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11th WCF Golf Croquet World Championship
GC worlds - day 5 (morning at the Mount) by Jenny Clarke
Good morning from Mt Maunganui. The sun is shining - it's going to be a very warm day, but presently there's a cool breeze, which hopefully won't get too exciting.
11 Feb 2015 9:31AM (Tournament); 2 Readers
Today is crunch day for qualifying: we have a final round of block matches, including the conclusion of the mini-block with 3,4,5,6 in the blocks, and the single-game playoffs for people who are tied for qualifying spots on match wins. Once we have the qualifiers we go back to matches - net games - net hoops as the first criteria for ordering block finishers
11 Feb 2015 9:32AM (Tournament); 3 Readers
On lawn 4 we have the kiwi legend, Bob Jackson, one of the best ever players in the game, and my first ever doubles partner as a New Zealand representative (Trans Tasman 2006, I think). Bob's opponent is kiwi-born Australian former captain Pete Landrebe. Pete's already through with 6 wins, but will be wanting to continue to hone his game.
11 Feb 2015 9:35AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Next door we have Mike Crashley (NZ) v Patsy Fitzgerald (Ire). Patsy had an awful time getting used to the Atkins hoops and is not a fan of their firmness. He has had some good later results, though not enough to force his way into the playoffs.
11 Feb 2015 9:36AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
It Mike wins, and Bob loses, the two will play off in a single game for the fourth qualification spot in the block. Any other combination of outcomes sees Bob through automatically.
11 Feb 2015 9:37AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Bob Jackson v Pete Landrebe##
11 Feb 2015 9:37AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
and a bit of Mike Crashley v Patsy Fitzgerald
11 Feb 2015 9:37AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Bob's playing red and yellow. The game started a bit late as Bob and Mary were held up by traffic following an earlier accident, but not too late.
11 Feb 2015 9:38AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
We kicked off with an almighty battle for hoop 1, which was eventually won by Bob who ran the hoop with red all the way up to hoop 2. Bob leads 1-0
11 Feb 2015 9:38AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Pete had a couple of shots at hoop 2/red, but missed both and Bob ran hoop 2 with red also Bob leads 2-0
11 Feb 2015 9:39AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
The next hoop was more competitive, but that red ball is as determined as Bob, and in excellent hoop-running position, Pete was unlucky enough to rush red through hoop 3! Bob leads 3-0
11 Feb 2015 9:40AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Hoop 4 was a lot more competitive, with Pete generally having more control there, and he eventually won his first hoop Bob leads 3-1
11 Feb 2015 9:40AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Now some live action...
11 Feb 2015 9:40AM (Tournament); 6 Readers
At hoop 5 we have 4 balls tightly clustered around. Yellow is in hoop-running position, and red has just cleared black to the south boundary. That red ball is starting strongly!
11 Feb 2015 9:41AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Black has a choice of yellow or the hoop - bit of a gap between. Gets a bad outcome - black nicks off yellow up over the north boundary (and through the safety boards - the scorer is off in pursuit!)
11 Feb 2015 9:41AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Yellow clears blue, but ends up well south of hoop 4 - not a great result.
11 Feb 2015 9:42AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Blue takes angled position.
11 Feb 2015 9:42AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Red takes good position. Black has been recovered and plays down just short of being fantastic. It's blocking blue's angled go at hoop 5 from there, but i think blue will be wanting to clear red anyway.
11 Feb 2015 9:42AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Bob's lining something up... he has a 11 yarder with yellow - hits black. That was in the middle of a wide target of blue-black-hoop
11 Feb 2015 9:43AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Blue clears red with a good stun, but is only 8 yards from yellow
11 Feb 2015 9:43AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Red's back. Speaking of red, Bob's taking advantage of his legendary status in his beige shorts, red cap and purple jumper. I got a complaint (from a kiwi!!!) at the 2007 women's GC worlds for wearing black shorts with my white top as being non-uniform! Things are more sane nowadays.
11 Feb 2015 9:44AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
red takes position, so does black, but it's kind of short .Yellow clears blue, which plays back up. The hoops look rather firm, and there were a few failed attempts at hoop 1 before we really got going.
11 Feb 2015 9:45AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
(Meanwhile Crash is doing his bit on lawn 3 Mike Crashley leads Patsy Fitzgerald 6-3, and has run hoop 9 to about 7 yards from 10)
11 Feb 2015 9:46AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Bit more clearing in front of me - black is tight in front of 5, red has a 4 yarder, and yellow is north of hoop 1. Blue has played in short. The mowing looks to have been a nice job overnight.
11 Feb 2015 9:46AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Red clears black, but is now on the south boundary - Pete well in control of the hoop now, but Bob has a 7 yarder to tidy things a little
11 Feb 2015 9:47AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Smack! - yellow clears black. Blue now needs to take position blocking red, otherwise red will have a 10.6 yarder at the hoop - I think he has left it completely open! Blue is right in front of the hoop, but red is off-centre
11 Feb 2015 9:47AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
red takes position an inch or two south-east of blue. Yellow's shot is going to have to be pretty precise from 8 yards!
11 Feb 2015 9:48AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
I fancied him taking on the double.
11 Feb 2015 9:48AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Yellow cleared blue, however blue cleared red, which wandered back up, and black has run hoop 5 to level with the peg. Bob leads 3-2
11 Feb 2015 9:50AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Bob approaches 6 with yellow but is short and very angled. Blue takes perfect position. Red comes up to the right and is in a decent spot. Black will try to clear yellow now...
11 Feb 2015 9:51AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Great shot - yellow cleared to the north boundary completely wired from blue, and black is within 3 yards of hoop 7 - this is a significant turnaround.
11 Feb 2015 9:51AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Bob plays to the halfway point
11 Feb 2015 9:51AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
6 people spectating at this match - not many spectators elsewhere.
11 Feb 2015 9:52AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Blue runs 6 3-3
11 Feb 2015 9:52AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Red takes deep position, black puts in a perfect block, but yellow has that in its sights...clears it centrally to the west boundary.
11 Feb 2015 9:53AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Up on court 6 Chris has won the first game against Carl Uhlman, but appears to be 2-0 down in the second. He needs to win the match 2-0 to guarantee coming first in his match.
11 Feb 2015 9:54AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Just a reminder that the Plate and the other consolation events are in the distance venues. Bob won't be playing in the outer places, prefering to watch from whichever stage he exits the main event. i'll be doing the same, as will many others here. The hour+ drives each morning are a bit off-putting, while there will be some great action on show here in the main event.
11 Feb 2015 9:55AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Meanwhile Pete continues to be a bit unlucky, and his clearance of yellow at 7 nearly peels it, and leaves it in front of the hoop - that's the value of putting in a really tight blocking ball!
11 Feb 2015 9:56AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Bob runs 7 with yellow. Gets about half-way down. He is preferring to take position than clearing. I can't see that approach getting him far through the KO, but he is a very cunning player.
11 Feb 2015 9:57AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Bob leads 4-3
Yellow took good position as the last ball down to the hoop - cleared by blue - both balls off boundaries.
11 Feb 2015 9:57AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Bob lines up a clearance with red (not in front) on black (in front) - restalks as the wind gets up - good clearance, but red travels a bit. Omar tells me the hard Egyptian balls are much more agreeable to stop-shot clearances from reasonably big distances.Black plays in front of red, yellow takes great position - blue misses a clearance - good chance for Bob to take control here!
11 Feb 2015 9:59AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Red clears black to the south boundary. It can see yellow - and nudges it away from the hoop. blue and black are now by the peg red and yellow are quite close to hoop 1
11 Feb 2015 9:59AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Yellow back to 14 inch straight position
11 Feb 2015 9:59AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
blue hides behind yellow, but rather angled.
11 Feb 2015 9:59AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Not that hidden! Red nudges it gently further back Black needs to hit yellow from north of the peg.. .misses. Bob Jackson leads 5-3
11 Feb 2015 10:00AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
(On lawn 3, Crashley won the first 7-3, and has taken a 1-0 lead and is in front of hoop 2)
11 Feb 2015 10:01AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Blue plays to excellent position at hoop 9. Red tries to get even tighter and ends up just on the north side of the hoop. Almost in the jaws!
11 Feb 2015 10:02AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Blue might need to jump this, and yellow is just playing up to position
11 Feb 2015 10:02AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
(On lawn 6 Chris has got back to evens with Carl... 2-2)
11 Feb 2015 10:03AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Blinked and missed Pete's shot sorry...aah - Mary confirms Pete tried to jump hoop 9 bounces back. Red plays through the hoop to 3 yard position. Black clears yellow, and the stubborn thing comes back (not far enough though).
11 Feb 2015 10:04AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Black and yellow look a bit hard to run the hoop - would be trivial at Rotorua, but the hoops here seem to be made of sterner stuff. The chaps tell me Katikati hoops are very easy in the afternoon. I have a 1pm match there - rats.
11 Feb 2015 10:04AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Blue plays deep. Red has a go at a black, but clears the yellow which was adjacent to it. Nearly cleared it into the jaws!
11 Feb 2015 10:05AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Black plays solidly into the far wire, and is now an inch in front of hoop 9. Red is next to the hoop, so yellow puts in a block to prevent black clearing red. Fails to get the block and red's off to the middle of the east boundary. Bob can't see much here, and will likely be playing to the half-way point - a reasonably easy thing to do given that he's playing it from halfway up the boundary!
11 Feb 2015 10:07AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Red plays to halfway
11 Feb 2015 10:07AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
(Patsy is now leading on lawn 3 2-1)
11 Feb 2015 10:08AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Black runs hoop 9, clips red on the way up to hoop 10, but still has reasonable 4 yard position. Bob leads 5-4
11 Feb 2015 10:08AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Yellow takes good position. Blue takes better position. Red might fancy a go at the 9 yarder on black, as otherwise he's in trouble.
11 Feb 2015 10:09AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Clears black to in front of hoop 11 - that's ok, as it has to come back. Red's on the north boundary. Blue might be blocking the shot at yellow here!
11 Feb 2015 10:09AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
11 Feb 2015 10:09AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Yellow runs hoop 10 to take things to game point Bob leads 6-4
11 Feb 2015 10:10AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
I'm sitting in a shelter here, but that wind is cold :-(
11 Feb 2015 10:10AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Pete takes perfect position at 11.
11 Feb 2015 10:10AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Bob has managed to run hoop 10 to about 6 inches in front of red, so rushes red towards hoop 11 - bit short, and angled, but at least he can clear blue. Might have a shot at an in-off
11 Feb 2015 10:11AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Black plays in - but is angled - looks challenging to get into the jaws. Yellow clears black, and goes a couple of yards to the side. Blue's back with another precision shot.
11 Feb 2015 10:11AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Red clears blue from near the north boundary. Another reasonable central clearance
11 Feb 2015 10:12AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Blue's back, but deep, yellow and black are on either side of the hoop
11 Feb 2015 10:13AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Hoop 10 is proving quite competitive, So is hoop 4 on lawn 3 - some good clearances in both places. Good chance to catch up some emails...
11 Feb 2015 10:17AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Welcome to double-figures of readers. It has been a fun week so far. I still maintain golf croquet is wretched when you can't hit a ball straight though.
11 Feb 2015 10:18AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Back on lawn 4 in our feature match, we have Pete trying to clear yellow with black, but he has hit blue.. yellow for the game.. Bob Jackson wins game 1 7-4
11 Feb 2015 10:19AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
And they're off again. Pete takes good position with blue first ball, and runs hoop 1 with his first opportunity. Pete leads 1-0
11 Feb 2015 10:27AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
He has run it pretty well up towards hoop 2, and now we have black in front of the hoop, blue has just been cleared and pulls up short (probably deliberately) on its return.
11 Feb 2015 10:27AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
I've had an enquiry if Chris is offering odds on the critical Khaled Tharwat v Hisham Abdelgawad final-round match. Hisham is out, Khaled needs to win. I've talked to Khaled a lot, and don't believe anything dodgy is going to happen. He's also clearly playing better than Hisham as he's the one in contention.
11 Feb 2015 10:29AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Equally open for fiddling is my final-round match. .. I'm definitely second in my block, Hemi needs to win to qualify. I'm quite keen to win, and after the masses of emails I got with accusations after leaving the GC Nationals early to attend to a work emergency earlier this year, I'm sure there'll be more gossip if I don't win. Some folks need to get on with their own lives!!
11 Feb 2015 10:30AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
On the bright side, the University of Canterbury Bachelor of Sports Coaching, the only dedicated Sport Coaching degree in NZ, has had nearly a third more applications this year, and is likely to have an intake double 2014 (as the chaps who have applied are actually coming rather than choosing between several options). We're looking at introducing a "certificate in sport coaching", also available for distance/correspondence learners, which would be lovely to have some croquet coaches enrolling in. I've had enormous fun introducing more athlete-centred approaches to my croquet coaching this year, with the players involved picking up lots of new tactics and really seeming to get an understanding for the game.
11 Feb 2015 10:33AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Meanwhile Pete's got a 2-0 lead against Bob. He failed his first long, angled go at hoop 2. The hoops seem pretty reasonable from a distance. Pete's also got the initiative at hoop 3.
11 Feb 2015 10:34AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
(on lawn 3, Patsy leads 4-3, but Mike's well in control of hoop 8)
11 Feb 2015 10:35AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Checking around a few new results...American Stephen Morgan has beaten Aussie Ross Marshall to take the final qualification spot in block G.
The final ordering isn't totally defined, but Phillip Drew (NZ) has won all his matches to win the block well.
11 Feb 2015 10:37AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
Right - Pete's 3-0 up. Yellow blocked a clearance on red and Pete's attempt to block the shot at the hoop came up short - red to get on the board... Pete leads 3-1
11 Feb 2015 10:39AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
(4-4 on Crash's lawn)
11 Feb 2015 10:39AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Pete takes position with black, yellow clears it, but yellow ends up further away, blue comes in, red hits it, but it's still runnable. Black plays in. Yellow shooting...
11 Feb 2015 10:41AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
11 Feb 2015 10:41AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Blue clears red, black has much better position. Red misses from the west boundary
11 Feb 2015 10:43AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
If this goes to a decider I'm going to need my jumper.
11 Feb 2015 10:43AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Pete fails a firm shot into the front of the jaws. Pretty good result for him really
11 Feb 2015 10:43AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Bob takes position - goes a little far, but it's ok. Red will have a full-ball shot on black from the east boundary
11 Feb 2015 10:44AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Looks like Bob hit the side of the hoop. Black runs 5 .. Pete leads 4-1
11 Feb 2015 10:46AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Black has gone up to north of the line of hoop 6 and west. Yellow plays to wired? position on the other side. Must have been open to black, as after blue takes position, red has cleared it with a nice central shot.
11 Feb 2015 10:46AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Black's going to clear red.
11 Feb 2015 10:47AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Distracted by Chris's fantasy competition. blue misses - Red has a go at the hoop - just through. Bob still in this ... Pete leads 4-2
11 Feb 2015 10:49AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
(Crash having a longish go at hoop 9 - still 4-4 there)
11 Feb 2015 10:49AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Black takes long angled position at 7
11 Feb 2015 10:50AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
yellow plays east of the hoop
11 Feb 2015 10:50AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Nice hoop stroke from pete Pete leads 5-2
11 Feb 2015 10:51AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Yellow plays down to decent position at hoop 8
11 Feb 2015 10:51AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Blue nudges it closer, slightly hampered backswing, but nothing that would bother Bob
11 Feb 2015 10:52AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Red plays in - ends up drifting a bit west, so not protecting anything
11 Feb 2015 10:52AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Black plays down to a foot dead in front of the hoop. Yellow's having none of it, and clears blue with a sharp stun shot.
11 Feb 2015 10:52AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Not sure im' supposed to be clapping good shots by Pete in this kiwi shelter!
11 Feb 2015 10:53AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Blue plays back down
11 Feb 2015 10:53AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
red decides to clear black, but now both of the balls are gone - red 4 yards SSW, and black on the boundary about south of hoop 5
11 Feb 2015 10:53AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Black plays back in, but hasn't blocked yellow. straight 3 yarder to close the gap again....
11 Feb 2015 10:54AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Nope - clears blue, but doesn't claim the hoop as yellow finishes 2 yards directly south of hoop 8
11 Feb 2015 10:54AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Blue plays back deep, but straight - about where i thought Bob would run the hoop from
11 Feb 2015 10:54AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
red plays south - black can only really get into the jaws easily. Black bounces out.
11 Feb 2015 10:55AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Yellow is clearing black .This isn't like what i've een watching the last few days! - he has left pete a 3 yarder - turns out there are some Aussies right of our shelter "Yay, Pete" Pete leads 6-2
11 Feb 2015 10:56AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Bob takes 5 foot position - "aww, nice shot"
11 Feb 2015 10:56AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Black clears it to quiet applause
11 Feb 2015 10:56AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
yellow to decent position
11 Feb 2015 10:56AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
blue plays in - black's on the short boundary
11 Feb 2015 10:57AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Red plays in in front of blue. Black clears yellow to hoop 1
11 Feb 2015 10:58AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
yellow's coming back -it's short and too angly to get into the hoop from there
11 Feb 2015 10:58AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
blue clears red and is now straight in front of the hoop.
11 Feb 2015 10:58AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Bad news for the Under 21 World Champion Joshua Freeth, who has been beaten in straight games by Egyptian Hisham Yassin to go out of the tournament.
11 Feb 2015 10:59AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Not sure if red bounced off the hoop or nudged black a bit, but black has now cleared yellow which nudges blue to twice the distance. 2 yarder for the game..
11 Feb 2015 11:00AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Pete run hoop 9, wins 7-2, and we'll have a decider
11 Feb 2015 11:00AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Spectator explaining to Bob that Pete was hitting lots of long shots. He was indeed.
11 Feb 2015 11:01AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Block C is interesting - we still get a potential "play-off" - Anne Quinn is on 4 wins, but has a match in hand AND needs to play the third against Hisham.
11 Feb 2015 11:02AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Gosh - that was a short break - Bob has taken good position with yellow. Pete misses.
11 Feb 2015 11:03AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Red covers yellow. Pete misses
11 Feb 2015 11:03AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Bob bounces out of hoop1. I fancied the spectator's option of putting yellow into the jaws, as it was too angled to get up to hoop 2. Instead he went hard and has bounced off in front of red (which isn't runnable). Probably too close and angled to be rushed back in front too, but if it can be done, Bob will do it.
11 Feb 2015 11:04AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
I shoudl clarify block C... Anne (4) plays Hamish this morning. Hisham has just beaten Josh to get to 4. Anne v Hisham is 1-1. In that block we have Reg, Mohamed Karem and Hamish through. Anne winning 2-0 against Hamish (maybe 2-1), and winning the decider against Hisham could put her third in the block. Reg and Karem have easier opponents, and Reg should win the block.
11 Feb 2015 11:06AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
oo - Crash is at match-point against Patsy. Crashley leads 6-4
11 Feb 2015 11:08AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Patsy is in front of hoop 11 though, and takes improved position, wired from blue.
11 Feb 2015 11:08AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Pete and Bob are still fighting over hoop 1
11 Feb 2015 11:08AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
I wonder if, now that play in the main event has concluded at Whakatane, the lovely Whakatane people might share their big, readable, printed-on-paper numbers with Mt Maunganui club - the numbers here are really hard to see more than a lawn away.
11 Feb 2015 11:09AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Mostafa Eissa has beaten Dallas Cooke,and i think takes second spot in block C - I believe it's matches - net games - net points. Will has won more games in total, but has had heaps of 7-6 or 6-7 results.
11 Feb 2015 11:12AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Getting distracted wtih incoming results and some setup for Chris's fantasy update for tonight. Pete has won hoop 1, but Bob is in front of hoop 2 now. blue takes decent position, but red can easily clear it.
11 Feb 2015 11:14AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Black shoots, and seems to have nudged both red and blue - yellow has a clear shot at the hoop, and it's 1-1
11 Feb 2015 11:15AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
I'm off in 45 mins, so we're not going to get teh finish of this match probably!
11 Feb 2015 11:15AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Excitement on lawn 3 - Patsy has drawn level, and mike's first approach to hoop 13 is very deep, but straight
11 Feb 2015 11:16AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Lovely 4th ball into hoop 3 by Bob blocks black. Blue is having a longish go at the hoop from the first ball up there... runs it well down to 3 yards in front of hoop 4 Pete leads 2-1
11 Feb 2015 11:16AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Blue takes excellent position in front of 4 - red clears. Red now on south boundary. Black takes position wired from red. Yellow has some sort of double... hits black in the middle
11 Feb 2015 11:21AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Applaud and shake-hands time - Mike Crashley is now on 5 match wins, and is putting pressure on Bob for a playoff
11 Feb 2015 11:23AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Hoop 4 is a bit competitive with clearances, and Bob clears blue - red's in front, yellow is now 6 yards west of hoop 5
11 Feb 2015 11:25AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Black plays to 3 inches in front of 4
11 Feb 2015 11:25AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
bit more moving, black now an inch in front of 4, red 14 inches directly south, and yellow has cleared blue. Great shooting here!
11 Feb 2015 11:27AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Blue comes in too far, red clears black - but only by 3 yards, Black's back in front, and blue has a 3 yarder on red pointing at corner 2
11 Feb 2015 11:28AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Yellow shooting - goes through the gap between hoop and black.
11 Feb 2015 11:28AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Much applause and "ooo"s as red clears black, staying next to the hoop
11 Feb 2015 11:29AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Black takes wired position
11 Feb 2015 11:30AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
well, not wired - on the other side of the hoop from red - neither remotely runnable
11 Feb 2015 11:30AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Bob clears blue - nearly putting it through.
11 Feb 2015 11:32AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Pete has a long go at what was probably a target - bounces off the wide of the hoop .Yellow has a 6 footer and blue is off-side
11 Feb 2015 11:32AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Red's south of the hoop, but will be looking to clear black. Blue misses - great chance for Bob!
11 Feb 2015 11:33AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
red clears black... ends up 4 yards west of hoop 4 - he'll be disappointed he didn't get closer to hoop 5
11 Feb 2015 11:33AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Yellow's only 40% the way through the hoop, and black is in corner 1- this looks incredibly difficult. - only a sliver showing
11 Feb 2015 11:34AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Blue takes very good position - red is clearing.... rush-peels blue - disaster! Pete leads 3-2
11 Feb 2015 11:36AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Pete takes longish position at 6, yellow plays up to level with hoop 6. Pete calling for a referee to play a sweep from hoop 5 as blue wasn't through by far. No markers in use today!
11 Feb 2015 11:36AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Pete takes on his hoop - bounces out. Yellow plays to protect a very good red.. Pete plays a wee hop and clears red to applause from the distance Aussie supporters
11 Feb 2015 11:38AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Time to go soon, and my computer is getting too hot - it's th only thing in the sun. Time to find shade, methinks.
11 Feb 2015 11:38AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Turn back to see Pete smoothly run hoop 6 from about 5 yards off the north boundary. Pete leads 4-2
11 Feb 2015 11:39AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Yellow to angled position, blue to decent 2.5 yard position, red's short, black's perfect - Pete's position taking has been excellent here
11 Feb 2015 11:40AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Cold in the windy shade. but the laptop is happier
11 Feb 2015 11:40AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Bob runs a rather angled hoop 7 by 2 yards. Pete leads 4-3
11 Feb 2015 11:41AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
blue plays down, red gets in front of it. Black was blocked by hoop 7, so plays in just south of the peg, lovely yellow
11 Feb 2015 11:42AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Pete trying the jump with blue - only nudges red away and blue's on the south boundary
11 Feb 2015 11:43AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Pete has to have a go at the hoop from distance - bounces off the wire. Yellow's through! 4-4
11 Feb 2015 11:43AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Never count out Bob Jackson.
11 Feb 2015 11:43AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Chris must be done, as Stephen is striding quickly across lawn 6. Too far away to read the teeny numbers though.
11 Feb 2015 11:44AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Pete put in a couple of very good balls at 9, and has now taken a 5-4 lead
11 Feb 2015 11:45AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Black's in front of hoop 10, blue plays to block a 4 yarder red has at black... yellow is off to the side. Bob's not liking the wind for this crucial shot
11 Feb 2015 11:46AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Nice to see Salah Hassan come by to say hello - I haven't really spoken to him this time around, Really really nice man. Beat me 10-8 in block play in 2006 - very enjoyable game - I remember clearing when I could see a half-ball at hoop 7 from 20 yards and being quite pleased.
11 Feb 2015 11:47AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Bob gets his clearance, and has just nailed the middle of black from 7 yards. He'll have a possible shot at hoop 10 with yellow, but it's long and a bit angled - he might choose to keep clearing - yes.. blue's on it's away away
11 Feb 2015 11:48AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
In block C, Hamish McIntosh has beaten Anne Quinn, so he's third, and Anne has that final game to play against Hisham which is now effective a playoff for 4th spot
11 Feb 2015 11:50AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
It's still 5-4 to Pete, and Rachel's leaving for Katikati in 10 minutes - Doesn't look good for a conclusion here. Like watching a movie where the DVD jams with 10 minutes to go when the killer is about to be revealed!
11 Feb 2015 11:51AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Disaster - Bob shoots at black, but instead clears his yellow ball. The crowd are confused. I suspect Bob is just a bit annoyed. Pete runs a 5 foot hoop Pete Landrebe leads 6-4
11 Feb 2015 11:52AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Bob's in front of hoop 11. Blue sounds like it had a go at the hoop - distracted by an email , so not sure if tiwas a jump. Red clears blue, Black moves yellow back a couple of yards shooting gently from the boundary, and yellow plays back in.
11 Feb 2015 11:55AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Blue is on the middle of the east boundary... nails another very gentle-paced shot - clears yellow 3 yards. Red clearing blue - both balls go miles - Pete is now in charge of this hoop.
11 Feb 2015 11:56AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Black plays in long, Yellow takes good, tight position (not blocking)
11 Feb 2015 11:56AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Blue plays in
11 Feb 2015 11:56AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Oh dear - Pete has blocked his clearance of yellow - he'll need to take on a long hoop - about 4-5 yards i think.
11 Feb 2015 11:57AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Bob plays red in - can he block that too - no - he's short. Pete for the hoop and match
11 Feb 2015 11:57AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
bounces off
11 Feb 2015 11:57AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Bob fails a relatively straight-forward hoop. He's in front of the jaws, but Pete has a reasonably easy straight jump for the match with blue...
11 Feb 2015 11:58AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Pete wins game 3, and the match, 4-7 7-2 7-4
11 Feb 2015 11:58AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Rachel leaving for Katikati in two minutes - time to go!!
11 Feb 2015 11:59AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Bob has a playoff with Mike for spot 4
11 Feb 2015 11:59AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
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