WCF AC World Championship
Knockout - Last 32 - Kelburn by Chris Clarke
Good morning from Kelburn. The sun is out and more importantly, the wind is close to non-existent. The wind has been a key factor in the difficulty at Kelburn. Very disappointly, three of the lawns are still using the hoops from day 1, whilst two of them were put in fresh holes yesterday. This is likely to make a difference to playing conditions lawn by lawn.
07 Feb 2018 9:37AM (Tournament); 22 Readers
I'm going to focus on the two games on lawn 1 - Reg Bamford v Jonathan Powe and Ed Wilson v Ian Burridge.
Ed was not born the last time Burridge won a knockout match in the AC Worlds
07 Feb 2018 9:38AM (Tournament); 21 Readers
I'll try to occasionally give updates from the 8 other matches - so be aware of spoilers.
07 Feb 2018 9:38AM (Tournament); 23 Readers
The lawns here have improved on a daily basis and are gradually becoming browner
07 Feb 2018 9:39AM (Tournament); 25 Readers
The players are practising (feels like at least 10 mins of the 5 mins allowed have been used)
07 Feb 2018 9:40AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Still going - I make it 14 minutes now
07 Feb 2018 9:43AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
9.43 and now no players are on the lawn - or anywhere to be seen
07 Feb 2018 9:44AM (Tournament); 34 Readers
Bamford (UK) v Powe (RY)
1. U to 8y N of C4
2. R to just S of C2 (bad choice)
3. K shoots at U from A-Baulk…………misses leaving about a 3 ball gap between his balls
4. Y shoots from the end of B-Baulk at UK (might as well shoot at R as that)……………..misses
07 Feb 2018 9:51AM (Tournament); 45 Readers
Bamford (UK) v Powe (RY)
5. Well, Reg must be thrilled with that opening. Reg digs Y out a few yards and rushes partner to h1. Fails h1 from 1 foot. He may be on the wire – can’t see from here.
6. R shoots from C2 at K ……………misses
7. Reg calls a referee to watch what looks like an easy 15 degree hoop…..runs it past K and has a rush back to R.
07 Feb 2018 9:58AM (Tournament); 51 Readers
Burridge (GB) v Wilson (PW)
1. B to 10y N of C4 and 4ft off the yardline.
2. W 12 yard Duffer Tice on W side of h6.
3. G shoots at B from B-Baulk, missing into C4
4. P shoots at W from the end of B-Baulk…………..misses to 11y E of C1
5. G shoots at B………..misses to 7y W of C3
6. W shoots at P……….misses leaving a perfect 14y double for B.
7. B shoots at double……………….misses by a foot.
8. Croquet!!!!! Hurrah!!!!
07 Feb 2018 10:04AM (Tournament); 55 Readers
Bamford (UK) v Powe (RY)
7 (cont.) A series of controlled strokes are developing the balls for Reg. I haven’t seen any other player show this level of control yet. Reg has now made h3 with all 4 balls in-lawn. I think he has an 75% chance of winning this event – possibly more – it is certainly his for the taking.
07 Feb 2018 10:06AM (Tournament); 49 Readers
Burridge (GB) v Wilson (PW)
8. (cont.) Edward has made h1 with P and has a 4-ball break.
07 Feb 2018 10:08AM (Tournament); 49 Readers
On the other lawns, it looks like Trimmer is break up with a spread against Beard and Maugham has failed 2-b against Clarke. Freeth is having the first break against Chapman.
07 Feb 2018 10:13AM (Tournament); 61 Readers
Playing conditions here much easier than the block stage, which is disappointing.
07 Feb 2018 10:14AM (Tournament); 60 Readers
Reg and Edward both taking their breaks round, Edward keeps catching up with Reg and having to wait.
07 Feb 2018 10:17AM (Tournament); 60 Readers
Edward leans his mallet against a hoop and does some more stretching
07 Feb 2018 10:18AM (Tournament); 63 Readers
Looks like Jones has had a ball round against Hockey who has missed the long lift.
07 Feb 2018 10:20AM (Tournament); 65 Readers
Clarke has broken down at h4 and Maugham has run h1
07 Feb 2018 10:21AM (Tournament); 61 Readers
Maugham misses 7 yarder at partner on W boundary after h1
07 Feb 2018 10:22AM (Tournament); 61 Readers
Jones fails to get going and Hockey hits
07 Feb 2018 10:25AM (Tournament); 63 Readers
Clarke has missed against Maugham who has failed 2-b again.
07 Feb 2018 10:27AM (Tournament); 63 Readers
Freeth gets to 4-b with a B-Spread. Chapman shoots with the ball at the peg at Freeth's balls...............misses
07 Feb 2018 10:29AM (Tournament); 58 Readers
Bamford (UK) v Powe (RY)
7. (cont.) Reg reaches 4-b with U and has a diagonal spread.
8. Powe lift the ball at h2 (Y) and shoots at K from A-Baulk……………misses by a couple of balls. That will be the end of that game.
07 Feb 2018 10:30AM (Tournament); 59 Readers
Clarke has missed against Maugham who is making progress with his 2-b ball
07 Feb 2018 10:30AM (Tournament); 62 Readers
Bamford (UK) v Powe (RY)
9. I was wrong. Bamford fails a straight h1 from less than a foot, handing a 4-ball break to Powe.
07 Feb 2018 10:34AM (Tournament); 70 Readers
I guess that just shows why Atkins hoops should be used for all major events.
07 Feb 2018 10:35AM (Tournament); 66 Readers
Burridge (GB) v Wilson (PW)
8 (cont.) Edward reaches 4-b with P and has a cross-peg with W just N of C4 and P 5y North of P.
9. Burridge takes a 4 footer B at G…………..misses to mid-lawn. Comes in and says it was hitting.
07 Feb 2018 10:38AM (Tournament); 68 Readers
The last 32 is all best of 3 matches. I believe the manager announced that the last 16 would also be best of 3.
07 Feb 2018 10:41AM (Tournament); 65 Readers
Burridge (GB) v Wilson (PW)
10. Wilson picks up a break with his W ball by hitting h1 on his approach and stopping in front. He now has a standard tp ahead of him.
07 Feb 2018 10:43AM (Tournament); 64 Readers
Burridge (GB) v Wilson (PW)
10 (cont.) Wilson puts his h4 pioneer closer to the S boundary than h4. Jawses peel after h3. Only manages to rush partner just S of the peg and is now in a weak position. Takes off to the ball near the S boundary – good shot – gets a rush to h4. Runs h4 off the lawn and has a 5.5yard return roquet……hits quarter ball.
07 Feb 2018 10:49AM (Tournament); 71 Readers
Maugham is on a standard tp v Clarke
07 Feb 2018 10:50AM (Tournament); 76 Readers
Powe is playing an untidy break
07 Feb 2018 10:51AM (Tournament); 72 Readers
Burridge (GB) v Wilson (PW)
10 (cont.) Wilson needs to approach h5 from 4 yards E. Plays a good shot and should finish. We really need more difficulty here today.
07 Feb 2018 10:55AM (Tournament); 74 Readers
Freeth has failed h6 with his second ball. Chapman is taking his first ball round.
07 Feb 2018 10:59AM (Tournament); 68 Readers
Burridge (GB) v Wilson (PW)
10 (cont.) Wilson doesn’t get a chance to peel penult after h6 (poor play). He’s now put his 2-b pioneer 7y N of 2-b – not a great ball to death roll to. Fails the penult peel and only rushes 4y N of 2-b. Plays a good approach and is still going.
07 Feb 2018 11:00AM (Tournament); 69 Readers
Burridge (GB) v Wilson (PW)
10 (cont.) Wilson fails 3-b.
11 Burridge hasa 4 yarder with B at P near penult…………clips it.
07 Feb 2018 11:02AM (Tournament); 79 Readers
Hockey hits a 24 yarder against Jones
07 Feb 2018 11:03AM (Tournament); 80 Readers
Powe has left a still ball taking off from the peg to 3-b and now realises he has played the wrong ball somewhere after making h1. This will be interesting.
07 Feb 2018 11:05AM (Tournament); 79 Readers
Burridge (GB) v Wilson (PW)
11. (cont.) Burridge does well to make h1 with a forward rush. Fails a 4 foot straight h2 off P.
12. W, however, is still in the laws of 3-b, so can run up the lawn and has a good chance to finish with a straight double.
07 Feb 2018 11:10AM (Tournament); 82 Readers
Bamford (UK) v Powe (RY)
10. Powe’s wrong ball error is agreed to be a few strokes earlier which is a game saver since it means that Reg now takes a 1 footer with his 4-b ball rather than being able to play his h1 ball at a 2 footer had it been a still ball error and no wrong ball.
11. Reg makes a leave with him near C1 and R (3-b) at h2 and Y (h1) 1y off the E boundary 12y S of C3.
12. Powe shoots Y at R (good choice)………….misses
07 Feb 2018 11:17AM (Tournament); 87 Readers
Burridge (GB) v Wilson (PW)
12 (cont.) Wilson irish peels penult to 5y N of rover but over-rushes the peelee and can’t attempt the rover peel.
Clip recap W-peg, P-rover, B-2, G-1
He has an OSL with a rush in-lawn from C4.
07 Feb 2018 11:17AM (Tournament); 86 Readers
Chapman appears to have broken down and Freeth has all the balls
07 Feb 2018 11:19AM (Tournament); 88 Readers
Burridge (GB) v Wilson (PW)
13. Burridge lifts B, the peg ball and takes the short lift………….misses
07 Feb 2018 11:19AM (Tournament); 88 Readers
Burridge (GB) v Wilson (PW)
14. Wilson makes rover, but does not get a rush to the peg. He rushes partner to C4 and is defensifying the two opponent balls.
07 Feb 2018 11:22AM (Tournament); 96 Readers
14. (cont.) Burridge (GB) v Wilson (PW)
PW near C4 with a rush to the peg, B (h2) 18y N of c1. G probably wired from B just off N boundary 9y E of C2.
15. Burridge shoots B at P/W…………….misses
07 Feb 2018 11:26AM (Tournament); 85 Readers
Burridge (GB) v Wilson (PW)
16. Wilson wins game 1 +25
07 Feb 2018 11:27AM (Tournament); 91 Readers
I'll pass over to Michael Wright to continue commentary
07 Feb 2018 11:27AM (Tournament); 89 Readers
Game 2. Burridge PW, Wilson GB
1. Brown supershot
2. Pink shoots from A baulk, running hoop 2!
3. Green takes the 7 yarder and starts a break.
07 Feb 2018 11:33AM (Tournament); 78 Readers
. He over-rolls 4 and has to retire to the EB 4 yards North of 4.
07 Feb 2018 11:40AM (Tournament); 77 Readers
4. Burridge hits a short shot from A baulk to get going. His approach to 1 is from behind and a little to the side. Fails the hoop.
07 Feb 2018 11:42AM (Tournament); 76 Readers
5. Wilson hits in with Green, and has a continuation of his break after craftily promoting Brown to hoop 4.
07 Feb 2018 11:44AM (Tournament); 78 Readers
UPDATE: Freeth wins the first against Chapman.
07 Feb 2018 11:46AM (Tournament); 77 Readers
5. Wilson hits in with Green, and has a continuation of his break. Does not approach 4 and scatters.
6. Burridge misses 9 yard shot.
7. Wilson plays Brown and starts a break.
07 Feb 2018 11:48AM (Tournament); 69 Readers
UPDATE: Jenny goes to 4back with NSL against David in the second game
07 Feb 2018 11:50AM (Tournament); 74 Readers
UPDATE: Harps sticks in penult with other clip on 4back against Patel, who is on 1 and 4. Patel hits in with hoop 4 ball.
07 Feb 2018 11:51AM (Tournament); 79 Readers
UPDATE: Chapman sets supershot against Freeth, who misses turn 4 into 4 leaving 3 balls in the middle of the court
07 Feb 2018 11:52AM (Tournament); 78 Readers
Bamford (UK) v Powe (RY)
7. Bamford gets Blue in the jaws of 4b after 3. Rushes it out after 5. Does not have the balls at 6 to do the peel, so loads 2back with Red (4 yards short) and tries a speculative 3.5 yard peel going to Yellow at 1back. The peel lodges just inside the jaws! He continues the break, but does not get the Rover peel set up, so it will be straight. He finishes the TP to take the first game.
07 Feb 2018 11:57AM (Tournament); 83 Readers
GAME 2: Powe (UK) vs Bamford (RY)
1. Blue to standard EB position
2. Yellow just south of corner 2
3. Black misses Blue from A baulk, leaving a 6 inch gap between them.
4. Red hits Blue from A baulk.
07 Feb 2018 12:04PM (Tournament); 77 Readers
7. Wilson plays Brown and starts a break. Makes 9 hoops and sets an almost vertical cross-wire at the peg, with Brown and Green on WB 1 yard north of 2, with Green rushing Brown to the peg.
8. Burridge plays White from where it is, missing Green and Brown.
07 Feb 2018 12:09PM (Tournament); 75 Readers
4. Red hits Blue from A baulk. Rushes Black to corner 2, and rushes Red halfway up the west boundary. Rolls both balls to corner 1 and sets a rush to Blue at hoop 4.
07 Feb 2018 12:10PM (Tournament); 74 Readers
5. Blue misses Red and Yelow.
07 Feb 2018 12:11PM (Tournament); 74 Readers
9. Wilson continues his break with Green, starting at hoop 4.
07 Feb 2018 12:12PM (Tournament); 73 Readers
6. Bamford starts a break with Yellow.
07 Feb 2018 12:13PM (Tournament); 75 Readers
9. Wilson continues his break with Green, starting at hoop 4. He is not attempting any peeling. Goes to the peg with a spread.
07 Feb 2018 12:25PM (Tournament); 75 Readers
6. Bamford starts a break with Yellow. Rushes Blue into corner 2 after making hoop 1. Slowly gets control of the break, not having pioneers at 3 of 4, but by the time he gets to 6 all 4 balls are in their right place.
07 Feb 2018 12:26PM (Tournament); 71 Readers
10. Burridge is shooting with Pink from the west boundary. Must have a double. Pink passes the peg on the wrong side, misses Green and Brown by a 2 feet.
07 Feb 2018 12:28PM (Tournament); 72 Readers
11. Wilson now has all the balls for the match. He stops pink infield, rushes green south of white (at the peg), loads penult with green, and rushes white to 4back. Runs the hoop to the boundary.
07 Feb 2018 12:31PM (Tournament); 70 Readers
Plays a tight break to the peg and takes the match 2-0
07 Feb 2018 12:34PM (Tournament); 72 Readers
6. Bamford starts a break with Yellow. Rushes Blue into corner 2 after making hoop 1. Slowly gets control of the break, not having pioneers at 3 of 4, but by the time he gets to 6 all 4 balls are in their right place. Takes his 9 hoops and sets a leave. Blue is on the WB 2 yards south of hoop 2, and Black by the peg is completely open to Blue. Yellow is on the EB just north of hoop 4, with an infield rush on Red.
7. Powe plays Blue as it lies and hits Black by the peg.
07 Feb 2018 12:44PM (Tournament); 62 Readers
7. Powe plays Blue as it lies and hits Black by the peg. He miss-approaches hoop 1, and retires to corner 3.
07 Feb 2018 12:48PM (Tournament); 62 Readers
8. Bamford takes his 5 yard shot with Yellow. Leaves Black 2 yards SW of hoop 4, wired from Red and Yellow peg-high on the WB. Blue is still in corner 3.
07 Feb 2018 12:52PM (Tournament); 61 Readers
9. Black misses Blue in corner 3 by a few inches.
07 Feb 2018 12:54PM (Tournament); 60 Readers
UPDATE: Chapman takes the second to equalise against Freeth.
07 Feb 2018 12:55PM (Tournament); 62 Readers
10. Bamford rushes Yellow to hoop 1 and starts his break. Rushes Yellow past 6 after making hoop 1, and sends it to 3 for the peel while going to the balls in corner 3. Rushes Black to hoop 2 to take control of the break. A standard triple should follow…..
07 Feb 2018 1:00PM (Tournament); 72 Readers
UPDATE: Trimmer takes the first game against Beard
07 Feb 2018 1:18PM (Tournament); 58 Readers
Bamford finishes the triple to take the match 2-0
07 Feb 2018 1:26PM (Tournament); 54 Readers
Clarke equalises at 1-1 v Maugham
07 Feb 2018 1:32PM (Tournament); 54 Readers
At 23 Feb 2025 7:39AM (Tournament) there are 6 people reading commentaries.