MacRobertson Shield
Mac Day 9 by Chris Clarke
Welcome back to Cairnlea where the sun is out, the breeze is light, but cool and the players will soon be starting their practice. I'll try and find out what the position is in the Ian v Tom match - when we left, Ian was on a tp against 1+2
20 Nov 2022 8:25AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Todays matches are
Lawn 4 Mal + Edward v Jeff + Tom
Lawn 5 Forster + Dumergue v Rothman + Morgan
Lawn 6 Robbie + Dwayne v Zack + Matt
Lawn 1 Christian v Edmund
Lawn 2 Fisher v Chapman
Lawn 3 v James v Jenny
Lawn 10 Samir v Greg
Lawn 11 Jamie v Felix
Lawn 12 Mark v Aaron
Underdog targets for today....USA want to win 2-1, NZ want to win 4-2. USA probably more likely to achieve target with their 2 strong pairings, but as we've seen throughout this event, all results are possible
20 Nov 2022 8:30AM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Update on Ian v Tom. Ian failed a jump at rover on his tp and is rover + peg. Tom is 1+2 with a ball in baulk and the others near rover or peg.
20 Nov 2022 8:33AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
I'm going to struggle giving precise updates on lawns 10, 11 and 12, but I'll try and provide some sort of feedback. The wind is much less strong at present - yesterday afternoon was becoming close to unplyable as the ball moved by themselves a few times. That shot from Jamie combined with Samir's C4 to C2 hit-in on day 1 have been enough to give England a handy 4-2 lead. They are ranked higher in 5 of the 6 singles today.
20 Nov 2022 8:37AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Jamie and Mark are both unbeaten on 7/7 and tomorrow will see the battle of the unbeaten doubles pairs as they take on Edmund and Paddy.
20 Nov 2022 8:39AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
One of the things viewers will have noted is how interactive most of these matches have been. We've had lots of close games - a great sign for the future of AC.
20 Nov 2022 8:40AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
NZ need Aaron, Jenny and Greg to put some points on the board. I'm not sure Greg has taken croquet this Test.
20 Nov 2022 8:42AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
We've got a high of 17 degrees today, so cooler, and a 40% chance of rain in the afternoon. The wind is forecast around 30km/h
Practice finishes
20 Nov 2022 8:46AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Jenny reminds me that Greg has had a ball to 4-b this Test.
20 Nov 2022 8:50AM (Tournament); 28 Readers
A reminder of the commitment that the players are putting in as several discuss their young families and time away from home.
20 Nov 2022 8:52AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
There are a few players and volunteers with "colds". Let's hope we can make it through the event with 24 players.
20 Nov 2022 8:54AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Jeff is by his lawn juggling 3 balls......he's just broken down.
20 Nov 2022 8:55AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
The players head towards their lawns
20 Nov 2022 8:58AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Samir carries a backpack worthy of a trip to Siberia
20 Nov 2022 9:00AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Christian plays an anti-Duffer about 2ft W of the boundary 8y N of C4. Edmund to S of C2. Christian shoots at partner, missing and now has a rush to 7y W of C4. Edmund takes very defensive long shot from B-baulk.......hills off
Paddy 8y N of C4. Harry to S of C2. Paddy misses partner from A-baulk finishing a foot apart.Harry takes the log hilly double from 10y W of C3......misses
Jenny misses partner 3rd turn from A-baulk in a C2 opening. James misses Jenny 4th turn from A-baulk.
20 Nov 2022 9:06AM (Tournament); 30 Readers
Greg is taking the long double 4th turn from a C2 opening.......misses.
Wilson runs h1 off the N boundary and needs to hit his h2 pioneer....hits
Christian rolls up to h1 off partner and makes a leave with oppo still in C2 and C4
Paddy makes h1 with a rush back to the E boundary - a sign of a quality player.
Jenny make sh1 and rolls up to get a 5ft straight h2 from C2.......fails h2
20 Nov 2022 9:10AM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Wilson has made h2 with a break.
Edmund takes an overly aggressive shot from C2 at oppo.......misses........Christian take 5y pick-up......misses. What do I know about overly aggressive lines of play?
Paddy picking the break up with precision croquet
Samir retires to partner. Greg shoots from h1 to E boundary......hits
James has done well to make h1 and has a break
20 Nov 2022 9:13AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
Looks like Rothman failed h1, oppos missed and Morgan is in play with a good chance
Paddy has made h4 with a 3-ball break
Zack is in play
Aaron is in play
Felix is in play
20 Nov 2022 9:16AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
Morgan has made an error.
Robbie misses a 20 yarder.
Paddy makes h6, takes off to a ball still in C2 and clubs it off the lawn.
20 Nov 2022 9:18AM (Tournament); 37 Readers
Edmund has a break
Wilson grovels through 2-b and is hampered......hits
James fails h5 off Jenny's h1 ball
Greg bounces off a long h2
20 Nov 2022 9:21AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
Ben has a break - I think the Aussies must have missed a 5 yarder.
Jenny peels James through h5 and picks up a break
Harry fails h1 leaving Paddy with a choice of shots. The safest 1is a 12 yarder with his h1 ball (for a laid sextuple!!). However, the shortest on is a 9 yardeer with his 1-b ball. Paddy takes the safer shot, middles it - will we see whether he goes for this peeling turn!!
20 Nov 2022 9:26AM (Tournament); 39 Readers
Paddy sets up his sextuple, takes off from h2 to h1....hits 2-b and bounces off to good position.
We've got a blackwash - all the Kiwis are in play. A bot early to get excited though. This a team that you need patience to support :-)
Wilson makes it to 4-b with a southern cross - disappointing.
Jeff lifts the ball at h4 and shoots at Wilosn in C2......misses
20 Nov 2022 9:29AM (Tournament); 42 Readers
Paddy peels 1-b before h2 - how many peels can he get. I give 16-1 against him finishing
20 Nov 2022 9:31AM (Tournament); 46 Readers
Robbie and Dwayne have the innings. I;m told Zack failed h2 and Robbie chose to make a leave forcing Matt to play rather than make any hoops.
Paddy's h4 pioneer is 5y NW - not good to peel to and his h3 pioneer is 5Y wsw.
Wilson makes a leave
Jenny is going round
Greg is going round
Felix is going round
Aaron is going round
Edmund reaches 4-b
20 Nov 2022 9:34AM (Tournament); 40 Readers
Paddy croquets his h5 pioneer into peel and won't be able to peel from close range now. Sends peelee to h5.
Edmund has made a spread, but may have left an open 8 yarder ......he looks unhappy. Will he try the minus 50 take-off to adjust it? No, just makes a 4y wide join N of C4.
Greg runs h5 to h6
Matt misses and Dwayne has a break
Mal has made h1 with a delayed tp ahead of him
20 Nov 2022 9:38AM (Tournament); 43 Readers
Christian lies prone to inspect his 8 yarder.....takes it......flicks it. Plays a thick take-off sending partner NE of h2 leaving himself another 8 yarder - cuts it to the other ball.....handy.
Paddy lines up the 2-b peel from 2 yards after h5......peel fails
20 Nov 2022 9:41AM (Tournament); 44 Readers
Jenny reaches 4-b with an NSL (she's for h2 with the other ball, so James is guaranteed to lift the ball at h2, which is his h6 ball, so the balls are the wrong way round or it is anti-TPO). James takes the short lift and hits the ball at h4.
Christian runs h1 and might be hampered.....yes, calls a ref.....hits, but still has this dodgy h2 pioneer. Plays a good croquet stroke and rushes poorly to h2
20 Nov 2022 9:45AM (Tournament); 46 Readers
Mal sets up a delayed tp.
Dwayne breaks down at h6. Matt should get going
Christian plays a good backward take-off to h2 and is away.
Jamie is in play.
Paddy may choose to stop at 4-b with 1 peel of his sextuple done
20 Nov 2022 9:47AM (Tournament); 40 Readers
Yes, Paddy is making a reverse spread.
Mal peels 4-b before h6
Christian snicks his rush to h3 and has another take-off.....copes
20 Nov 2022 9:49AM (Tournament); 43 Readers
Greg reaches 4-b and it looks like an NSL
James is taking his h6 to 4-b
Matt has a break.
Christian has a 4ball break....nope, rushes partner into 3-b after h4, so now has a much rougher position as his h6 pioneer will now be closer to h3.
Morgan misses the long lift. Ian has made h1 with a 3-ball break
Paddy has made a fairly horizontal reverse spread. Harry lifts the Easterly ball and takes the "short" lift from B-baulk.......hits. Recap 1+1 v 2-b + 4-b
Felix is back in play
Aaron is still in play
20 Nov 2022 9:55AM (Tournament); 47 Readers
James reaches 4-b with an NSL where the ball at h4 is definitely hittable from A-baulk. Jenny lifts her h2 ball to A-Baulk and takes the short lift......calls a ref to watch the ball at h4......hits and need to rush to h2 for a standard tp. Overhits the rush, underapproaches slightly, runs h2.
Harry makes h1
Christian makes h6 with all the balls nearby, but not at 1-b
Samir is looking at a shot from A-Baulk with a bit of the ball at h4 in play and also at the hampered 6 yarder with the ball at h4 at oppo. Takes neither and lifts the h4 ball to B-Baulk and takes the defensive lift...hills off...
20 Nov 2022 10:01AM (Tournament); 39 Readers
Mal breaks down - I'm guessing 4-b and penult. Jeff rushes to h1, makes the hoop and has a break
Wow, Aaron sweeps the balls off the lawn - he's won in 63 minutes!!!!
20 Nov 2022 10:04AM (Tournament); 37 Readers
Matt reaches 4-b with a reverse horizontal spread. Robbie lifts the ball at the peg and shoots at partner, missing into C4
Christian reaches 4-b with an NSL, where he's left a 4ft rush pointing at h1
Greg has made h1 on his second break.
Jamie looks like he is making h2.
Jenny fails the 4-b peel after h3 and hasn't rush-peeled before h6. Expect a ball to the peg
20 Nov 2022 10:10AM (Tournament); 43 Readers
Edmund lifts his 4-b ball at h4 and takes the very long lift.......misses
Mark has croquet early in game 2, possibly 3rd turn.
Greg has rushed partner back after h4 and is setting up a delayed tp.
Jamie fails h4. Not sure where the other balls are, other than Felix has a ball at h5
20 Nov 2022 10:16AM (Tournament); 41 Readers
Christian opts to rush closer to the Westerly ball and gets mid E boundary. Plays a good cut-rush to h1 and has a 3ball break.
Jeff has broken down at h6. Wilson is in with his penult ball.
20 Nov 2022 10:19AM (Tournament); 43 Readers
Jamie is approaching h4 again, so Felix must have missed. He's through.
Harry reaches 4-b with an OSL - disappointing.
Aaron is in play
Paddy looking at the shooting gallery from the end of B-baulk with his 2-b ball.....yes, that's the shot he's taking.......hits partner. No easy way to get an stp - I'd send partner to 3-b.
Greg looks like he's jawsed peelee in 4-b before h6
20 Nov 2022 10:23AM (Tournament); 40 Readers
Paddy also sends partner to 3-b
Greg rush-peels 4-b after h6 and sends it to 2-b
Jenny reaches peg with no peels and makes a horizontal spread. Recap peg+4-b v 1+4-b
Wilson is trying to cross-wire oppo at 4-b
20 Nov 2022 10:26AM (Tournament); 40 Readers
Christian still hasn't got full control and is on h5........misses 4 yard rush giving Edmund's h1 ball a 4 yarder with a ball at h5 and a ball just N of C1. Edmundhits, bit rushes it off the N boundary, which from 1 point of view isn't great and from another gives him a ball to run h1 to!!!!
Aaron making h4, first break game 2
James lifts his backward ball and takes lift from B-baulk,,,misses to C4
20 Nov 2022 10:30AM (Tournament); 40 Readers
Jenny rushes short to 4-b, approaches to give herself a straight hoop, grovels through with a jerky effort and has a 5 yarder....misses
20 Nov 2022 10:32AM (Tournament); 43 Readers
Edmund rolls partner near C1 and will be approachin h1 from the corner sending oppo to h3.....unrunnable and returns to near C1
Felix is back on the lawn with croquet.
Ian looks like he's on a straight double to finish. Peels well, but the striker's ball bounes back off penult to leave a tricky hoop....runs it. Can't see where peelee is
Greg has partner at 4-b....maybe he didn't get the rush peel after h6???
James waiting for the wind to die down before taking on a 3 foot h1.....blobs off the peg ball and might be inches in front of h1 with Jenny's ball needing to run 2-b to hit......yes Jenny finds her 4-b ball at h2 and shoots down to h1.....hits and has a ball at 4-b. A big let off.
20 Nov 2022 10:40AM (Tournament); 40 Readers
Christian shoots from the N boundary at what must have been a target near C1.....misses
Correction.....Jenny is on penult, not 4-b, so her finish is a lot trickier
20 Nov 2022 10:41AM (Tournament); 37 Readers
Paddy takes his 2-b ball t peg with a spread.
Jenny makes penult but still has work to do.
Jamie is back in
Mark has missed the short lift.....can Aaron close out the match with a tp?
Greg has reached the peg with eother 1 or 0 peels
20 Nov 2022 10:44AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
Edmund has made h1 and rushed Christian into h5 - not the jaws, but he can't send it to h3 and now has lots of work to do.
Harry lifts his h1 ball and takes the short lift.....can't believe it misses
20 Nov 2022 10:46AM (Tournament); 36 Readers
Jenny wins +17
Edmund appraoching h2 from 6 yards E.....crashes through h2 to the boundary, but will still need a 25y rush to h3.
Looks like penult and peg with a spread for Greg
Paddy makes 4-b and should finish.....oops, rushes into the jaws of h3 after 4-b.
20 Nov 2022 10:50AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
Samir lifts ball at peg and takes long lift.........misses
Mal wins game 1
Matt wins game 1
Ben in play in the other doubles
20 Nov 2022 10:52AM (Tournament); 35 Readers
Edmund has made h3 and now has a really good chance of a break,,,,misses 3 yard return roquet.
20 Nov 2022 10:53AM (Tournament); 36 Readers
Paddy finishes +17
Christian askes for a wiring lift with his 4-b ball and Edmund concedes it. Will Christian make hoops - he should do, he's got a laid break
Greg runs a short angled penult and will need to rush partner to rover from 10 yards
20 Nov 2022 10:55AM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Jamie is on a tp. Apparently Felix has had a ball round but failed h3
20 Nov 2022 10:56AM (Tournament); 30 Readers
Wilson has the first chance following the opening, but Tom is now in and has just played a really good rush to C2.
Greg finishes +26
Aaron is on a tp
20 Nov 2022 10:57AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Christian is making hoops
Not sure how Tom lost the innings, but Mal is in play
20 Nov 2022 11:00AM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Christian is going to the peg. This is the sort of position where you should go to rover if you can get the leave in time, which he should have been able to. It minimises the chance of being being pegged out should oppo get back in with their 4-ball and you should have plenty of time to complete a single peel starting from h5.
20 Nov 2022 11:02AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Christian reaches peg with a failed spread having rushed the ball he made rover off to right next to another ball making the leave tricky. I'd better describe where the balls are for the leave. Edmund's h4 ball is 10y E of the peg. Edmund's 4-b is 2y S of C2. Christian's peg ball is 18y N of C1 and his h5 ball is 5y SE of his peg ball. This means Edmund can take a perfect double from A-Baulk if he wants to be aggressive. Recap. peg + h5 v 4 + 4-b. Opts not to take a lift and plays his 4-b down the W boundary.....about a 16 yarder.....waits for the wind.....hits
Game 2 James 9y N of C4. Jenny to S of C2. James misses partner from A-baulk . Jenny takes long double from B-baulk.....misses to next to James. James picks up a break
I'm told Forster & Dumergue are rover and peg. The Yanks have a clip on 2-b and the innings and that's all I know
Aaron has reached peg, probably with1 peel. Mark hits the last shot
20 Nov 2022 11:19AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
Now, can Edmund punish Christian's ball to peg by taking his 4-b ball round and pegging out Christian to leave 4+peg v h5?
Game 2. Looks like Paddy missed 4th turn from a C2 opening. Harry has made h1 and will need to roll off h2 from the corner.
20 Nov 2022 11:21AM (Tournament); 30 Readers
Edmund has made 3 hoops and is struggling to get partner onto a boundary
Jamie wins game 1 +14
Harry fails h2. Paddy hits. No easy break.
James reaches 4-b with a spread
Tom has a break
20 Nov 2022 11:27AM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Samir has the innings early in game 2. Greg corners.
Paddy makes a leave.
Edmund pegs out Christian leaving his peg ball just S of C2 and his h4 ball 5y E of h4.
Jenny lifts the ball at h2, takes the long lift.......hits the in-lawn ball
20 Nov 2022 11:30AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
Zack misses partner and Dwayne has a 4 yarder for a chance......hits.
Tom reaches 4-b with a spread
Harry takes a 30 yarder......hits in the middle with his h2 ball and has a ball at h3.
Morgan approaching 2-b with Ben also on 2-b playing against rover and peg
20 Nov 2022 11:34AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Christian lifts to B-baulk and shoots the peg ball.....hits. Plays excellent take-off to get a rush to h5. Approaches sending the croqueted ball just S of the peg so it won't rush to h6....runs h5 to W of the ball at the peg. Hits and approaches h6.....get an 8ft 10 degree hoop.....runs it. Hits a 3 yarder. Croquets the ball 6y SSW of 1-b going to the ball in C2 and needs a good stoppo approach for a great finish
Harry fails a 4 ft straight h2 off partner. Paddy shoots from h3 to h2........hits
Tom's spread was open and Wilson hits a 9 yarder with oppo 4y apart on the E boundary N of C4.
20 Nov 2022 11:39AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Paddy rushes 6y N of h1
Christian sends a good ball to 2-b and has a 35 degree 5-6 foot 1-b. Considers taking wired position. I wouldn't be able to turn this hoop down. Christian takes wired? position. It looks to be 4foot 15 degree position. The northerly ball to C3 looks playable to me
Aaron beats Mark - not sure whether he hit the lift or Mark made an error. Either way, Aaron has found a different level today and Mark's unbeaten record is gone. England 4 NZ 3
20 Nov 2022 11:43AM (Tournament); 33 Readers
Matt has a break
Edmund isn't wired and shoots, middles it
20 Nov 2022 11:44AM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Aaron hit his last lift - superb match.
20 Nov 2022 11:45AM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Paddy makes a leave without attempting the hilly approach.
Jenny is taking her post-lift break round
Edmund is making a leave near C4
Samir has a break
Jamie is in play
20 Nov 2022 11:47AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
Jeff makes h1 by 15 yards, still has a lot of work to do.
It has started raining....sideways
20 Nov 2022 11:48AM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Christian runs out to the lawn with just a shirt on his top half. Edmund confirms he was 95% open on his shot at 1-b. Christian goes to C3 (C1 is better). Edmund rushes to h4 and runs an angled hoop he didn't need to attempt
Samir has reached 4-b and is making an MSL
Harry takes a 27 yarder.....misses
20 Nov 2022 11:53AM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Jenny reaches 4-b, but has left the ball at h4 open again and it's a southern cross. James looking at taking the aggressive shot at the double from A-baulk or the defensive join with partner. Takes the aggressive double.....hits partner
Edmund makes a leave near C1 which will be largely wired from Christian (he's in C1 and a couple of inches N of C1). Christian shoots.....misses and Edmund can promote a ball N witth his first rush to generate space
Mal is in play
Paddy fails a backward take-off to h1 off partner and will be joining up N of h1. Harry shoots from h2 to h1 with his h1 ball......hits both balls
Looks like Greg has hit the lift
Forster is in and there's an oppo clip on 3-b.
Matt has a clip on 4-b and Robbie is rushing to h1
20 Nov 2022 12:02PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Harry rushes back into 1-b after h2 which will causes problems.Makes h3, fails h4 off partner. Paddy takes 12 yarder at ball in h4.....hits.....he's got his shooting boots on today!..
James doesn't get the approach from C2 and will be laying up with partner near C2. Recap 2+4-b v 1+4-b. Jenny will shoot with her h1 ball at h3 at partner at h4........misses. James misses partner from 4-5 yards. Jenny plays her 4-b ball and hits partner and rolls to guard C1. James plays his ball at h2 to C4.
Edmund doesn't do anything exciting near C1 and gets a rush on oppo to h1 which is well short........approaches to 1ft 40 degrees and bullies it through by 11 yards. He's playing this 3 ball game a bit like a 1 ball game!!! Snicks 4 yarder....handy. Approaching h6 from the peg.....copes but rushes to 16y E and will be making another leave. Recap 1-b + peg v 1-b
20 Nov 2022 12:10PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Jeff has the innings
Robbie has a break
Felix has a break for h6
Edmund lays up in C1 (peg ball) and 2y N of C1 (1-b ball) with Christian near C3. Christian plays to C4 - i prefer something more cuddly
20 Nov 2022 12:13PM (Tournament); 29 Readers
Samir is back in play
Paddy peels Harry to h5 obtaining a rush to h1
Edmund's rush only goes 4 yards N and he's looking at rolling to c2. Being closer than C4 would be nice now.
20 Nov 2022 12:15PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
Jenny makes h1 and then makes leave.
Jeff has lost the innings and Wilson has rushed to h1, makes it and has a standard tp ahead of him.
Paddy has made h1 with a break
20 Nov 2022 12:17PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
Edmund rolls his 1-b ball to C2 and his peg ball 5y E. Christian moves from C4 to C3 - that's the right place unless you fancy going 8 yards W of C3
20 Nov 2022 12:18PM (Tournament); 29 Readers
Edmund misses his 5 yarder at the ball in it a double???? No, they are both on the N boundary
20 Nov 2022 12:19PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
James plays his ball at h3 into C1 leaving partner 4y W of h2. Jenny goes to the ball in C1 and plays the big croquet stroke. Striker's ball goes well in-lawn, but hills 2 yards W, so I can understand not wanting to risk getting a rush to h2. Hits a 4 yarder and will be approaching from 5y W with a ball just E of h6 and partner near h4. Takes off to h2 rather than rolling. Runs an angled hoop and has a 5 yarder.....hits. Just a couple more shots to play for a break.Fails h3
Wilson jawses the 4-b peel after h3.
Paddy is going round
Game 1 still in progress on lawn 5 (the Ben match)
Edmund takes on a mindless 1-b with Christian in C3. It was 1 yard 40 degrees with partner 5y NW of 2-b. He's run it by 2yards instead of just jining partner. He can't shoot at pertner now since it misses just N of C1 and will be retiring to the E boundary. I'm almost wishing he'd had 2 balls off!!. Plays 11y N of C4
20 Nov 2022 12:27PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
James has the innings with his 4-b ball. Makes a leave near C1 with Jenny's 4-b ball at h2. Jenny is shooting from h2 to C1.....misses badly. James's rush to h2 finishes on the end of B-baulk....rolls up to h2....gets a 2y hoop, smashes through.
Christian lifts to C2 and takes his "rush" to 1-b. Hits, cutting it 20y N of C1. Thick take-off to 1-b.......good shot. Calls a referee - the hoops looks like it is leaning. Runs1-b but only gets rush pointing at C3. Rolls up to 2-b.......curls in nciely to give a 3 ft hoop.....this is a good chance........clangs. Edmund has a 3 yarder with his peg ball. Recap 2b+peg v 2-b
Samir is peeling penult from distance after h6....peel fails
20 Nov 2022 12:35PM (Tournament); 29 Readers
James has played some big rolls and now has an angled h3 for a standard tp.....fails. Jenny will take her 4-b ball to either rover and the peg (as per previous commentary, rover is better if you can get the leave). I expect jenny to go to the peg.
Paddy reaches 4-b with a spread and Harry ifts the ball at the peg (his h5 ball) and takes the long lift.....misses
Edmund lays up 6y S of C3 with Christian mid-W boundary. It hasn't been a game of tactical mastery.
Wilson looks like completing his tp on lawn 4 which will be a great relief for the Aussies.
Felix is on a second break.
Samir jawses rover going to 3-b - that should be game all.
20 Nov 2022 12:41PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Edmund wisely leaves a reverse rush. Christian shoots......misses. Decent chance for Edmund but needs a couple of long rushes. Makes 2-b but doesn't get a rush to 3-b and lays up 3y W of C3 with Christian near A-Baulk
Jenny has reached the peg with a reverse spread. Lunch
Paddy opts to rush to C4 before h1 because Harry's lift to 2y N. Fails to get a good rush to h1 and rushes 9y W of the peg.......plays the aggressive take-off, doesn't get in front and tries to scatter partner, but misses to 3y E of C2. Harry has a 9 yarder with his h5 that doesn't give him much and gives a lot away. Harry hits
Samir has come off the lawn - has something gone wrong at 4-b? I guessing he's missed his 4-b pioneer into baulk having done all the peels. Greg is on 1+2. Lunch
Wilson finishes +14tp
20 Nov 2022 12:49PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
Christian moves to 2y E of C1. Edmund can just lay a wired rush now with his pe ball......yes he's found that line of play.
Harry is considering rolling up to h5 from h4, but is now looking at rolling towards C1 for a leave. Tricky choice because Paddy has hit a lot this match.
20 Nov 2022 12:53PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
Dwayne looks like he's on a delayed tp.
Cristian stays E of C1. Edmund rushes 2 feet SE of 3-b - good shot, but gets hoop and roquet and will need to roll towards C3.
20 Nov 2022 12:56PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
Edmund rolls towards C3 with a hampered backswing, so a ref is's clean and is excellent. The peg ball finishes 2y SW of C3 and he plays 3y W of 3 to a wired? spot
It looks from 150 yards as if Felix has reached peg, giving away a 13 yard lift. Lunch
20 Nov 2022 1:00PM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Christian breaks for lunch. Recap 2-b v 4-b+peg game 1
20 Nov 2022 1:02PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
Dwayne reaches the peg with 1 peel and a spread. Lunch
20 Nov 2022 1:06PM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Test Recap
Aus lead USA 5-4
Eng lead NZ 4-3
20 Nov 2022 1:08PM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Harry has rolled over to C1 and made a leave. Lunch
20 Nov 2022 1:08PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Dumergue & Forster take the first +5.
20 Nov 2022 1:23PM (Tournament); 24 Readers
James and Jenny head back to lawn 3. Recap Jenny has a reverse spread 3+peb v 3+4-b. James lifts the ball at the peg to C1.......misses to E of C2.
20 Nov 2022 1:26PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Jenny makes h3 and has a 3ball break
20 Nov 2022 1:29PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
Hits return roquet after h4 into the wire of 3-b and it bounces SE - really handy, she's got room to get a h6 pioneer now......but only gets it 3y NE of the peg. Makes h5
20 Nov 2022 1:30PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
Jenny sends he 1-b pioneer 3y SE of the's a good place for a 3-ball break but dreadful if you're picking up the ball near C2. Approaches h6 from 3 yards, grovels through h6. Can't hit partner, takes advantage of her poor 1-b pioneer and hits that. Takes off to ball in C2 and needs a big wide-angled croquet srroke loading 2-b getting a rush on partner near the end of B-baulk to 1-b. Plays it well and gets a 3y straight rush to 1-b with a good ball at 2-b. Rushes to 2y E. Makes hoop by 7 yards and has a 5 yarder......hits. Should finish
Edmund rolls to 6y S of C3, trying to wire
Paddy takes 22 yarder......hits.....again.
20 Nov 2022 1:38PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Christian is shooting......the shot isn't fully guarded - Edmund is on the boundary and 1 y in-lawn.........misses.
Jamie hits the lift, but blobs h4.
20 Nov 2022 1:41PM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Paddy jawses the 4-b peel after h3.
Jenny has a more angled 3-b than ideal.......runs it and hits 3 yarder
20 Nov 2022 1:43PM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Edmund has made 4-b and needs to rush partner to penult from 6 yards. Rushes a bit short and underapproaches. Runs it to the S boundary -that's not good....partner is 5feet S of penult and Christian is 5y E of that. C2 looks like the place to go
20 Nov 2022 1:46PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Jenny has a 5-6 yard return roquet after 4-b with a ball at penult....hits
Edmund goes to C4....that's near Christian's next hoop. I know Christian's 5 yarder might cut to C2, but that's behing his break. Recap rover + peg v 2-b
20 Nov 2022 1:49PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Zack hits the lift with the ball at the peg from where it lay. Recap 1+4-b v penult + peg, Zack in with the h1 ball
20 Nov 2022 1:50PM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Christian middles his 5 yarder and now has a long roll to 2-b.....gets a 4y straight hoop......runs hoop.
Jenny has a clip on penult,,,,,,no idea how she broke down. Looks like she might have had a backward take-offfrom worse than death and has faulted her hoop stroke, but that's a guess.
20 Nov 2022 1:52PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
James opts not to have the balls put back and hits a 4-5 yarder.
Christian goes off the lawn by inches going to Edmund in C4. Edmund should finish.
20 Nov 2022 1:55PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
More swings in this Test than at a childrens playground.
20 Nov 2022 1:55PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Edmund runs rover by inches and doesn't have a rush to the peg. Tries to peg out from 7y SE. Overhits it, sending the front ball off the lawn and the back ball finishes near the peg. Christian takes a 12 yarder at the ball at the peg......misses. Edmund pegs a ball out. Christian takes angled position SE of 3-b. Edmund plays 3y W of the peg. Christian tries to jump through 3-b.....fails. Edmund takes game 1 +5
James is making a leave! It looks like Jennys ball at penult is untouched and can't hit anything. A bonus shot for the peg ball in my opinion. Jenny shoots with her peg ball at partner at penult......misses. James sends partner to h4 and rushes to C2. He still needs to get a rush to h3 from a ball 5yards E. Rushes 5y NE of h3. James is hampered after h3.......shoots at partner at h4.......misses leaving them 7y apart. Jenny shoots at partner near C2 with her peg ball......misses. Jame stakes his 7 yarder, tops his ball which leaps in the air, but the roquet is made. Still work to do to make h4. Only rushes just S of the peg
20 Nov 2022 2:06PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
James rolls to unrunnable and will be joining up at the peg
20 Nov 2022 2:07PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
Jenny should take an 18 yarder with her peg ball through to the N boundary, but can't resist her backward ball and takes a 21 yarder which misses to approximately 9y N of C4.......we'll never know because she's snicked it. Rushes to penult, runs penult. Partner is deep S of h4. There's a ball at the peg. The positive line of play sends a ball past rover getting a rush to rover, but she's taking off. Makes rover with a rush East - not ideal.
Paddy reaches peg with no peels and makes a horizontal spread.
20 Nov 2022 2:13PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Jenny takes off from 10y N of partner to get a rush to the peg......finishes W of the ball and rushes it 12y N of C4. Lines up the peg out which she'll play with pull going to the ball at h6. Misses the peg-out and her ball goes 6 yards past the peg. Will she peg one out from here? Rushes the ball at h6 off the N boundary. I'm leaving all the balls on the lawn here.
20 Nov 2022 2:17PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Harry takes the lift from B-baulk.....misses. Paddy's rush W hits the peg.
Jenny is leaving a rush to the peg.
20 Nov 2022 2:18PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Jenny leaves an 8 foot rush to the peg. James shoots - it's an 18 yarder.....misses. Jenny wins +14. Test score tied at 4-4
Paddy has a 40 degree 4-b....great hoop.
20 Nov 2022 2:21PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Paddy wins +21. NZ lead 5-4
20 Nov 2022 2:23PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Paddy wins +21. NZ lead 5-4
20 Nov 2022 2:23PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
I've just had a hobble to Siberia. Jamie has the 4-b peel jawsed after h3 against Felix on penult and peg, so could win the match this turn.
Greg has pegged out Samir and is 1+peg v 4-b and has the innings.
20 Nov 2022 2:33PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
Game 2 Edmund 9y N of C4. Christian hits that from A-Baulk, croquets it 11y S of C3 and goes into C1. Edmund takes croquet, rolls Christian 24yards N and goes to C2. Christian hits his 11 yarder. Nice to see variety
20 Nov 2022 2:37PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Jamie's tp is still going.
Greg has a 3-ball break for the match.
20 Nov 2022 2:38PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Christian doesn't risk taking off to the ball in C2 and goes straight to partner. Rolls down to h1 and leaves both balls short and tries to guard the shot
20 Nov 2022 2:40PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Edmund should corner here......and does
20 Nov 2022 2:41PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Jamie finishes an important tp with his team in trouble to maintain his own unbeaten record and level the Test at 5-5
Christian makes h1, but the next thing I see is him off the lawn next to Edmund in C2....looks like a really bad pass-roll??
20 Nov 2022 2:47PM (Tournament); 24 Readers
Edmund has picked up a 3ball break
Greg continues his break.
Dwayne has a break
Forster is in play
20 Nov 2022 2:50PM (Tournament); 20 Readers
Edmund fails h3. Christian has a 5 yarder....misses, hitting h3 and staying there to give Edmund a break back.
20 Nov 2022 2:54PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Dwayne is trying to make an MSL.
Forster has a break
20 Nov 2022 2:56PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Greg misapproaches rover. Samir's ball is near the end of A-baulk. Greg's peg ball is 3y E of the peg. He retires to 11y S of C2. Recap rover + peg v 4-b + box. Samir's Jacksonic tactic of packing his back has worked!! Samir takes his "rush" N from where he lies, flicks it W of the peg.
Edmund runs 3-b and misses 9y return roquet
20 Nov 2022 3:09PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Samir rolls up to 4-b.....pretty good. Runs 4-b and has a rush pointing at the other ball or he can play it softer to penult. Plays it softer, but only middle it and is 7y N of penult
20 Nov 2022 3:13PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Approaches to 7foot staright.......clangs. Not sure whether it runs or not. If it doesn't Greg has to fancy a 14 yarder with his rover ball for the game
20 Nov 2022 3:14PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Greg is taking the shot to win........misses
Christian has a 2yard 25 degree h2........clangs
20 Nov 2022 3:17PM (Tournament); 29 Readers
Samir is not in front of his hoop
20 Nov 2022 3:17PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
Edmund shoots from h3 to h2......middles it.
20 Nov 2022 3:18PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Samir shoots South at the peg ball...11 yarder.....hits the peg and stays near red. Greg should be able to get over 35 yards away for his leave. Can Samir hit another max distance shot?
Edmund only manages to make a leave from his hit-in
20 Nov 2022 3:22PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Bad commentary, Samir has bounced much further away from the peg SW than I thought, so Greg is looking at just joining up and Samir's shot will be closer ro 27 yards.
20 Nov 2022 3:24PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
Christian shoots.....misses
20 Nov 2022 3:24PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Greg doesn't risk shooting at partner and plays 5feet N of it
20 Nov 2022 3:26PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
You have to shoot when oppo is joined up rover + peg and Samir knows that. Shoots.........misses
20 Nov 2022 3:27PM (Tournament); 21 Readers
Greg only gets a rush pointing N of the peg........overcuts it and is 6y away from rover......that's disappointing.
20 Nov 2022 3:30PM (Tournament); 22 Readers
Edmund has a standard tp ahead of him for the match
20 Nov 2022 3:31PM (Tournament); 24 Readers
I'm struggling to believe Greg even tried to get in front of rover there. He's sent Samir towards C1 and is level with rover. Returns to partner
20 Nov 2022 3:32PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
This is now 35 yards and much more Samir's length......shoots.......I could hit either ball at this distance - they're 4 feet apart........restalks........shoots.......restalks.........shoots.......misses
Edmund misses the hoop with his peel attempt.
20 Nov 2022 3:35PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Greg can take partner down to rover now
20 Nov 2022 3:36PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Felix tells me Samir's shot was hitting
20 Nov 2022 3:38PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Greg rushes partner SE of rover, amybe 3-4 yards....approaches short to angled - 45 degrees. I'm tempted with a wired spot of the S boundary.
20 Nov 2022 3:40PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Looking at the flip, so it must be quite short
20 Nov 2022 3:40PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Greg plays a lovely flip - it's a good hoop to make. He now needs to decide whether to roll up to the peg and peg one out or lay in C1. I'm going to peg a ball out. Recap peg+peg v oenult
20 Nov 2022 3:42PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
Greg calls a referee, but it's not to watch the peg. He looks like he's rolling of the S boundary
20 Nov 2022 3:45PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Robbie breaks down on a delayed tp 2-b + penult and Zack is in
20 Nov 2022 3:45PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Ian is approachng penult
20 Nov 2022 3:46PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
Greg still has his croquet stroke to play
20 Nov 2022 3:46PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
In fact, Greg hasn't played his rush yet!!!
20 Nov 2022 3:48PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
The rush is played to the S boundary. The croquet stroke is a work in progress
20 Nov 2022 3:50PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
We think Greg hasn't left a rush (sensible) and has left one ball wired (very sensible). Samir takes position - perfectly reasonble, but slightly long.
Felix tells me Jamie's winning tp started by grovelling through h1 and hitting partner in C4.
Ian has reached the peg with no peels. Morgan misses the lift
Zack is hampered
20 Nov 2022 3:55PM (Tournament); 34 Readers
Greg is looking at a wired spot near C1, so he clearly doesn't rates Samir's chances of running penult.
20 Nov 2022 3:56PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
It's a 3 yard penult and I can't tell how angled it is
20 Nov 2022 3:57PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
That's a rapid turn from Greg - the wired rush is left
20 Nov 2022 3:57PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Samir fails an 8 foot 30 degree hoop.
20 Nov 2022 3:58PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Greg rushes to the peg. Greg wins the Captain's match +3 and NZ take a 6-5 lead, guaranteeing a winning day, their first at singles.
20 Nov 2022 4:00PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
Edmund reaches the peg, but has the balls all over the place and retires to C4 having given Christian an 8 yarder. Christian hits. Recap peg+4-b v 1+2
20 Nov 2022 4:01PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Forster pegs out to give Australia a 6-4 lead. With NZ mounting a comeback, every match is becoming increasingly vital as a 3 way tie becomes a reality
20 Nov 2022 4:04PM (Tournament); 34 Readers
Christian has made h2. Zack has broken down at 3-b but no-one has the innings. Dwayne takes a 9 yarder.....misses. Matt takes a 9 yarder at partner, joining up......misses
20 Nov 2022 4:06PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Dwayne takes a 16 yarder at oppo......misses
20 Nov 2022 4:07PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
How aggressive will Matt be with his quadruple for the match?
20 Nov 2022 4:10PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Matt has made a couple hoops and partner is at h5 (not deliberately)
20 Nov 2022 4:16PM (Tournament); 22 Readers
He has now failed to rush to h4 and misapproached. He's left Robbie a 13yarder and Dwayne a non-joining up 10 yarder. Matt retires to 3y S of C3
20 Nov 2022 4:19PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
I got Robbie and Dwayne's balls the wrong way round. Robbie takes the 10 yarder, not joing up......misses. Zack shoots at Mat S of C3 from would be a good one to hit because he could make 3-b and make a leave. Shoots....misses.
20 Nov 2022 4:22PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Dwayne shoots at what is probably a ball and a thirs from 16 yards............misses. I fancy Zack making one or three hoops
20 Nov 2022 4:23PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Christian has a 30 degree 2-b on his 4 ball break. He's restalked twice already........three times.......good hoop.
20 Nov 2022 4:27PM (Tournament); 34 Readers
Looks like Christian is stopping at 4-b and not going to peg Edmund out. I like the peg out.
20 Nov 2022 4:29PM (Tournament); 29 Readers
Zack makes 3-b and makes a sort of OSL with a lift trying to force Dwayne to play
20 Nov 2022 4:31PM (Tournament); 28 Readers
I think Dwayne to C3 is very playable
20 Nov 2022 4:33PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Dwayne goes to C1 - another ok option, but more aggressive
20 Nov 2022 4:33PM (Tournament); 27 Readers
Christian has another slightly angled hoop at 3-b.......restalks......restalks......runs hoop. Makes an OSL. I think that's disappointing.
20 Nov 2022 4:41PM (Tournament); 23 Readers
Matt has approached h6 from distance, run it and has a 5 yarder for a break. He ended up rushing to the W boundary after h4 and then rushing down to the ball in C1 - that's why it was more attacking than playing to C3.
20 Nov 2022 4:43PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Edmund lifts his 4-b ball and takes the short lift.....hits.
20 Nov 2022 4:44PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Carolyn Spooner is sitting next to me and wants to send a message to Keith Aiton "Hi Keith (Aiton), you're a really good kisser" ......I did check 3 times that she wanted me to post this.
20 Nov 2022 4:46PM (Tournament); 25 Readers
Edmund makes 4-b with a ball at penult
20 Nov 2022 4:48PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Edmund has a 4.5y pegout........hits, wins +17. NZ win the singles 5-1 and take a 7-5 lead.
20 Nov 2022 4:52PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Matt has gone to the peg with no peels and has made an OSL with Dwayne's ball on the Eastern side, trying to force it to play. Recap peg + 4-b v 2-b + penult. I think Robbie will play and take his 13 yarder.
20 Nov 2022 5:02PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
The pegged down game has restarted, but I have no view of it.
20 Nov 2022 5:05PM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Robbie puts the match on his shoulders and takes the short lift.......misses
20 Nov 2022 5:06PM (Tournament); 31 Readers
Zack makes 4-b, but still has some shots to play
20 Nov 2022 5:10PM (Tournament); 40 Readers
Makes penult off partner and will be taking off to a rover pioneer 3y W of rover
20 Nov 2022 5:10PM (Tournament); 38 Readers
Zack finishes +9 to close within 1 of Australia at 5-6.
20 Nov 2022 5:14PM (Tournament); 41 Readers
That's all from me for today
20 Nov 2022 5:14PM (Tournament); 38 Readers
At 10 Feb 2025 9:06PM (Tournament) there are 3 people reading commentaries.