-2)
10 Feb 2015 1:16PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Hmm, Hamish's match is over - I'll ask someone as they walk off. Mahdi on that lawn, then I'll have Reg's lawn maybe?? no - lawn 2 also free?? - no - they've gone for walkies and left their mallets - looks like it's 1-1 Anne (who does have an 'e' - sorry), v Josh Freeth.
10 Feb 2015 1:17PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Blue takes position, red goes half the distance. Black takes position deeper. Yellow clears blue from the north boundary. Last rites here?
10 Feb 2015 1:17PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Karem shooting from the middle of the east boundary to save the match, while Mahdi goes off to fetch his mallet.
10 Feb 2015 1:18PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
misses left again.
10 Feb 2015 1:18PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Reg has a 4 foot hoop for the match. A few missed clearances and a couple of failed hoops, but he's firm favourite for this tournament - particularly when we get back onto the smoother lawns.
10 Feb 2015 1:19PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
no - it's a rejection! - 4 yarder for Karem.. - I don't think he expected this chance!
10 Feb 2015 1:19PM (Tournament); 6 Readers
This afternoon's matches see Terry v Chris in a big Aussie clash - both players still in with a chance. Me vs Sabri - fortunately I'm through already, I think Sabri might need a mathematical miracle - or more. Omar v Rachel - big advantage for Omar to play Rachel at this venue. That has come courtesy of the swap of rounds 8 and 9 to avoid countrymen (in this case, the Aussies) playing each other final round.
10 Feb 2015 1:20PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Karem runs a good hoop 6-4
10 Feb 2015 1:21PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Did yellow just play to the wrong hoop???
10 Feb 2015 1:21PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
yup - victorious Hamish McIntosh (2-0 over hisham) has confirmed the mental error.
10 Feb 2015 1:23PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
blue takes position, red takes position poor position, black plays in (I think, got distracted again), now red has cleared black and Karem needs to hit yellow which is angly in front of hoop 6. Not that angly it turns out. Black misses left... Reg bounces out again!!! - 5 foot hoop, reasonably straight.
10 Feb 2015 1:24PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Karem walks up, plays his angly hoop rather quickly, and it's a rejection.
10 Feb 2015 1:25PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
"These lawns have a lot of character" (Hamish). Too right they do.
10 Feb 2015 1:25PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
aah - it wasn't a hoop shot - it was a stalk then someone elses thrash at a hoop. Gets a ref as blue is very close to yellow... and it's through! I wouldn't pay thsi commentator! Reg leds 6-5
10 Feb 2015 1:26PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Blue is a yard past the peg. Red plays to 2 yard position, black plays in from corner 2 - excellent shot. Looks like that used to be corner 4 as it is a very battered corner there.
10 Feb 2015 1:26PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
(1-1 in the decided of Judy and JP, Josh and Anne just starting their decider)
10 Feb 2015 1:27PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
I'm next on, but will get Reg's lawn, so can see the exciting conclusion here.
10 Feb 2015 1:27PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Blue clears red to the middle of the south boundary - it must be wired from black, as he's playing it back into position.
10 Feb 2015 1:28PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Karem asking for the hoop to be banged down. Bit floppier here than Whakatane.
10 Feb 2015 1:28PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
... and it's 6-6
10 Feb 2015 1:28PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
C'mon Karem - let's have a decider!
10 Feb 2015 1:29PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
yellow up to hoop 13 - goos position - 2 yards and not too angled.
10 Feb 2015 1:29PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Both Karem's balls in the middle of the south boundary
10 Feb 2015 1:29PM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Karem has a shot with blue - misses.
10 Feb 2015 1:30PM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Meanwhile, at Katikati??? Chris has played an impossible shot - from three inches from the wire he has apparently played a crush shot. Not happy to be faulted for that. I haven't seen someone play such a shot myself, so will be interested to see if anyone can replicate it.
10 Feb 2015 1:31PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
red plays up to nice position - but not blocking blue.
10 Feb 2015 1:31PM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Karem staring down his shot from the south boundary....
10 Feb 2015 1:31PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
The sun is out - blessed warmth!!
10 Feb 2015 1:32PM (Tournament); 9 Readers
While i remember.. big ups to Whakatane - they had the teeny numbers also - but printed out super-big numbers on paper which they blu-tacked onto the scoreboards - super easy to read.
10 Feb 2015 1:32PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Karem shoots - runs hoop 10!, and goes harmlessly to the boundary.
10 Feb 2015 1:33PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Reg has this 2+ yard shot with yellow to win the match... bounces out!!!
10 Feb 2015 1:33PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Karem's getting the hoop banged down - 7 yarder to force a decider...
10 Feb 2015 1:33PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Quite exciting this.
10 Feb 2015 1:33PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Oh, and hello to Margaret in Epsom-Rem, who is making typing this very much worthwhile :)
10 Feb 2015 1:34PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Hoop is firm. Lines it up carefully...
10 Feb 2015 1:34PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Here we go...
10 Feb 2015 1:34PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
It's through!!! Mohamed Karem wins the second game 7-6
10 Feb 2015 1:34PM (Tournament); 8 Readers
So we'll have a decider. Sorry you'll have to wait on the results to see what happens. I'm on next and want to get my back moving again.
10 Feb 2015 1:36PM (Tournament); 7 Readers
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