WCF Women's GC World Championship
Event Schedule and Format by John Christie
Event Schedule and Format
Congratulations on your selection to the 6th Women’s Golf Croquet World Championship being played in the Hawkes Bay, New Zealand - Saturday, 2 February to Saturday, 9 February 2019.
The event will be played at Heretaunga Croquet Club and Marewa Croquet Club. Heretaunga has 7 lawns and Marewa has 5 lawns. For those of you who have not played at these venues before, they both have excellent grass quality. The groundsman has indicated that Heretaunga and Marewa are expected to play at around 11 seconds. Every effort will be made to ensure both venues are playing at similar speeds. Quadway hoops and Dawson balls will be used at both venues. WCF hoop regulations indicate that the hoops will be set to the largest ball on each lawn and the gap will be 1/32”. This may be reduced to 1/64” if playing conditions are considered very easy.
The draw for blocks will take place on January 31st and I will post the blocks on croquetscores.com that evening. Please note that the tournament manager, Geoff Young will use croquetscores.com Commentary page to post details of late starts and venues during the event for those unable to view them on the main noticeboard at Heretaunga. Changes to the format and Schedule will be posted on Commentary page, croquetscores.com by 9.00pm.
At present, we have 52 entrants in the main event and 4 places available at the qualifier.
Player Briefing Notes
- The event will be played under “The WCF Rules of Golf Croquet - Fifth Edition (2018).
- Time limits will not be used. Where playing time has been lost due to bad weather or for other reasons and the event has fallen behind schedule, the Tournament Manager may impose time limits in accordance with Regulation
7.2.4. In the event that a match is halted due to insufficient light during block play, the match will be pegged-down, and play will resume at the conclusion of play the following day. If play is stopped due to insufficient light during
the Knockout, play will resume at 8.00am the following day.
- Coaching from the sideline or practicing between games is not permitted under any circumstances. First offence in the event will result in a warning; second offence will result in the player forfeiting all practice rights before all
matches for the remainder of the tournament.
- A ‘Club House Fee’ of $5.00 is payable each day by all players. Morning and afternoon tea is included in this fee.
- Players are not permitted to firm up hoops themselves and must call a Referee to have them firmed up or adjusted. Referees will be ‘referees on request’.
- Practice Day - Friday 1 February. Marewa 10.00am - 3.00pm; Heretaunga 10.00am - 4.30pm.
- Venue Addresses:
Marewa - Whitmore Park, 96A Nuffield Avenue, Napier.
Heretaunga - 341 Napier Road, Havelock North.
- For those using private transport, allow approximately 20 minutes to drive between venues.
- Warm-up - Ten minutes before player’s first match each day, and five minutes before each subsequent match on the court on which they are about to play on. During warmup, hoop running may only be carried out using
strokes no harder than required to send the ball seven yards.
- Safety - Each player has the personal responsibility to assess the risk of any individual shot and to warn people in danger to move away as necessary.
- Player Registration - is between 10.00am and 4.00pm Friday 1st February.
- The long-range weather forecast for the event is for temperatures 22°C to 20°C. Sunblock will be available at each of the venues.
- Emergency Contact Numbers - In the event of an emergency, players may contact the following:
- Event Organiser: Sheila Hurst mobile: 027 977 6306 Email: [email protected]
- Marewa Manager: Colin Hurst mobile: 027 977 6307 Email: [email protected]
Tournament Manager: Geoff Young mobile: 021 111 4579 Email: [email protected]
Event Format/Schedule
Play will start at 9.00am each day.
Starting times of 9.00am, 11.00am, 1.00pm, and 3.00pm are indicative only, as matches will be assigned to lawns as, and when lawns are available during the day.
Each player will have two matches per day unless they have a bye.
Main event block play will be best of 3, single banked.
The main Knockout Draw will be determined using the ‘Block Seniority’ method, as per WCF Sport Regulations, version 8.9, dated 1 October 2018.
Days 1-4, Saturday 2nd to Tuesday 5th
8 blocks of 7 players. 4 blocks at Heretaunga, 2 blocks at Marewa and 2 split blocks each day.
At approximately midday Tuesday, the top 4 players from each block qualify for the main knockout. The bottom 3 are eligible to play in the Plate. Ties on numbers of wins for 4th place will be decided by block play-offs at Heretaunga and Marewa on Tuesday afternoon. These play-offs will consist of single-banked single games in accordance with WCF Sports Regulations Appendix 6.
The Plate will be played at Marewa. The format for the Plate will be 2 blocks of 12 players, single 13 point games with no time limit, double banked, scoring clips will be used. The top 4 in each block will qualify for the Plate Knockout that will be played as best of 3.
Day 5, Wednesday 6th
Main K.O. Round of 32, best of 3, single banked, at Heretaunga.
Main K.O. Round of 16, best of 3, single banked, at Heretaunga.
The Bowl starts. The Bowl is an event for the 16 losers of the main event knockout first round. It will be played as a full knockout, best of 3, single banked. This means that even if you lose, you will have 4 matches over the next 3 days at Heretaunga.
Plate continues at Marewa.
Day 6, Thursday 7th
Quarter-Finals of main event, best of 5, single banked, at Heretaunga. Quarter-Final losers will play a knockout event for places 5th to 8th.
Shield starts. The Shield is an event for the 8 losers of the main event knockout second round. It will be played as a full knockout, best of 3, single banked at Heretaunga.
Bowls continues at Heretaunga.
Plate continues at Marewa.
Day 7, Friday 8th
Main K.O. continues at Heretaunga.
Semi-Finals of the main event, best of 5, single banked at Heretaunga.
Shield continues at Heretaunga.
Bowl continues at Heretaunga.
Plate continues at Marewa. Quarter Finals and Semi-Finals at Marewa. Plate Consolation at Marewa to determine final placings.
Day 8, Saturday 9th
9.00 Shield Final, best of 3, single banked at Heretaunga.
9.00 Bowl Final, best of 3, single banked at Heretaunga.
9.00 Plate Final, best of 3, single banked at Heretaunga.
9.00 3rd/4th place play-off, best of 3, single banked at Heretaunga.
11.00 Final of Main Event, best of 5, single banked at Heretaunga.
John Christie
Tournament Director
M. +64 (0)21 103 9480
E. [email protected]
31 Jan 2019 12:44PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
At 13 Mar 2025 1:38PM (Tournament) there are 2 people reading commentaries.