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CNZ Men's & Women's Championships
Welcome Note to Players (from Dallas and Stefan) by Stefan Horrer
CNZ Men’s & Women’s Championships
12 - 16 February 2025
Hi all,
Welcome to the CNZ Men’s & Women’s Championships. On behalf of Croquet New Zealand, Croquet Manawatu-Wanganui and the Rangatira Croquet Club we would like to welcome you and we are looking forward to some great croquet.
The tournament advertisement lists Stefan Horrer as the manager, however as he is not available during the doubles event, Dallas Cooke has kindly offered to manage the event.
Below please find detailed information about the event. Should you have any questions/comments about any aspect of the tournament please do not hesitate to contact Dallas before the tournament either by email ([email protected]) or by phone (021 100 9273). Alternatively, you can contact Stefan by email ([email protected]) or by phone (027 580 3158).
Rangatira Croquet Club,
McPhee Street,
Please arrive at 8am on Wednesday 12 November for a brief welcome before play. Play to begin at 8.30am with a five-minute warm up practise at the start of each day. Start time for Thursday will be advised on Wednesday.
As not everyone is playing in the Doubles please arrive at 8am on Friday 14 November for a brief welcome before play. Play to begin at 8.30am with a five-minute warm up practise at the start of each day. Start times for Saturday and Sunday will be advised the day before.
Lawns and Practise:
The lawns will be set on Tuesday morning and are expected to be available for practise from 3pm. Please advise if you intend to come and practise on Tuesday and what time, so that we can advise the club.
Draw and Games:
The three events will be played as follows:
Six pairs playing a Single Round Robin.
The time limit for games will be three hours with Law 61 applying.
Section placings will be determined using Regulation, except if there are two pairs on equal wins topping the block. In that case a ‘Final’ between the two pairs will be played. Should there be three pairs on equal wins topping the block Regulation will apply.
We have eight entrants divided into two blocks of four to play a single round robin on day 1. The time limit for games will be three hours with Law 61 applying.
The top 2 of both blocks qualify for a best of three knock out with semifinal played on day 2 and final on day 3. Time limits will be 3.5hrs, 3hrs and 2.5hrs.
The bottom two of both blocks will play another block of four on day 2 in a single round robin. On day a single game knockout will be played with 1v4 and 2v3 in semis and winners in final, losers for places 7&8. The time limit for games will be three hours with Law 61 applying.
We have 12 entrants divided into two blocks of six to play a single round robin on day 1 and part of day 2. The time limit for games will be three hours with Law 61 applying.
The top 2 of both blocks qualify for a best of three knock out with semifinal started on day 2 and final on day 3. Time limits for semifinal will be 3hrs, 2.5hrs and 2hrs with time limits for final to be re-assessed after semifinals are completed.
The remaining eight players will be divided into two blocks of four with single round robin play starting on day 2 afternoon. The blocks will consist of A3, B4, B5, A6 in one block and B3, A4, A5, B6 in the other. The time limit for games will be 2hrs 45min with Law 61 applying.
Day 3 finish Plate blocks followed by direct playoffs, i.e. Plate block winners play each other for the Plate, second vs second etc.
The detailed draw has been uploaded to croquet scores and displayed at the club. (https://croquetscores.com/2025/ac/cnz-mens-womens-championships).
Dallas will be the tournament manager and Stefan will be the tournament referee. Unfortunately we won’t have a qualified referee for the doubles, therefore players will to act as referees during the doubles.
The appeals committee comprises Jarrod Coutts, Baubre Murray and Stefan Horrer.
A club house fee of $5 per day will be payable. Lunch will not be provided however there are multiple options nearby if you are not bringing your own lunch.
If there is interest from players we will look at organising dinner on the Saturday night. Please let either me or Stefan know whether you would like to join.
We hope this covers things but if there are any questions please let me know.
I am looking forward to seeing you all in a few days time.
Dallas & Stefan
Dallas Cooke
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: 021 100 9273
Stefan Horrer
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: 027 580 3158
08 Feb 2025 8:04AM (Tournament); 7 Readers
At 29 Mar 2025 12:11AM (Tournament) there are 18 people reading commentaries.