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11th WCF Golf Croquet World Championship
Day 7 - Quarter finals (and some other bits and pieces) - part 1 by Jenny Clarke
Stephen Mulliner v Jared Keeman - game 3 - second round
13 Feb 2015 10:34AM (Tournament); 4 Readers
Good morning world. sorry to join the action rather late, but I'm here for the day now, and there will be a couple feature matches today
13 Feb 2015 10:35AM (Tournament); 4 Readers
We join the final round 2 match in a very late stage. Jared Keeman (NZ) won the first game 7-5, but Stephen came back strongly , 7-1 in the second.
13 Feb 2015 10:36AM (Tournament); 3 Readers
Game 3 and it looks like Jared's concentration is gone, and Evan reports it's Atkins hoops 1, Jared 0 at the moment. He had first shot at hoop 1 and a couple of goes at hoop 2, but finds himself 3-0 down after a few missed roquets. Still plenty of time to come back though
13 Feb 2015 10:37AM (Tournament); 5 Readers
Blue takes angled position at 4. Yellow is 10 yards back, red takes 4 yard position. Black plays in front, but angled.
13 Feb 2015 10:38AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
At 3-0 up, Stephen declines the easy in-off opportunity off yellow, clearing blue. That'll teach him - blue plays back up blocking red.
13 Feb 2015 10:39AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Red has a longish jump for the same in-off or straight hoop - runs it with a wee fist - 4-0
13 Feb 2015 10:39AM (Tournament); 9 Readers
Keeman takes angled position at 5. Yellow plays inside it - can be cleared anywhere. Blue clears yellow
13 Feb 2015 10:40AM (Tournament); 8 Readers
Red snicks black out of position, but doesn't move it far, and red is on the boundary
13 Feb 2015 10:40AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
For those who heard about Amir's trip yesterday, there's a lovely picture of him with a black eye on facebook, but it sounds like he's fine otherwise. I hope we'll see him later today
13 Feb 2015 10:41AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Keeman takes good position at 5. yellow misses, blue plays to block, and Stephen plays up to the peg.
13 Feb 2015 10:42AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
Jared has run hoop 5 with lots of wire. Only goes through by 3 yards. The casual-player part of the crowd applauds. I used to hate it when that happened. 4-1
13 Feb 2015 10:43AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
It looked like Jared was blocked on hoop with black after the other balls played up, but no - he has a shot... bounces out of the jaws - was a decent shot.
13 Feb 2015 10:43AM (Tournament); 10 Readers
Yellow clears blue, and it's not looking good for the kiwi
13 Feb 2015 10:44AM (Tournament); 11 Readers
Shoots at what appeared to be a double target - hits the wire of the hoop. 5-1
13 Feb 2015 10:44AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
black takes position, yellow takes position, blue clears yellow. Evan explains that red is "never going to miss black". Red misses black.
13 Feb 2015 10:46AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Black plays into the jaws. - Stephen has a 7 yard jump with yellow...
13 Feb 2015 10:46AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Takes position. Red is a few yards up from the middle of the west boundary.
13 Feb 2015 10:47AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Blue plays in short.
13 Feb 2015 10:47AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Red shoots ... misses.
13 Feb 2015 10:47AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
13 Feb 2015 10:48AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Hoop 8 is surrounded. time to find a good hoop stroke...
13 Feb 2015 10:48AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Bounces to slight blocking position. Stephen will be jumping
13 Feb 2015 10:49AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
No - has a clear shot - runs hoop 8 for a 6-2 lead.
13 Feb 2015 10:50AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Takes angled position at 9. Red takes good 2 yard straight position. Black is short, and yellow misses the clearance. Jared fails hoop 9 by 3 yards.... this for the match...
13 Feb 2015 10:51AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
walks back... press-up...
13 Feb 2015 10:51AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Runs it nicely.
13 Feb 2015 10:52AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
In an impartial observation from Evan Newell, "games even with the absolute tip-top players have to be 15-20% longer with the Atkins hoops, because more hoops are failed".
13 Feb 2015 10:52AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
A very very interesting observation. My analysis of 800 games from the 2008 world champs in South Africa came out with an average duration of 42 minutes per game. That, and the % of games where the match went to 2-1 or 2-0, argued for an easy 4 matches per lawn per day. This is still a reasonable number of matches to aim for, but managers to have to be careful.
13 Feb 2015 10:59AM (Tournament); 12 Readers
Bowl - Anne Quinn v Phillip Drew
13 Feb 2015 11:06AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Everyone left lawn 1, so I headed around the shelter to find some more action. Quarters don't seem to be starting yet - I think they're 1pm.
13 Feb 2015 11:07AM (Tournament); 14 Readers
Found an exciting end to a game.. Phillip v Anne in the first round of the bowl... Phil won the first 7-3. Anne was always behind in the second, but Phil rushed her through hoop 12. She took decent position at 13. Phil cleared. Phil got nicely in front of hoop 13. Anne cleared well from the boundary, and it came down to Anne having a 7 yarder on a hoop i found incredibly firm yesterday against Reg... smoothly through!! The match is now poised at 1-1.
13 Feb 2015 11:09AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
Game 3.. might as well pass some time here.
13 Feb 2015 11:09AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
Somehow Anne has got herself the first go at hoop 1... runs a 3 yard hoop up to 2y north of hoop 2. Described earlier as a "nuggety player", remember that Anne took a game off Ahmed El Mahdi yesterday.
13 Feb 2015 11:10AM (Tournament); 13 Readers
We're still on hoop 2, where Phil had a good position, but Anne has fought back to make it more neutral.
13 Feb 2015 11:15AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Now we're sorted - noone anywhere near hoop 2. yellow cleared blue, if Anne can nail this return at blue in the middle she'll be favourite here.
13 Feb 2015 11:16AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Hits it, but blue continues away from the hoop a bit as well. Yelliow is south of hoop 6.
13 Feb 2015 11:17AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Well, that's that sorted - Anne runs a really long hoop 2 with virtually no wire - 2-0
13 Feb 2015 11:18AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Phil has just run a rather angled hoop 3 down to hoop 4, and is about to level the game. 2-1
13 Feb 2015 11:23AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Red's in the jaws of 4, and Phil has a longish shot to peel it and go near 5... gets the peel, but yellow is near the south boundary below 1. He'll be pleased to bring it back to 2-2
13 Feb 2015 11:25AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Blue fails to get position at 5, red's in front (or maybe it cleared - Igot distracted by some nice folks who have just started playing croquet)
13 Feb 2015 11:26AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Black misses the clearance, yellow plays to position.
13 Feb 2015 11:27AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Blue's attempt to dribble into the jaws bounces off, and it's 3-2 to Phillip
13 Feb 2015 11:28AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Red runs hoop 5 to just north of the peg.
13 Feb 2015 11:28AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Black's too far again - bit north of the line of the hoop. yellow takes position in an easy-to-clear spot, blue takes position.
13 Feb 2015 11:29AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Red clears black to the north boundary. Phil's taking control now.
13 Feb 2015 11:29AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Phillip runs hoop 6 with yellow 4-2
13 Feb 2015 11:30AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Just when you think she's in trouble, Anne has run hoop 7 4-3 to Phillip - nice long hoop, but only run by about 3 yards
13 Feb 2015 11:33AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
These lawns must be getting quicker, as this time it's Phillip who isn't in front of hoop 1 - is 5 feet to the side. The width we can blame a bit on the general slope at this venue, but the depth is error.
13 Feb 2015 11:34AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Black plays in very short. Yellow takes straight 2 yard position.
13 Feb 2015 11:34AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Blue is shooting at something... hits the middle of yellow and nearly rush-peels it. Saved by the special no-run Atkins hoops. Blue runs on to near the wire, but red has cleared it to the east boundary next to hoop 4
13 Feb 2015 11:35AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Black needs to run this very long hoop...
13 Feb 2015 11:35AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Runs about a 7 yard hoop!! 4-4. I could have done with that hoop stroke against Reg yesterday - a few went through, but less than half at that distance!
13 Feb 2015 11:35AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Yellow takes 3 yard slightly angled position at 9. Blue's over that way having been cleared to there by Red, and it'll be taking on its 6 yard clearance. Nuggety. Anne's a decent golfer too. I think that helps with hitting these nice big colourful balls - certainly taking up golf appears to have done good things for my golf croquet!
13 Feb 2015 11:37AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Red takes decent angled position. About 3 feet back, but it looks runnable. Good to see Phillip's end-face is still secured - one departed the mallet during our top GC invitation event earlier this season.
13 Feb 2015 11:38AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Black plays in - goes too far. Yellow takes good position
13 Feb 2015 11:38AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Blue clears red from some distance - Phil now has a clearance on black towards corner 2 which will win him the vital 9th hoop...
13 Feb 2015 11:38AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Doesn't get all of it, but Anne now has a 10 yarder. Red's in the middle of the west boundary, so hitting this would be strong.
13 Feb 2015 11:39AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Hits! Equally importantly - Anne's ball has gone off the south boundary nearly in line with hoop 9!
13 Feb 2015 11:40AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Yellow takes position well - blue needs to clear this from the short boundary. Turning into a quality game here
13 Feb 2015 11:40AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Nope - blue takes position - might have blocked herself on clearing yellow AND the hoop though. It'd be rude to go an peek, so i'll just wait a bit..
13 Feb 2015 11:41AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Red takes position - nearly nudges blue out of the way!
13 Feb 2015 11:41AM (Tournament); 19 Readers
Nope - she can see something - probably the hoop...
13 Feb 2015 11:41AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Snicks blue, but clears yellow. Blue probably not really runnable, and red is waiting right in front of the hoop, so Phil's probably 53% favourite here .
13 Feb 2015 11:42AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
yellow shoots and misses. Chewing gum packet placed to mark where it went on the boundary....
13 Feb 2015 11:42AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Lining up a very angled hoop ..will need to hit this well. ..
13 Feb 2015 11:42AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Blue bounces back - not quite in front of the hoop, and red runs a good hoop up towards hoop 10 - that could be decisive.
13 Feb 2015 11:43AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Black takes position at 9
13 Feb 2015 11:43AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
yellow takes decent angled position, blue is short
13 Feb 2015 11:44AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
red has an easy clearance here...
13 Feb 2015 11:44AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
oops - bit more moving around and Phil goes up 5-4. Anne levels things with a long in-off at hoop 10, and my work emails are up to date. Time to focus...
13 Feb 2015 11:52AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
We've had a few good shots at hoop 11, Phil is now in control...but Anne has a 10.5 yard hoop stroke...
13 Feb 2015 11:56AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Bounces off teh wire. Red for the lead...
13 Feb 2015 11:56AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Runs it well past the peg Phillip leads 6-5
13 Feb 2015 11:57AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
I'll have a break after thsi match to ensure things are fully charged for the quarters, and to let my poor computer cool down.
13 Feb 2015 11:57AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
red's all over hoop 12 - it will be hard for Anne to rescue this match
13 Feb 2015 11:57AM (Tournament); 16 Readers
That's a rather good start... black takes tight position - yellow tries to clear - almost has the same error as the last game - bounces black off the jaws of the hoop!!
13 Feb 2015 11:58AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Black might be able to get into the jaws, red is quite a long way back adn has a clear shot, and blue has played in badly - over hit. Yelow is harmlessly on the est boundary
13 Feb 2015 11:59AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
red at the hoop...
13 Feb 2015 11:59AM (Tournament); 18 Readers
Phillip wins 7-5
13 Feb 2015 11:59AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
Im' off to recharge adn get an early lunch.
13 Feb 2015 11:59AM (Tournament); 15 Readers
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