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WCF AC World Championship
World Championship Final: Reg Bamford v Paddy Chapman by Jenny Clarke
Good morning from Kelburn Municipal Croquet Club.
You think I'm Jenny, but I'm not! Andrew Gregory here. We are going to try to do the dual commentary thing for this final.
I had an early error in yesterday's commentary. I thought the cloud would burn off, in fact it stayed, also had some drizzle and mist.
Today looks similar.
11 Feb 2018 8:49AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
Good morning everyone, not only Andrew, but Jenny too. We're sharing the commentary box this morning.
11 Feb 2018 8:51AM (Tournament); 17 Readers
To clarify an incident from yesterday: Riva declared a fault as he tried to half-jump rover. One ball thru rover. Bamford chose to have balls replaced, thinking that had he not, the hoop would count. One cannot score a point with a fault.
11 Feb 2018 8:52AM (Tournament); 26 Readers
He's really funny about the laws - extremely good natured.
11 Feb 2018 8:53AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
Anyways, the forecast is for drizzle. The full-on rain forecast from earlier this week appears to have retreated. It was 100% the other day, now only 51% - so expect dour and drizzly. Bit of a shame as there was some hint of pace.
11 Feb 2018 8:56AM (Tournament); 29 Readers
The hoops are still wide... 0.6mm. Bit of a shame for the worlds final. NZ Open final was about 0.2mm.
11 Feb 2018 8:56AM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Last night we looked at the head-to-head between Bamford and Chapman. It surprised us.
NZ Open Championship Y 2008 Chapman wins 2-0.
Michael Wright had knocked Bamford out of the main event.
More pertinently:
World Championship 2013 Semi-final (Surbiton):
Paddy Chapman beat Reg Bamford +20tp, -11tpo, +17tp, +12
A rare Bamford TPO there.
And that's it, just 6 games.
11 Feb 2018 8:56AM (Tournament); 32 Readers
Reg won the toss, he's going first, Paddy has chosen blue and black.
11 Feb 2018 8:57AM (Tournament); 36 Readers
Stylistic clash, we have agreed to refer to players by first names. Shorter to type!
11 Feb 2018 8:58AM (Tournament); 38 Readers
"the tighter the hoops, the better for Paddy" - I wish the (kiwi) manager had known that! (although that would be very naughty - however cricketing nations do create pitches that most favour the home team. And there was the 2014 Mac on FAST lawns with FIRM hoops.
11 Feb 2018 8:58AM (Tournament); 40 Readers
Commentary team is seated in the veranda of the hut, not far from 3rd corner of the lawn [lawn 1].
11 Feb 2018 8:59AM (Tournament); 42 Readers
Jenny Clarke 3.0 tuning in here! J-P Moberly the third commentator to provide excellent anecdotal comments.
Everyone recovering for the formal dinner last night, I managed to get away with 2 puddings and an extra bowl of just custard!
11 Feb 2018 9:00AM (Tournament); 41 Readers
James Death in the Shield final. 8 players qualified, only 2 entered. Top competition that.
11 Feb 2018 9:00AM (Tournament); 40 Readers
The custard was indeed excellent J-P, and thank you for sharing!
11 Feb 2018 9:01AM (Tournament); 40 Readers
Shield Final: James Death (England) v Greg Fletcher (Australia)
11 Feb 2018 9:01AM (Tournament); 41 Readers
I had 3 puddings. One was called Danish pudding I think. Seemed to be sort of bread-and-butter pudding. It came with custard.
11 Feb 2018 9:02AM (Tournament); 43 Readers
_Bowl Final: Jonathan Powe (England) v Stuart Lawrence (USA) _ - Stuart has had a few triples in the Bowl, while Jonathan is one of the new stars of English croquet
11 Feb 2018 9:02AM (Tournament); 43 Readers
Plate Final: Alain Giraud (England) v Stephen Morgan (USA)
11 Feb 2018 9:03AM (Tournament); 43 Readers
Players are practising.
Sherif has turned up. Maybe some videoing?
11 Feb 2018 9:03AM (Tournament); 43 Readers
11 Feb 2018 9:04AM (Tournament); 43 Readers
1. Reg playing red... playing to the East Boundary
11 Feb 2018 9:04AM (Tournament); 44 Readers
That's about 11 yards north of corner 4
11 Feb 2018 9:04AM (Tournament); 44 Readers
Red played, so we have black next - Michael Wright will approve. He's in the inside box with Callum Hyland (Australia) and Chris Clarke.
11 Feb 2018 9:05AM (Tournament); 46 Readers
2. Paddy plays black as a short duffer. It's about a yard short of hoop 6. He was hitting it over a green area, but he is a man for a micro-tice from time to time.
11 Feb 2018 9:06AM (Tournament); 51 Readers
3. Reg can't resist that, and is in the middle of the north boundary with yellow.
11 Feb 2018 9:06AM (Tournament); 51 Readers
He'll shoot hard at this...
11 Feb 2018 9:06AM (Tournament); 51 Readers
Taking his Zen posture, upright, mallet leaning against his body, and arms by his sides. Probably waiting for people to stop talking really loudly.
11 Feb 2018 9:07AM (Tournament); 53 Readers
For Chris Clarke's report on yesterday, plus a brief preview of today, check out Croquet Network:
11 Feb 2018 9:07AM (Tournament); 54 Readers
Ready - no casting from Reg.
11 Feb 2018 9:07AM (Tournament); 55 Readers
Smooth backswing - not enough power to rush it all the way to hoop 1, but it's on the right line and south of the peg. I suspect he was just hitting that, but it's a very good shot - punishes the short duffer.
11 Feb 2018 9:08AM (Tournament); 55 Readers
Or does he? - Unless he plays a big takeoff and some immaculate shots, Paddy has a shot for the first (easy) chance of a break.
11 Feb 2018 9:08AM (Tournament); 54 Readers
In-clubhouse commentators suggest taking off to your hoop gives you two chances. What do you reckon?
1. chance to leave a 12 yarder for opponent
2. chance to fail hoop 1 and leave a 6 yarder for opponent.
11 Feb 2018 9:09AM (Tournament); 58 Readers
Reg takes off thick sending black west of the peg, taking off to partner.
11 Feb 2018 9:09AM (Tournament); 59 Readers
Roquets red, rolling up the boundary.
11 Feb 2018 9:10AM (Tournament); 60 Readers
The lawns are looking a bit greener today, and with no sun they might stay that way.
Will Reg be employing 1-back tactics today?
11 Feb 2018 9:10AM (Tournament); 58 Readers
Leaves a rush to black. This is a ball to 4back for the next person to make a roquet.
11 Feb 2018 9:10AM (Tournament); 61 Readers
4. Paddy will take the short shot from the end of A baulk. Only choice - the boundaries are unreliable and someone will go around. C'mon Paddy!!
11 Feb 2018 9:11AM (Tournament); 62 Readers
The hoops have been reset this morning, after a desperate plea to the President of Croquet NZ at last night's dinner. They are set to 0.6mm. Not sure what that is, but I dare say you can work it out.
11 Feb 2018 9:11AM (Tournament); 62 Readers
Misses badly between the balls.
11 Feb 2018 9:12AM (Tournament); 61 Readers
Bamford has chance for first break. C'mon Reg!
11 Feb 2018 9:12AM (Tournament); 62 Readers
Many many thanks to Nick Chapman (Australia) who has just appeared with a white coffee with sugar - it was delicious yesterday. Took ages to drink, as it's v hot, but ..yumm. thank you :-)
11 Feb 2018 9:14AM (Tournament); 67 Readers
J-P Moberly about to start video streaming. Go to his facebook page.
11 Feb 2018 9:15AM (Tournament); 63 Readers
Reg has made 1 and has 4-ball break.
11 Feb 2018 9:16AM (Tournament); 62 Readers
6 hoops or 9? My expert votes for 6.
11 Feb 2018 9:16AM (Tournament); 66 Readers
URL for streaming... https://www.facebook.com/johnpaul.moberly/videos/1586201211434079/
You don't have to be a friend to watch the streaming, but he's a really nice chap.
11 Feb 2018 9:18AM (Tournament); 67 Readers
Reg through 1, he has everything, we'll be back with you after hoop 4 when it's clear what's happening.
11 Feb 2018 9:18AM (Tournament); 65 Readers
Shield final... Greg Fletcher having a 3rd turn ball around
11 Feb 2018 9:18AM (Tournament); 65 Readers
After his morning coffee, I expect Nick will be back in action in Instagram. Check that out - there are plenty of short videos and photos.
11 Feb 2018 9:19AM (Tournament); 69 Readers
I've remembered to sign up for lunch today.. Twice as expensive as Wellington but still OK value.
11 Feb 2018 9:22AM (Tournament); 63 Readers
Just to clarify .. the hoops are 0.6mm. That's 1.5 64ths of an inch . 3/64ths would be slightly disappointing
11 Feb 2018 9:23AM (Tournament); 62 Readers
It'll be a 1-back leave. Partner is halfway to hoop 1 and he's making the hoop off black.
11 Feb 2018 9:24AM (Tournament); 63 Readers
People starting to arrive slowly...Trev with his Eskie -he's prepared. Jose Riva, Jim Nichols.
11 Feb 2018 9:25AM (Tournament); 65 Readers
That's Jimbo and Jimbo standing together - James Death -Jimbo of the north, and Jim Nichols - the Australian Jimbo.
11 Feb 2018 9:25AM (Tournament); 65 Readers
Comments to the commentary team: to [email protected]
11 Feb 2018 9:25AM (Tournament); 64 Readers
Andrew is just threading cables through the back row audience. And he's powered!
11 Feb 2018 9:26AM (Tournament); 65 Readers
Thanks to Manager Brian Boutel for sorting the cable!
11 Feb 2018 9:27AM (Tournament); 63 Readers
Right - we are through hoop 6. The hoops are looking very benign. Rushes back after hoop 6. Cross wiring, fairly vertically, across hoop 1.
11 Feb 2018 9:28AM (Tournament); 59 Readers
Blue 3 yards SSE of hoop 1, black 4 feet NNW of hoop 1 (provided that description describes wired balls!)
11 Feb 2018 9:28AM (Tournament); 62 Readers
Rushing partner to corner 3.
11 Feb 2018 9:28AM (Tournament); 64 Readers
Instagram, check out #acworlds
11 Feb 2018 9:29AM (Tournament); 65 Readers
Looking at giving absolute maximum distance here - yellow's going almost into corner 3...
11 Feb 2018 9:29AM (Tournament); 66 Readers
My fantasy team is unofficially back up to no. 11. Having both finalists I should make the top 10, especially if Reg completes some sextuples, and the match goes to 5 games.
I also have Jonathan Powe, who is playing in the Bowl final.
11 Feb 2018 9:30AM (Tournament); 72 Readers
Yellow is about 6 inches south of corner 3, red played to 4 feet away - he'll leave Paddy one ball to shoot at with each of his. We'll get an update of that when it's polite to
11 Feb 2018 9:30AM (Tournament); 70 Readers
Psychic outplayer James Death has already worked out we want him to report on the relative wirings.
Black has probably open on yellow, definitely open on red, blue can see everything.
11 Feb 2018 9:32AM (Tournament); 69 Readers
Blue shooting...
11 Feb 2018 9:32AM (Tournament); 68 Readers
Greg Fletcher sorting out his "3 ducks" leave
11 Feb 2018 9:32AM (Tournament); 68 Readers
Shooting... through the middle again
11 Feb 2018 9:32AM (Tournament); 69 Readers
Andrew's doing the sextuple, I'll answer some emails...
11 Feb 2018 9:33AM (Tournament); 70 Readers
Thanks to Bruce Rannie for your kind words. Chris's back seems ok, and he has a more stable seat, and a bit of back support - he's ok. Congratulations passed on to Andrew for his semi-final analogy of goals for the breaks to explain what was going on more simply... I'm really interested in maybe developing that for coaching purposes also.
Joshy - The spotty dog - our wee dalmatian - was doing well when we saw her 9 days ago. The chap housesitting for us is (so far!) excellent with the dogs. Should be all good, and I look forward to being welcomed home by both the dogs tomorrow lunchtime.
11 Feb 2018 9:36AM (Tournament); 73 Readers
G1T7 Reg Yellow embarks on his sextuple. Blue is croqueted to 3, Red is rushed shy of 1-back, takes off to Black. Makes 1 with rush pointing toward Blue.
People seemed to find my hoop / peel counter useful, so to remind you Reg wants to make 12 hoops and 6 peels.
1 hoop, 0 peels
11 Feb 2018 9:37AM (Tournament); 74 Readers
oops - James Death is back. I do really enjoy his company - he was a fantastic addition to the house at the Australian Open - but it does mean he's missed his 4th turn shot
11 Feb 2018 9:37AM (Tournament); 74 Readers
"they're as slow as anything with all the dampness around"
11 Feb 2018 9:37AM (Tournament); 74 Readers
Alan Walsh and Barbara McDonald (Australia) join a 60-strong (and growing) crowd.
11 Feb 2018 9:38AM (Tournament); 75 Readers
Total crowd size over 100 - 60 here, 45 watching streaming.
11 Feb 2018 9:39AM (Tournament); 75 Readers
G1T7 Reg Yellow now rushing Blue to 2y NE of Red at 1-back. Has he rushed Red dead in front of 2? That would make peel after hoop trickier.
11 Feb 2018 9:39AM (Tournament); 75 Readers
And they're probably all online with the commentary too - 76 readers!
11 Feb 2018 9:39AM (Tournament); 78 Readers
Stuart Lawrence seems to be having the best of the Shield final on lawn 4, but it's early days.
11 Feb 2018 9:40AM (Tournament); 79 Readers
G1T7 Reg Yellow lining up 1-back peel after 2. Escape ball is 3y SE of 2. 1y slightly angled peel with a bit of pull. Red sails thru to 9y N of 2-back.
Hoops 2 Peels 1
11 Feb 2018 9:40AM (Tournament); 81 Readers
The fault discussion yesterday.... if Jose had felt a second contact (i.e. if there'd been one) in the short jump ...then there's no question. But the question was about when striker's ball bounced back and, having turned away in disappointment, the ball his Jose's foot after he'd taken a step and a half.
11 Feb 2018 9:42AM (Tournament); 90 Readers
The straw poll only had one person (I believe) saying 'no fault', and many for fault. It's a very fine line how we interpret leaving one's stance "under control"
11 Feb 2018 9:42AM (Tournament); 90 Readers
11 Feb 2018 9:44AM (Tournament); 93 Readers
in fact... ooooo
11 Feb 2018 9:44AM (Tournament); 93 Readers
G1T7 Reg Yellow rushes Blue near end of B-baulk, croquets it 4y N of 2-back. Makes 3 off Black without rush. Rolls Black 2y WSW of 5. Yellow finishes 4 or 5y short of Red. Misses!
11 Feb 2018 9:44AM (Tournament); 91 Readers
G1T8 Paddy hits his 4 yarder, rushing blue to hoop 2. Huge error from Reg - he had the opportunity to sit Paddy out for the whole first game. Won't be pleased with that
11 Feb 2018 9:45AM (Tournament); 88 Readers
Takes off to black can rush this to yellow, and it'll be a ball to the peg
11 Feb 2018 9:45AM (Tournament); 87 Readers
Approaches hoop 1
11 Feb 2018 9:47AM (Tournament); 87 Readers
Al Honey has arrived. He's well named.
11 Feb 2018 9:47AM (Tournament); 86 Readers
Makes 1, rushes yellow into black, but he'll cope - putting yellow to hoop 4
11 Feb 2018 9:47AM (Tournament); 90 Readers
Through 2, and he's approaching hoop 3. Paddy's hoop 4 pioneer is a touch south of hoop 4, but these hoops have no bite.
11 Feb 2018 9:51AM (Tournament); 95 Readers
Video item of interest
11 Feb 2018 9:51AM (Tournament); 96 Readers
Nick Chapman has just showed me a slow motion version of his video of Jose's jump stroke...
11 Feb 2018 9:52AM (Tournament); 97 Readers
There was no double tap
11 Feb 2018 9:52AM (Tournament); 97 Readers
The striker's ball was stationary before Jose clipped it with the edge of his foot in his second step as he walked away.
11 Feb 2018 9:53AM (Tournament); 97 Readers
I don't actually think it was a fault - so he should have replaced the ball to where he kicked it from, and I believe the peel was through.
11 Feb 2018 9:53AM (Tournament); 97 Readers
Ok, Paddy approaching hoop 4 from just next to the hoop. He's through.
11 Feb 2018 9:53AM (Tournament); 96 Readers
The hoop 5 pioneer is a bit northerly
11 Feb 2018 9:53AM (Tournament); 96 Readers
Happened on some good tactics at the tournament dinner last night. Two bottles on table as we arrived, red and white. Majority went for white, just 2 of us for Red (which I usually prefer anyway). Also my drinking companion is an oenophile, so the second bottle was much nicer than the first!
11 Feb 2018 9:54AM (Tournament); 97 Readers
Paddy having a go at a pop - taking yellow through to hoop 5 - this is Reg's ball, but it means that if Reg hits in at the end of Paddy's turn, it's much much harder for him to complete a quintuple peel - so giving away a point here is a really good idea
11 Feb 2018 9:54AM (Tournament); 98 Readers
POP - Peel on Opponent. James points out that start after hoop 1 where he clattered yellow into black was because he tried to rush it across to POP it after hoop 1.
11 Feb 2018 9:55AM (Tournament); 99 Readers
Jenny has fallen offline. I'm on the club wifi, she's on phone wifi.
Let's see if mine is still working...
11 Feb 2018 9:59AM (Tournament); 98 Readers
Paddy has reached 1-back.
11 Feb 2018 10:00AM (Tournament); 100 Readers
Hoop 5 pioneer is a little wayward, and he has to rush it in from yards north. No drama. The hoops are benign, the lawns are downright slow. Some hint of the less-green patches, but lots of moisture the last two days means they'll be very slow today. Shame this couldn't be taken into account to have much narrower hoops. (not just United do that - the Mac, Wellington usually to - Paul Skinley will have been weeping at the width yesterday) - the conditions do warrant this, and Atkins hoops are very easy to set accurately (probably any new hoops are - the bowed legs of the old United hoops from smashing them into hard ground each time were VERY hard to set consistently
11 Feb 2018 10:01AM (Tournament); 99 Readers
I'm back. That's another $17.50 on J-P's account!
11 Feb 2018 10:01AM (Tournament); 98 Readers
Makes 1back, yellow has hit the peg rather than going to 3back - that'll make the leave a little more messy??
11 Feb 2018 10:01AM (Tournament); 97 Readers
partner going to 3back. He might have been planning a New Standard Leave anyway. ... maybe a Skinley New Standard Leave? - for the last few years he has often deliberately sent partner to 3back, made the hoop off it, rushed it to the east boundary, then taken off back to rush the oppo ball into position tight on hoop 4.
11 Feb 2018 10:02AM (Tournament); 97 Readers
With often mixed results...
11 Feb 2018 10:03AM (Tournament); 98 Readers
Through 2back, black is a good 3back pioneer, so this break will get to 4back.
11 Feb 2018 10:03AM (Tournament); 100 Readers
I'll hand back over to Andrew when it's Reg's turn.
11 Feb 2018 10:03AM (Tournament); 100 Readers
You may have received a Facebook thing from me. Housemates convinced me to sign up last night. Tentative steps into the 21st century. A lot of East European ladies wish to be my friend.
Also a friend whom I lost touch with 6 years ago was on there. How did Facebook know?
11 Feb 2018 10:03AM (Tournament); 99 Readers
Paddy looking lovely in black - looks like a 2014 (winning NZ Mac year) Mac shirt he's wearing. Otherwise well presented in black. Looks like Adidas shoes - black with three silver stripes, I think it's a Nike cap, and Miranda has done a lovely job of painting a silver fern onto his mallet.
11 Feb 2018 10:04AM (Tournament); 102 Readers
It's raining. But lightly. There are misty clouds adorning the surrounding hills.
11 Feb 2018 10:05AM (Tournament); 102 Readers
Spots of rain.
Clips: Reg: Red 2-back Yellow 5; Paddy Black 1 Blue 4-back
11 Feb 2018 10:05AM (Tournament); 100 Readers
We briefly saw the fresh cheese scones the club has gained some note for, but those in the clubhouse have fistfulls, and once again they made their way swiftly past the commentary bench. Good thing we brought our own nibbles!
11 Feb 2018 10:05AM (Tournament); 100 Readers
Paddy made 2back off red, placed it to the peg, brought yellow across, ran 3back to it, and he'll have a diagonal spread with red by the peg, yellow deep towards the east boundary, and he has rushed red well, so can do a find takeoff back to partner to complete his leave.
11 Feb 2018 10:07AM (Tournament); 105 Readers
Has a three yarder, but that won't trouble him at this stage of his break. Paddy has stormed back into the early stages of this match!
11 Feb 2018 10:07AM (Tournament); 104 Readers
To reiterate: Clips: Reg: Red 2-back Yellow 5; Paddy Black 1 Blue 4-back
11 Feb 2018 10:07AM (Tournament); 103 Readers
Meanwhile in the Shield final, Greg Fletcher is on a slowish 5th turn TP - has a peel done, doing delayed double - he's for 4back
Check out the leave... #acworlds - Jimbo Oz has a great photo of the leave.
11 Feb 2018 10:09AM (Tournament); 107 Readers
What might be Reg's tactics from this clip position? 2 hoops with Red, then try to finish? Or Yellow to peg? Or Yellow delayed TPO??
G1T9 Reg thinking.
11 Feb 2018 10:10AM (Tournament); 111 Readers
Must be careful today - live streaming and my mumcan catch snippets of the conversation!
11 Feb 2018 10:10AM (Tournament); 110 Readers
It's 9pm in the UK, 10 am in NZ
11 Feb 2018 10:11AM (Tournament); 112 Readers
Brilliant - more scones wandering past!
11 Feb 2018 10:11AM (Tournament); 111 Readers
Past, being the operative word.
11 Feb 2018 10:12AM (Tournament); 110 Readers
G1T9 Reg lifts Yellow to A-baulk. Shooting at Black or Blue (16y). Visualisation. Hits Black.
11 Feb 2018 10:12AM (Tournament); 111 Readers
"Players and refs first" they say - as they walk past James Death without a glance!"
11 Feb 2018 10:13AM (Tournament); 109 Readers
That's ok - I have a stash of yummy shortbread left from John Wall - let me tell you another heart-warming story about him. The shortbread has been shared. And Chris had some after he abandoned Wellington due to no back-friendly seating being left.
11 Feb 2018 10:14AM (Tournament); 105 Readers
G1T9 Reg Yellow has Red by the peg as a hoop 5 pioneer. Yellow stops Black a few yards in lawn. Blue to 6, Red rushed to 5, and he's away.
Delayed tpo a rogue suggestion from my expert. Bamford doesn't do many TPOs. Having run 5, Reg looks confused.
11 Feb 2018 10:15AM (Tournament); 107 Readers
Last night toward the end of the Tournament dinner I joined Annabel McDairmid and Alison Sharpe for a natter. As Ali was called away, I noticed Ali has a NZ International Representative badge, and I inquired after the origin on that being on a dark green Aussie blazer. Apparently it was a gift from John Wall to Ali - she and Alison Wall, who we lost a few years ago, had got on really well when they had occasion to meet (first Women's AC worlds?), and John gave Ali the badge as a token in memory of Alison Walls. Very touching, and very lovely that Ali choose to wear it here when John is a referee.
11 Feb 2018 10:16AM (Tournament); 103 Readers
as a reminder.. time limits... 3hours, then after each game another 2 hours is added to the clock. Any extra time used by a game that goes over ("regulation 8" to kiwis) will not be taken off the time for the next game - so all games have at least 2 hours
11 Feb 2018 10:18AM (Tournament); 109 Readers
G1T9 After 5, Reg Yellow rushes Red to E bdry. Red is croqueted 2y W of 6. Black is going to 1-back.
Ball to peg? Or ball to rover in case Paddy gets in with 4-back ball and wants to peg out Yellow?
11 Feb 2018 10:18AM (Tournament); 109 Readers
Same as yesterday
11 Feb 2018 10:18AM (Tournament); 109 Readers
(sorry - the time limits - Andrew slipped that in early!)
11 Feb 2018 10:18AM (Tournament); 110 Readers
Greg Fletcher has a referee on - straight double finish - he put blue through past rover and has crept through penult. Has a ref on, but it's utterly trivial. Straight rover peel for Greg to win game 1.
Plate, Bowl and Shield finals all best of three - Shield is 4hrs 7hrs 9hrs..., presume the others are too
11 Feb 2018 10:20AM (Tournament); 106 Readers
G1T9 Reg Yellow sending Red as 2-back pioneer. Might he slip in a peel?
Expert not buying my stopping at rover theory.
11 Feb 2018 10:21AM (Tournament); 106 Readers
G1T9 Reg Yellow is doing weird stuff at 2-back. POP on Black? Straight quintuple??
11 Feb 2018 10:23AM (Tournament); 108 Readers
Greg Fletcher having a straight rover peel - yet another pretty disappointing not-really-deep ball, level with 1 and 4. Yellow is an overly-deep side ball. Greg should cope though... no!!! - fails to rush in front - Greg looking at croqueting partner to the peg... no, contemplating popping partner into the jaws of rover and jumping? - that's my favourite option, but it's handy to have a deep ball for that! Croquet's blue east of rover. he'll have another hoop and a leave, for rover and peg. James hasn't been shooting well lately...
11 Feb 2018 10:24AM (Tournament); 108 Readers
James conceding he hasn't made a roquet in 3 days
11 Feb 2018 10:24AM (Tournament); 109 Readers
Thanks very much for your emails during this week Tobi - your support is much appreciated :)
11 Feb 2018 10:26AM (Tournament); 112 Readers
G1T9 Reg Yellow jawses POP of Black thru 1 after 2-back.
11 Feb 2018 10:26AM (Tournament); 115 Readers
Someone in the house asked Chris about the weighting of points for winning the various events - specifically that winning the Shield attracts less points than winning the Bowl. This is specifically interesting given that the Shield event has the losing round 2 players, while the Bowl has losing round 1 players, so the Shield is theoretically (and in fact) strong. Chris's answer last night was basically along the lines that the Sheild is a bit of a non-event in that very few players reaching that far into the World Championships are actually interested in playing in a consolation event. The Bowl is usually better subscribed as a lot of round 1 non-winners are keen to keep going - they're out a day earlier, and they also often didn't have such hopes of progressing further into the main event, so are happy playing in their own event.
In the bowl, Stuart Lawrence has failed a number of hoops, but is now on a turn to level things at break all (9-9 for some folks)
In the plate final: Stephen Morgan is 4back and peg, and Alain Giraud is 1 and 2 and is struggling with the slowness of the lawns
11 Feb 2018 10:30AM (Tournament); 111 Readers
Another plate of cheese scones wander past. Jim Nichols reckons they're famous - I'm not sure as they never seem to stop near us. They smell quite nice though.
11 Feb 2018 10:31AM (Tournament); 115 Readers
G1T9 Reg Yellow rushPOPs Black thru 1 before 4-back. Might he try to squeeze another POP in?
11 Feb 2018 10:32AM (Tournament); 118 Readers
Good morning Sam Murray. Another very nice chap I've not had a lot to do with before. It looks like Elllen is staying home today. Dreary old day so the clubhouse is full of people avoiding the drizzle.
11 Feb 2018 10:32AM (Tournament); 117 Readers
James Death has hit last shot... he's had some flack about his shooting... so goes out and spanks his "last" lift.
11 Feb 2018 10:33AM (Tournament); 120 Readers
G1T9 Reg Yellow is making 4-back off Red, Black is 1y N of penult, Blue is 3y S of penult.
11 Feb 2018 10:33AM (Tournament); 122 Readers
*Mallet in the air, yellow in hoop 2. "that's alright - it's a wedge"... "they're set to competition standard on the far lawn" - apparently the Aussies were recruited to set the hoops... "he's got an Australian referee so he'll probably get an Australian decision... omg...the scones are here.... the commentary team have scones!!! - yummmmm
11 Feb 2018 10:35AM (Tournament); 117 Readers
those were Australian comments I was quoting. Mike Cohn isn't feeling kindly though, and James is on his way back. His Aussie opponent has a 5 yarder for the game.
11 Feb 2018 10:35AM (Tournament); 123 Readers
G1T9 Reg Yellow croquets Red to rover. Makes penult.
11 Feb 2018 10:37AM (Tournament); 123 Readers
turns out Trevor Bassett organised the hoop-setting team, and a set of Aussies - Callum? Kevin? Stephen Forster? Nick Chapman? set the hoops. James suggests there's some variation in the hoop setting, as hoop 1 was fairly wide, but hoop 2 by James' declaration is "a properly set hoop"
11 Feb 2018 10:38AM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Jeff Newcombe and David Wise behind us. I first played Jeff at Wanganui on fast lawns in the 2004 New Zealand Open in the Heenan Plate. I hit EVERYTHING. I also lost narrowly. Deja vu...
11 Feb 2018 10:42AM (Tournament); 113 Readers
Stephen Morgan has taken the first in the Plate Final, Greg Fletcher has taken the first in the Shield final
11 Feb 2018 10:43AM (Tournament); 113 Readers
G1T9 Reg Yellow roquets Black in the hoop-stroke at rover. Red is 1' W of rover. Blue inches NE of peg. Croquets Black nr W bdry *y S of 2nd corner. Rushes Red off E bdry, maybe 8y N of 4th corner. Take-off to Blue. Adjusts Blue into diagonal spread position. Takes off back toward Red. Thinking about last stroke of turn...
Clips: Reg: Red 2-back Yellow peg; Paddy Black 2 Blue 4-back
11 Feb 2018 10:43AM (Tournament); 111 Readers
G1T9 Reg Yellow leaves 1y rush pointing to peg.
11 Feb 2018 10:44AM (Tournament); 107 Readers
Another cable car rattles along. There is an intermediate station just down the road, though the car didn't stop there when I used it. Maybe a request stop?
From near the top station of the cable car one has a spectacular view of some of these lawns, then the tall buildings of the city centre, then Mount Victoria, then the bay, then higher mountains in the background.
11 Feb 2018 10:45AM (Tournament); 111 Readers
I received an email yesterday from a chap commenting that Wanganui lawns were now "paddocks" - unfortunately AC play hasn't been strong there for a long time now, and the lawns aren't maintained quite as enthusiastically.
Incidentally, that's that did for Phillip Drew's AC career. The young kiwi is a really talented player, but one NZ Open at Wanganui - around 2011 - he rolled from south to north boundary - a stroke I said to someone next to me "gosh, only a couple of players here could play that stroke [Chris Clarke being one of them] - and I'm not sure it's worth the risk [of physical injury] for Phil to do that!". Unfortunately he ended up with a painful shoulder injury that led to him withdrawing from the 2012 AC World Champs during block play, and also a Wellington Open. He's now a member of the Golf Croquet Teams World Championship winning NZ team, and also occasional coach in NZ. I learned to line up shots one-eyed through Phil
11 Feb 2018 10:46AM (Tournament); 115 Readers
G1T10... Paddy lifted Black to A baulk from near the west boundary. Shoots at partner at the peg - presumably doesn't rush to 2..... looking - hits!!!!!
11 Feb 2018 10:47AM (Tournament); 115 Readers
Snicked it a yard. That's enough. Paddy is 2 and 4back. Expert commentary "Reg is working to a game plan .. lost the first game in each of his matches and went on to win the match!"
11 Feb 2018 10:48AM (Tournament); 115 Readers
Raining lightly, as Paddy takes off short, leaving a 5 yarder... chooses to hit the 4 yard inlawn ball instead. - looks like the peg was in play for the takeoff?
11 Feb 2018 10:48AM (Tournament); 119 Readers
James reports that black could hit blue as it lay - ok, 9/10 for Reg's leave. Well, it wasnt remotely polarised - ie. Paddy could equally play his 2 or 4back ball - though he was always going to play the hoop 2 ball facing peg and 2 back. - at least the leave was reasonably long.
11 Feb 2018 10:50AM (Tournament); 114 Readers
Runs 2 with a nice stroke. Hitting blue first has given him the opportunity for a standard TP. Reg had popped Paddy to hoop 2, but really needed that second pop on the way round.
11 Feb 2018 10:51AM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Red played well to hoop 4, rushes yellow (a long way) south of blue, and it's a standard TP. ok, Chris would probably give that leave 5/10. I wasn't watching closely enough.
11 Feb 2018 10:51AM (Tournament); 112 Readers
Kiwi great Graham Beale also wants to know "why one POP?" - very very good point.
11 Feb 2018 10:52AM (Tournament); 111 Readers
Paddy has a 2 yard straight rush to hoop 3... hits it badly! - has about a 3.5 yard backward takeoff to the hoop!
11 Feb 2018 10:53AM (Tournament); 109 Readers
pulls up very short - he has about a 45 degree angle. or more.
11 Feb 2018 10:53AM (Tournament); 113 Readers
Jumping in the wet is difficult - the ball tends to drop and spin on the spot, rather than gripping and going through. The wet uprights won't offer any help either.
11 Feb 2018 10:53AM (Tournament); 109 Readers
Jimbo would have gone for 2 yards past - you really do need to give yourself a shot at the hoop - though Stephen Mulliner would probably agree that getting a shot you can comfortably run the hoop from is also nice!
11 Feb 2018 10:54AM (Tournament); 111 Readers
Clip off the side of hoop 3.. he's jumping - he really has to try.
11 Feb 2018 10:54AM (Tournament); 112 Readers
Has a decent crack, but black bounces off 2 yards towards corner 3
11 Feb 2018 10:55AM (Tournament); 108 Readers
Back row of the grandstand are suggesting "perhaps the hoop is a bit wider at the top". Nope.
11 Feb 2018 10:55AM (Tournament); 112 Readers
At least Paddy failed the hoop off Yellow, so he'll have one more shot. May be a long one....
11 Feb 2018 10:56AM (Tournament); 113 Readers
"bit adventurous" - nope also - there was absolutely nothing else to do given he was leaving a 6 footer. Only other option - hope for a miracle scatter, and that Reg missed something??
11 Feb 2018 10:56AM (Tournament); 114 Readers
Back to those hoops... the uncoated uprights are also harder to jump - instead of losing a bit of energy hitting the slight cushioning of a coating, and having that slight surface to grip a little more, balls tend to slide along, or ping off the uprights. These hoops are harder to jump than standard painted/coated hoops.
11 Feb 2018 10:57AM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Egyptian hoops are VERY hard to jump - however the Egyptian jumping has improved in recent years with more international golf croquet play - they had to.
11 Feb 2018 10:58AM (Tournament); 120 Readers
G1T11 Reg Yellow rushes Blue near peg, rolls Blue to 3y NW of 4th corner. Black has been ignored - it is 2y NE of 4-back. Looking to rush near middle of W bdry. Now he's looking South of there, thinking of dolly rush wired from Blue...
11 Feb 2018 10:59AM (Tournament); 121 Readers
From the home readers.. "Final, first game.
By my count Reg has hit twice and made one error, and Paddy has missed
twice and made no errors. Since Reg went first, I think he ought to
have won the first game by now (or at least been on a finishing turn).
But he didn't put out a supershot ball. Why not? Isn't this an obvious
11 Feb 2018 10:59AM (Tournament); 119 Readers
Let's keep a count of that - it's interesting stats... now we have Errors: Reg 1, Paddy 1, Long roquets.. Reg 2/2 (including the duffer, which isn't that long), Paddy 1/3.
11 Feb 2018 11:00AM (Tournament); 121 Readers
G1T11 Reg Yellow leaves 4' rush to 2-back for Red, presumably wired from Blue.
11 Feb 2018 11:00AM (Tournament); 123 Readers
No supershot - interesting - Paddy hasn't been hitting, so maybe that's the source of the preference for Reg?
11 Feb 2018 11:01AM (Tournament); 123 Readers
G1T12 Paddy on... looking at blue (near 3back, Reg is laid up near 2back), but he'll probably shoot with black as he can win from there.
11 Feb 2018 11:02AM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Jimbo Oz suggests calling incorrectly on the coin toss might be regarded as an error. James Death has suggested that turning up today was his own error! - Greg Fletcher is going around 4th turn after James hit third turn and pulled the balls into the lawn
11 Feb 2018 11:03AM (Tournament); 121 Readers
Paddy shoots black at blue... hits!!!! - looks to have had a wee smile as the crowd applaud.
11 Feb 2018 11:03AM (Tournament); 126 Readers
Greg "Greggy Fletch" Fletcher is going around 4th turn
11 Feb 2018 11:04AM (Tournament); 124 Readers
Takes off to red and yellow, putting blue into the lawn a bit as a hoop 4 pioneer - it'll be a delayed TP. Hits yellow, rushes red.. rushes it well - it's 18 inches west of hoop 3. the crowd are a little more animated today. We should have called for locals to wear kiwi black today!
11 Feb 2018 11:06AM (Tournament); 119 Readers
Approaches hoop 3. Runs it smoothly and he can cut red to the south boundary - an excellent shot would get it very close to yellow...
11 Feb 2018 11:06AM (Tournament); 118 Readers
Plays the big cut - lawns are slow, so red slowly trickles towards the middle of the west boundary - it was a really good cut - black races off the lawn - hard... towards Reg.
Reg threatens - in a jocular fashion - to hurl black at Paddy.
11 Feb 2018 11:08AM (Tournament); 111 Readers
Plays the big cut - lawns are slow, so red slowly trickles towards the middle of the west boundary - it was a really good cut - black races off the lawn - hard... towards Reg.
Reg threatens - in a jocular fashion - to hurl black at Paddy.
11 Feb 2018 11:08AM (Tournament); 109 Readers
Red to 5. Cutting yellow to to blue which is well east of hoop 4… snicks it!!!
11 Feb 2018 11:09AM (Tournament); 108 Readers
Taking off to blue – pulls up directly south of blue, but can cut it to a better position to approach the hoop. Paddy is approaching hoop 4 from a couple of yards NE.
11 Feb 2018 11:09AM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Very good approach - only slight angle, and he's close. Good deep reception ball
11 Feb 2018 11:09AM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Runs the hoop well, off the boundary, and he's away - ... James "bout an hour left in this game" - time limits - in a World Championship final - good lord!
11 Feb 2018 11:10AM (Tournament); 122 Readers
Paddy is approaching hoop 5. Blue is 3.5 yards south of 4back, and yellow is 3 yards west of 4back as a good escape ball to peel 4back to getting a rush to hoop 6.
11 Feb 2018 11:12AM (Tournament); 124 Readers
Approaches hoop 5 nicely getting a slight cut to the middle of the east boundary. - is it too early to call this one?? - Paddy favourite for game 1.
11 Feb 2018 11:13AM (Tournament); 123 Readers
Across the cricket field, they've turned the fountain on - it looks like it'll rain as well - the foggy clouds are very low now and it's a lot darker.
11 Feb 2018 11:14AM (Tournament); 123 Readers
It's raining "this is the proper stuff"
11 Feb 2018 11:14AM (Tournament); 126 Readers
Peeling... rejection!!! Paddy has a nice cut to hoop 6, but blue bounces off to a feet WSW of 4back. That's a nuisance.
11 Feb 2018 11:15AM (Tournament); 125 Readers
Red is a few yards due east of oneback, so he will be able to have a crack at the peel doing to 1back. Gets a rush out of hoop 6 pointing south of hoop 3 and doesn't rush it fully off the boundary.
11 Feb 2018 11:16AM (Tournament); 124 Readers
Rushes yellow to a couple of yards in on the east boundary level with hoop 3. He'll croquet that to 2back getting a rush on blue - goes north of hoop 3 to get a rush to in front of 4back.
11 Feb 2018 11:17AM (Tournament); 124 Readers
Yellow is level with the peg, and about 5 yards west of it. Black is good.
11 Feb 2018 11:17AM (Tournament); 123 Readers
Nick tells me he has checked the weather radar and this gloomy stuff is set in. it's only misty drizzly wet stuff at the moment.
11 Feb 2018 11:17AM (Tournament); 122 Readers
Takeoff peel from about 15 inches.
11 Feb 2018 11:17AM (Tournament); 122 Readers
No applause as Paddy plays an excellent shot, peeling blue by a cm (will take some care to tidy up later), and gets a rush to 1back.
11 Feb 2018 11:18AM (Tournament); 125 Readers
Josh Freeth has emerged. "who won the first game" ... "this is the first game"
11 Feb 2018 11:19AM (Tournament); 121 Readers
Josh Freeth has emerged. "who won the first game" ... "this is the first game"
Errors: Reg 1, Paddy 1, Long roquets.. Reg 2/2 (including the duffer, which isn't that long), Paddy 2/4.
11 Feb 2018 11:19AM (Tournament); 123 Readers
Through 1back, rushes off the middle of the north boundary. Red 4 yards short of 3 back - he's a bit west of the line of 3 and 4, but rushes partner back through the hoop well. Will have a bit of a thick takeoff here?
11 Feb 2018 11:20AM (Tournament); 120 Readers
Thin takeoff from inside blue, gets a 2 yard cut to 2back - hits it pretty ok, but he'll be approaching 2back from 3 yards
11 Feb 2018 11:21AM (Tournament); 115 Readers
Andrew’s keyboard is looking a little grubby. No, it’s totally grubby. The screen is a little grubby, the keyboard is another whole level of grub.
11 Feb 2018 11:22AM (Tournament); 116 Readers
Approaches 2back… he’s through… has a 4 yard return which he rushes up to hoop 6. It’ll be a delayed double for game 1.
Rolls yellow out as a good escape ball for the peel, and rushes blue level with red - he has plenty of room to get a peelee out and get a rush to 3back
11 Feb 2018 11:23AM (Tournament); 118 Readers
Meanwhile on lawn 3, Greg Fletcher got his 4th turn ball around, James hit his third long shot in a row, and had a leave, Greg misses, James had made sure of hoop 2
11 Feb 2018 11:24AM (Tournament); 121 Readers
100 in attendance, 80 on the live stream, 121 on the text commentary
11 Feb 2018 11:24AM (Tournament); 119 Readers
Paddy approaches 3back well and will have a rush out.. runs the hoop nicely - no hoop errors today -that hoop 3 by Paddy was just a poor rush to the hoop followed by a bad takeoff - the hoops are minding their own business.
11 Feb 2018 11:25AM (Tournament); 120 Readers
You may have realised that Jenny is describing Paddy's turns, I'm doing Reg's. I suggest switching for the next game. "No, Paddy's mine!"
11 Feb 2018 11:26AM (Tournament); 118 Readers
Rushes red a yard south of blue, it’s put a yard and a little south-west of penult, rushes blue nicely in front and will peel getting a rush on yellow to 4back.
11 Feb 2018 11:26AM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Peels blue nicely geting a rush to 4back. Rushes it a bit short, but no dramas.
11 Feb 2018 11:27AM (Tournament); 115 Readers
Blue is 2 yards south of the peg, has a 2 foot straight hoop – clubs through and has a 2 yarder pointing at peelee.
11 Feb 2018 11:27AM (Tournament); 113 Readers
From NZ Mac player who we haven't seen enough of on the lawns in recent years Graham Beale... "Hello to John Prince, Paddy’s mentor and coach. Hope ‘the legend’ is enjoying this..."
11 Feb 2018 11:28AM (Tournament); 116 Readers
I spoke to John Prince (the original “JP”) last night – he is indeed enjoying this!
11 Feb 2018 11:29AM (Tournament); 119 Readers
Paddy rushes yellow down, puts it a few yards north-east of rover, Rushes blue west of rover and it's nudged closer in the takeoff to the penult pioneer.
11 Feb 2018 11:29AM (Tournament); 122 Readers
Approaches penult well and he's through - it's an easy old straight rover peel now.
11 Feb 2018 11:30AM (Tournament); 120 Readers
Jenny and I are using laptops literally on our respective laps. I don't like using the trackpad, so i have a mouse on my knee. Incidentally, does anyone know how to disable the trackpad? More than once I've accidentally brushed it and deleted a load of typing.
11 Feb 2018 11:30AM (Tournament); 120 Readers
Callum reports 128 persons in attendance, not counting players in the various finals and referees. Suggests there could be more buried in the clubhouse. Probably best not to complain about the speed of the lawns or the reluctance of the scones to pause near us!
11 Feb 2018 11:30AM (Tournament); 119 Readers
Raining hard now.
11 Feb 2018 11:31AM (Tournament); 120 Readers
Red croqueted a few yards south of rover. That's all good, as he's going to be doing an Irish peel.
11 Feb 2018 11:31AM (Tournament); 118 Readers
11 Feb 2018 11:31AM (Tournament); 118 Readers
Yellow's a side ball. He'll be Irish peeling this (both balls through at the same time) from 18 inches.
11 Feb 2018 11:32AM (Tournament); 124 Readers
Paddy lining up the peel. Not lying down for this - he doesn't usually, and it's wet down there! He can fold himself down pretty low
11 Feb 2018 11:32AM (Tournament); 122 Readers
Adjusts black... lining it up again. I hope Nick C is instagramming this.
11 Feb 2018 11:33AM (Tournament); 125 Readers
Peels blue by 2 yards, black pauses in the jaws. runs the hoop by a foot, hits yellow. this is all over...
11 Feb 2018 11:33AM (Tournament); 130 Readers
Paddy Chapman (NZ) wins game 1 of the World Championship final 26TP-17 against Reg Bamford (South Africa)
11 Feb 2018 11:34AM (Tournament); 127 Readers
How to describe the rain? Not quite torrential, but pretty hard. Paddy already had his cap on.
I've failed to reserve my expert's chair. Someone moved it as it was getting wet. Luckily we're just under cover.
11 Feb 2018 11:34AM (Tournament); 127 Readers
oops .... ##26TP-19
11 Feb 2018 11:35AM (Tournament); 122 Readers
11 Feb 2018 11:35AM (Tournament); 123 Readers
This game seemed to go for 2hrs 32 minutes. So there should be 2hrs 28 mins for game 2.
Players having a quick comfort stop...
11 Feb 2018 11:36AM (Tournament); 116 Readers
A good anecdote from Andrew..
11 Feb 2018 11:36AM (Tournament); 114 Readers
Pub quiz on Tuesday night, near the Smith house. Persuaded my house to go, but sadly discovered that when It said "Quiz starts at 7", they meant it. 10 minutes late, missed round 1. Suggested an effort to overhaul Smith house's start, but rest of my house left and I joined the Smith team as illegal 7th member.
I had 2 key contributions. One was a picture question: "What is this capital city?" For a few seconds nobody spoke, then I ventured "Isn't it Wellington?" It was!
The other question I don't remember exactly. Something like "The Russians call it the Polish disease, the Italians and Spanish call it the French disease [etc.]"
I shall now be known as the man who got syphilis.
Our MVP was Ellen (aka Mrs T-shirt). The picture round was "Identify these ten top-earning supermodels". First Ellen correctly identified 7 of them. Then we only got 3 points because of some obscure rule about the order of answers. Then Ellen persuaded the question-master of our ignorance as foreigners, and got an extra 4 points. Which proved to be our winning margin.
11 Feb 2018 11:37AM (Tournament); 117 Readers
*update from lawn 3.. James misapproached 6, ran it firmly "found it was a wide one" - missed the return, glanced off teh peg, skimmed by the two balls he'd left at 2back.. it was going to be a 1back leave - ended up as a 1back leave anyway - glanced off hoop 1 also into the corner.
11 Feb 2018 11:39AM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Lack of appreciation for the hoop setting team..."Callum set the width, Kevin monitored the spirit level, Stephen [Forster] held
the wood on top for the hammer to hit, Nick swung to big hammer. True team effort."
11 Feb 2018 11:39AM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Northern Jimbo suggesting "a number of the hoops are quite narrow - 6 wasn't one of them"
11 Feb 2018 11:40AM (Tournament); 121 Readers
Bamford v Chapman Game 2 Chapman leads 1-0
G2T1 Paddy Black supershot 4y SW of peg.
G2T2 Reg Yellow to max distance on E bdry.
G2T3 Paddy Blue at Yellow from 2y W of 3rd corner. Misses into 4th corner.
11 Feb 2018 11:42AM (Tournament); 115 Readers
Rain has eased.
G2T4 Reg Red at Yellow from A-baulk. Hits.
11 Feb 2018 11:45AM (Tournament); 120 Readers
Nick Chapman was on the line of the shot of Reg's - he was missing ...and he hilled on.
11 Feb 2018 11:48AM (Tournament); 123 Readers
Keep us going spectator people - contributions, etc to [email protected]
11 Feb 2018 11:49AM (Tournament); 124 Readers
G2T4 Reg Red croquets Yellow to midway between 2 and 6, short on Black. Now taking off to 1 from 6 yards. Looks good. Runs it 10' past Black. Hits gently, roll coming up. Overhits, Black halfway between B-baulk and 3, Red beyond Yellow. Approaching 2 from 10'. 4' hoop. Thru to boundary.
11 Feb 2018 11:50AM (Tournament); 125 Readers
Greg Fletcher (MacGregor James Josiah Fletcher) looks like he's finishing off James Death.
11 Feb 2018 11:50AM (Tournament); 122 Readers
Reminder on distances: y = yards, ' = feet, " = inches.
11 Feb 2018 11:50AM (Tournament); 120 Readers
Young Westerby (James? - a good croquet name!) is being a tad loud in the clubhouse - cute looking fellow who is doing no harm at all
11 Feb 2018 11:51AM (Tournament); 120 Readers
G2T4 Reg Red not in complete control yet, but not in bother either. Hoop 4 pioneer (Yellow) is 4y NNW of hoop, so after 3 chooses roll rather than take-off to 4th corner. Makes 4 off Yellow. Has rush to 4th corner Checks with oppo that Blue is corner ball. His rush of Yellow clips Blue 1' W of corner. He wanted a cannon there. Will he now be able to organise 1-back leave?
11 Feb 2018 11:55AM (Tournament); 121 Readers
G2T4 Reg Red plays open cannon. A nearby Australian calls it a disjoint cannon. It goes well enough, we expect just 6 hoops here.
11 Feb 2018 11:56AM (Tournament); 126 Readers
While Andrew follow's Reg on this early break, and Powe and Lawrence continue game 1, let's check out Reg's record in New Zealand... it makes interesting reading...
Lowest win % in any country... at 71%
He has won 44 and of 62 games here
Lost kiwi Mac player Toby Garrison in round 3 (the round of 16) of the 2002 Association Croquet world champs in Wellington (Toby hit a zillion tealady shots that match - well, 3, I think)
Went out to kiwi Mac player Michael Wright round 1 of the 2008 NZ Open Championship (Wanganui, I believe), then lost 2-0 to Paddy Chapman in the Y event)
Went out to kiwi Mac player Shane Davis round 1 of the 2008 Association Croquet World Champs in Christchurch (Chris won that event just over a week after we got married!)
I'm not trying to put Reg down here - just adding some colour and interesting background - he's a fabulous player - just it's hard to find an area where he hasn't just been entirely and utterly dominant.
11 Feb 2018 11:59AM (Tournament); 123 Readers
Strat Liddiard has arrived :)
11 Feb 2018 11:59AM (Tournament); 122 Readers
Four flags on the north boundary today... Croquet New Zealand logo, South African flag (I love that design and what it represents), the NZ Flag (which survived a $26m ??? investigation of should we change it!), and the WCF flag.
11 Feb 2018 12:01PM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Crowd's umbrellas still up. Rain steady for now, not as hard as it has been.
G2T4 Reg Red's hoop 6 pioneer (Yellow) is 4y S of hoop. Is is this that persuades him not to have a 1-back leave? Or does he feel that making 9 is the correct tactic?
There is a 1-back pioneer.
11 Feb 2018 12:01PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
Remember .. instagram.. #acworlds - some good photos coming from there. If you're at the venue - add your own photos and videos with this hashtag.
11 Feb 2018 12:02PM (Tournament); 123 Readers
Jonathan Powe has won the first in a very scrappy Bowl final. Greg Fletcher has a straight rover peel to do - straight penult caroomed off the escape ball so blue is north of the peg.
11 Feb 2018 12:03PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
My expert suggests 8 hoops not 9 is the order of the day, for fear of being TPOed.
G2T4 Reg Red makes 1-back off Blue, Black waiting at 2-back. Is blue going to 3-back? Yes!
I need a new expert.
11 Feb 2018 12:03PM (Tournament); 127 Readers
There are trophies - 4 circular and very similar trays, one for each of Champion, Bowl Winner, Shield winner, Plate winner.
11 Feb 2018 12:03PM (Tournament); 127 Readers
Very shiny lovely looking WCF medals, and the Wimbledon Cup is gleaming
11 Feb 2018 12:04PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
Greg Fletcher tries to promote peelee towards rover as it was north of the peg.. the oppo ball just clipped peelee - moving it a little - but then the striker's ball ran into the peelee! Greg opting to not try to peel from peg high - I reckon Malcolm Fletcher would have!
11 Feb 2018 12:05PM (Tournament); 124 Readers
Raining again. Persisting down.
11 Feb 2018 12:05PM (Tournament); 123 Readers
Hello to Northern Jimbo's mum. I'm not sure if we've met, but she's enjoying the streaming - direct to the telly, so actually watching croquet live on TV- excellent!!
11 Feb 2018 12:06PM (Tournament); 122 Readers
John-Paul's streaming should be showing a lot of James's Death's match in the background, but sadly we've seen little of James on the lawn. Great to have him near us though. I really hope he comes back to the Oz Open 2018
11 Feb 2018 12:07PM (Tournament); 123 Readers
Time to join instagram Linda - it's a lot easier than it feels like it will be!
11 Feb 2018 12:07PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
G2T4 Reg Red has made 9 hoops. Diagonal spread coming up...
Clips: Reg: Red 4-back Yellow 1; Paddy Black 1 Blue 1
11 Feb 2018 12:07PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
The spectators are losing interest as their sugar levels drop. It's 12.07pm, it's raining, and the chap behind me is on the phone!!!
11 Feb 2018 12:08PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
they have got really loud - many with their backs to the action - reminiscent of the Sonoma finals - lots of well dressed (in white) people used to attend the final - sit with their backs to the court havnig lunch during the final, and then buy and sell the same uber expensive bottles of wine each year.
11 Feb 2018 12:09PM (Tournament); 132 Readers
When I went (as a spectator only, sadly), a golden labrador puppy was sold for $20,000!
11 Feb 2018 12:09PM (Tournament); 134 Readers
Still, mine has probably got through that much in dog chow in the last few years!
11 Feb 2018 12:10PM (Tournament); 134 Readers
Cicadas competing with the rain. James has his waterproof jacket on. Im' under teh waterproof porch. Runs out to take his turn... returns for his mallet. One of the true characters of croquet - huge hearted and run.
11 Feb 2018 12:11PM (Tournament); 139 Readers
One of the Westerbys being very noisy now. Still, so is the crowd.
Brollies are up.
11 Feb 2018 12:11PM (Tournament); 139 Readers
Rain getting harder again.
Blue is 6y SSW of 2 (ish), Black 1' ESE of peg, Yellow 10y N of 4th corner, with 1y rush on Red toward Black or Blue.
11 Feb 2018 12:12PM (Tournament); 129 Readers
James has his hood up even. Shooting at a diagonal spread, left yellow at the peg and taking the short shot - I wouldn't fancy trying to rush a ball across these lawns
11 Feb 2018 12:12PM (Tournament); 130 Readers
James hit! - 4 in a row!!!
11 Feb 2018 12:12PM (Tournament); 131 Readers
Very cheesy grin for the camera from Reg as he strolls up to put his clip on the peg.
11 Feb 2018 12:12PM (Tournament); 130 Readers
G2T5.. Paddy surveys the lawn. Reg's clip is on 4back - sorry - I was distracted by more applause
11 Feb 2018 12:13PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
Lifts black from the peg (that's the peg reference)... taking the short shot again. Andrew reckons yellow and red area bit south of max distance, so this is 16-17 yards...
11 Feb 2018 12:14PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
Casting.. narrowly misses yellow. And it's Andrew's turn to follow the actual action
11 Feb 2018 12:14PM (Tournament); 130 Readers
Nick Chapman reports that he crowd inside, along the line were saying "hitting, hitting... " the ball came off the bat
11 Feb 2018 12:15PM (Tournament); 129 Readers
My fellow commentator seems exercised by lack of applause for good shots and turns. Perhaps some consider each game as a symphony - one does not applaud between movements.
11 Feb 2018 12:15PM (Tournament); 129 Readers
It is very wet - everyone outside is huddled under large umbrellas. Why is there no wind?? - Monday was pure wind. Wind that Wellington is famous for.
11 Feb 2018 12:16PM (Tournament); 130 Readers
She is now exercised by the word "exercised". I check my online dictionary.
Exercise .... verb...3 Occupy the thoughts of; worry or perplex.
11 Feb 2018 12:17PM (Tournament); 129 Readers
That's going to be very popular - they're kicking people out of the clubhouse to serve lunch to paying customers - that might be Chris heading home :-(**
11 Feb 2018 12:17PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
James still going on lawn 3 - if he hadn't mucked around earlier he'd be inside and dry, with a beverage in his hand. Chris is off.
11 Feb 2018 12:18PM (Tournament); 126 Readers
I have now traded lunch with JP - Chris is getting me something, JP is having my lunch... oh dear... I have actually paid for JPs lunch as well - he claims no memory...
11 Feb 2018 12:20PM (Tournament); 127 Readers
G2T6 Reg Yellow taps Red, little take-off, rushes Black to Blue, Blue to 1,makes 1 without useful rush, This roll is underhit, I dare say he'll cope.
Note: he roqueted Red first because for a standard TP you don't want to be making 2 off peelee.
11 Feb 2018 12:21PM (Tournament); 125 Readers
We are checking the trophies as we have the gem from South Canterbury...
Edmund's WCF plate for U21 GC Worlds 2017 Shield Winner (mailed post-tournament) has an error in the WCF logo - the words surrounding the logo are WORLD ROQUET FEDERATION (their error, not my typing!)
Perhaps this is actually a distinction between GC and AC that I am unaware of?
I hope that the 2018 AC plates have the correct logo.
His plate is still appreciated - but I'm not certain that the error increases the value like a rare stamp.
11 Feb 2018 12:23PM (Tournament); 129 Readers
Phil Cordingley checking the spelling on the Plates...
11 Feb 2018 12:23PM (Tournament); 129 Readers
Perhaps he has his dictionary out, as he's taking a while...
11 Feb 2018 12:24PM (Tournament); 127 Readers
"it all seems to be in order" - Phew - gives more value to Edmund's plate!
11 Feb 2018 12:24PM (Tournament); 126 Readers
Phil Cordingley is having my spare lunch. Rosemary Newsham has a spare lunch too - I'm having that if Chris fails to find an open bakery.
11 Feb 2018 12:25PM (Tournament); 122 Readers
I explain to a spectator behind me that Reg has a standard Triple Peel to win game 2.
there is a pause. I explain to the spectators that "Reg is leading"
"who's Reg?".
I explain to the spectators "that's Reg"
11 Feb 2018 12:26PM (Tournament); 122 Readers
Phil Cordlingley is moved out of the way by the spectators. now a lot of seating here. Very noisy intake of breath at that jawsed peel.lol
11 Feb 2018 12:26PM (Tournament); 123 Readers
(that's my first lol in about 5 days of commentary, so please forgive me)
11 Feb 2018 12:27PM (Tournament); 123 Readers
G2T6 After 2, Reg Yellow rushes Black 3y NE of 4, little take-off to Red. After 3 Yellow has 4' straight (unangled) peel. If he wants a good rush on Red there'll be a little pull, but maybe he can play it straight and cut-rush and / or roll. Does play it straight, Red is in middle of hoop. Cut-rush is fine.
11 Feb 2018 12:27PM (Tournament); 123 Readers
Awww - from James' Death's mum "I remember Chris as a schoolboy playing at Southport when he was one of the bandits outplaying the old ladies."
11 Feb 2018 12:28PM (Tournament); 127 Readers
More needle requested from the commentary team.
11 Feb 2018 12:28PM (Tournament); 125 Readers
erm.. poke ?
11 Feb 2018 12:28PM (Tournament); 126 Readers
Ellen (Mrs T-shirt) is putting in a heavy day auditing. She claims to be a "nice auditor". No idea about her auditing skills (probably excellent given her quiz skills - is that a reasonable place to draw a conclusion from? - but the first half is definitely very true!)
11 Feb 2018 12:29PM (Tournament); 123 Readers
Hard to needle Andrew.. he's really really nice. But threatening to needle me !!!
11 Feb 2018 12:30PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
Paul Rigge complaning: "So the hoops are set using French Napoleon but you use Yards, feet and Inches???...."
11 Feb 2018 12:30PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
well, yes, I was a bit surprised. I think it's about the gauges they have.
11 Feb 2018 12:31PM (Tournament); 127 Readers
Apparently we need more needle in the commentary. C'mon Reg!
G2T6 Reg Yellow makes 4 off Black, then can only rush 12y N of 4th corner. Rolls to give himself 7' rush-peel. Gets it. Taking off to Blue at 5.
So this turn we expect 12 hoops, 3 peels.
To date: 4 hoops, 1 peel.
11 Feb 2018 12:31PM (Tournament); 127 Readers
Just for you Paul ... the hoops are set to a nominal clearance of 0.002 of a foot.
11 Feb 2018 12:31PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
Yuss Tobi - Andrew was delighted with the trackpad email.
Have you befriended him on facebook yet??
11 Feb 2018 12:32PM (Tournament); 130 Readers
Yes, Andrew Gregory is new to facebook - please send him potential profile pictures as he is thus far bereft.
11 Feb 2018 12:33PM (Tournament); 130 Readers
I've been left in charge of the live streaming also, as John Paul checks out lunch - what a farce - it feels like we've paid for about 30 lunches after all this discussion
11 Feb 2018 12:34PM (Tournament); 129 Readers
Reg has a dark waterproof jacket on -he didn't look like he wanted to wear it, but it is VERY wet
11 Feb 2018 12:35PM (Tournament); 131 Readers
"I can confirm lunch is superb" reports John-Paul "I'd say: get involved"
11 Feb 2018 12:36PM (Tournament); 126 Readers
Nope, with all due respect to sensitive sensibilities... it's downright piddling down now.
11 Feb 2018 12:36PM (Tournament); 124 Readers
AAh - that's the polite version "it's really coming down now"
11 Feb 2018 12:37PM (Tournament); 123 Readers
G2T6 Reg Yellow peels Red thru penult after 6.
Hoops 6, Peels 2.
Off to get lunch. Jenny will update in the event of something surprising.
11 Feb 2018 12:37PM (Tournament); 124 Readers
I do highly recommend people turn up to croquet events with a laptop... front row seating in the shelter.
11 Feb 2018 12:37PM (Tournament); 123 Readers
It is too wet - Graeme (best referee in the world ever) Roberts is off. For a while all we could see under his umbrella was his moustache :)
11 Feb 2018 12:38PM (Tournament); 127 Readers
Request for more details of the lunches. From JP "we've got Chicken, beef, tomato and mozzarella (lovely combo that!), a carroty-onion coleslaw thing (his words!), Lovely potato salad, brie, nice bread, more cheese, lettuce and more tomatoes. Superb"
11 Feb 2018 12:39PM (Tournament); 123 Readers
back to the game
Reg looks REALLY unhappy there - croquets blue towards 3back - it sogs to a halt north of the line of hoop 5, and he left the lawn. It's really wet. Doesn't look waterlogged, but wet and unpleasant.
11 Feb 2018 12:40PM (Tournament); 121 Readers
Jacket off (it's still very warm here) and he is sheltering under the marquee set up for the player camp. (good idea that - nowhere here to get away from spectators and be warm - well, maybe our bench...)
11 Feb 2018 12:42PM (Tournament); 104 Readers
Mike – there’s a video of the lunch table on Instagram #acworlds
“why did they stop?” – step outside folks – it’s hammering down on Finals day!
I hope he has stopped his clock (did I already say that?)
11 Feb 2018 12:43PM (Tournament); 99 Readers
James clatters off 3back, Greg Fletcher is rover and peg, and has a 4 yard lift… hits the middle of it. Lunchtime for James. Greg’s not wearing waterproofs – he will be absolutely soaked.
11 Feb 2018 12:44PM (Tournament); 98 Readers
It appears EVERYONE is on their devices now, as connections here have slowed down dramatically and it's very pixellated on my laptop
11 Feb 2018 12:45PM (Tournament); 101 Readers
Greg Fletcher has a one yard hoop for the Shield - hoop and roquet! - very good option
11 Feb 2018 12:46PM (Tournament); 99 Readers
Just to point out – Reg has completely illegally stopped for the rain. There is no standing water, everyone else is playing.
11 Feb 2018 12:46PM (Tournament); 104 Readers
Pitch inspection from the manager - very wet underfoot - the others are playing - is he strong enough to get the big South African out to play.
John-Paul wants a fly on the wall in there - James Death buzzing over there
11 Feb 2018 12:47PM (Tournament); 111 Readers
Jim Nichols does the key test (does anyone watch test cricket? - please tell me you do) - the key goes all the way in "quite soft" he reports.
11 Feb 2018 12:48PM (Tournament); 110 Readers
Delayed applause for Greg winning the Bowl
11 Feb 2018 12:50PM (Tournament); 118 Readers
Chris Clarke is back.. .the manager negotiates - Reg has his jacket on - He's back playing - Chris wants him off the lawn!!! - the two players have agreed to return tomorrow if needed to finish as they have left some time. Chris suggests 6.5 seconds. .. Jimbo Oz is going to time the adjacent lawn.
11 Feb 2018 12:51PM (Tournament); 114 Readers
Havnig to play on on lawns such is this is what curtailed Chris’s career due to aback injury when forced to play on in the 2007 NZ Golf Croquet open.
“They’re well under 7”. I don’t believe Oz Jimbo can hit the ball hard enough to measure the speed. Reg had to power his rush to 2back. Runs the hoop into the reception ball – he can’t play the half roll hard enough to get past his peelee which is a bit south of the peg!!!
11 Feb 2018 12:53PM (Tournament); 103 Readers
**Reg has rushed his 3back pioneer into absolutely "worse than death" position.
11 Feb 2018 12:55PM (Tournament); 110 Readers
referee on...marking...he is trying to bounce off...placing striker ball partly through the hoop and will try to bounce back off the wire. He's playing it at nearly 90 degrees! ... needs to play it more 45 degrees. This is an easy shot - on faster lawns - with firmer hoops - need a bit of a ping here.
11 Feb 2018 12:57PM (Tournament); 108 Readers
Horrible angle - looks like he should be rolling them back through then run to black
11 Feb 2018 12:58PM (Tournament); 111 Readers
maybe playing it at 80 degrees.He's the multitime world champion, but I'm bad enough to have played this shot LOTS, and it's a shot I'm pretty good at - more angle!
11 Feb 2018 12:58PM (Tournament); 108 Readers
11 Feb 2018 12:59PM (Tournament); 108 Readers
was a large angle tho
11 Feb 2018 1:00PM (Tournament); 112 Readers
Thanks very much to Jenny for holding the fort. Nice lunch.
11 Feb 2018 1:00PM (Tournament); 113 Readers
Absolutely ridiculous conditions. The Aussies time it at 8 seconds, but have to play several strokes to avoid the puddles!
A single ball stroke across the diagonal is impossible... Stuart Lawrence's long lift is thrashed as hard as he physically can - pulls up within a couple of feet of the corner peg.
11 Feb 2018 1:02PM (Tournament); 124 Readers
Real concern that the lawns are (becoming) unplayable. Looking at other lawns, players struggling to hit length of lawn. These lawns drain quite well, but we need it to stop raining, or at least reduce to drizzle.
11 Feb 2018 1:02PM (Tournament); 124 Readers
Powe tries to rush across the lawn (it was a spread, or a NSL with the hoop 4 ball lifted) - can't get anywhere near oppo ball.
11 Feb 2018 1:02PM (Tournament); 125 Readers
Takes off - short (this is Powe).. hits oppo, tries to roll off hoop 1.. doesn't get south of the peg. Has to absolutely power into yellow to get it to corner 4.
11 Feb 2018 1:03PM (Tournament); 122 Readers
Chris "it's very easy - just give the manager a mallet and tell him to hit a ball across the lawn"
11 Feb 2018 1:03PM (Tournament); 124 Readers
Reg not happy.
11 Feb 2018 1:03PM (Tournament); 124 Readers
G2T6 Reg Yellow is soldiering on. Approaching 4-back with 2 peels done. Red waiting at rover.
11 Feb 2018 1:04PM (Tournament); 124 Readers
He'll cope though
11 Feb 2018 1:04PM (Tournament); 124 Readers
From an intelligent distant spectator "Shame it has come to this when both are available tomorrow". Indeed.
11 Feb 2018 1:04PM (Tournament); 121 Readers
Nick C reports that the worst of the weather is past us. The cicadas have packed up and are silent.
11 Feb 2018 1:05PM (Tournament); 122 Readers
Hoops 10 Peels 2
11 Feb 2018 1:05PM (Tournament); 122 Readers
Reg tries to put a side ball at rover. It stops 2y WNW of hoop! "Maybe the deep ball will get South of hoop!"
Rain is easing.
11 Feb 2018 1:08PM (Tournament); 118 Readers
Nice narrative by Tom Weston on the Notts list- mostly accurate, but I'm not sure the discussion with the ref actually took place: I assume Jose had attempted to peel his partner ball, but it had stuck in the jaws of the hoop. He then attempts a half jump taking them both through. Unfortunately that also faIls. He then quits his stance under control, but being annoyed at the outcome, he carelessly walks away not looking where he is going and kicks his ball. He replaces it and then thinks he had better call a referee for clarification. When she arrives at the scene I think I hear her say "Did you quit your stance under control" and he says "Yes".
Therefore no fault." "Top Turn Tom" is a very witty entertainer - I once had a 5 hour game with him - it was a while ago - it was really good fun too.
11 Feb 2018 1:09PM (Tournament); 118 Readers
Reg has irish peel at rover. Peelee goes 7y through, Yellow also through. Can he judge ( and achieve) the strength required to rush to the peg
11 Feb 2018 1:10PM (Tournament); 116 Readers
Reg wins game 2 26TP-0 sixth turn
11 Feb 2018 1:10PM (Tournament); 115 Readers
Jenny just posted that. Actually he still has 4' peg-out. Gets it.
Bamford v Chapman 1-1
11 Feb 2018 1:11PM (Tournament); 118 Readers
There's a tourist on the lawn - having a wander... no.. it's the mangler. Reg waves to the crowd, but he doesn't look entire relaxed.
11 Feb 2018 1:12PM (Tournament); 116 Readers
Some official coming of lawn 3. - Northern Jimbo has the power
11 Feb 2018 1:12PM (Tournament); 113 Readers
Very long mallet though - the torque moment could be disastrous!
11 Feb 2018 1:13PM (Tournament); 115 Readers
Stephen Mulliner has arrived. Most of the outside spectators have left.
11 Feb 2018 1:13PM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Jimbo struggling - first shot is a yard short of hoop 2.
11 Feb 2018 1:13PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
NExt - a yard north of hoop 2
11 Feb 2018 1:13PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
3rd go - he's off!! - off by a couple of yards.
11 Feb 2018 1:14PM (Tournament); 121 Readers
4th.. he's walking after this one.. 3-4 yards short of the boundary. Andrew distracted as a ginormous pizza arrives.
11 Feb 2018 1:14PM (Tournament); 120 Readers
Reverse direction - slight pause as they let the Bowl match carry on first
11 Feb 2018 1:15PM (Tournament); 121 Readers
Swinging... he's.. short.
11 Feb 2018 1:15PM (Tournament); 121 Readers
Not as short as Stephen, but he can't get it there.
11 Feb 2018 1:15PM (Tournament); 120 Readers
Reg congratulates Greg Fletcher, World champs Shield winner
11 Feb 2018 1:15PM (Tournament); 118 Readers
They're not in a hurry to resume and the mangler and head referee are having a wander.
11 Feb 2018 1:16PM (Tournament); 118 Readers
The players, mangler and ROT are discussing under the gazebo. They haven't taken lunch yet.
Surely better to reconvene tomorrow than to force play under current conditions.
11 Feb 2018 1:16PM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Lawn 3 reported as 9 seconds.
11 Feb 2018 1:18PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
Jonathan Powe still squelching round lawn 4.
11 Feb 2018 1:19PM (Tournament); 117 Readers
That monster pizza was for Ned Wilson. He looks very much the worse for wear this morning. Didn't see him or any of the kiwi youngsters last night - I understand they were in no fit state to travel... Last night together though
11 Feb 2018 1:20PM (Tournament); 116 Readers
Reg's cap is utterly soaked "I'm very attached to it" - good on ya Reg.
11 Feb 2018 1:21PM (Tournament); 112 Readers
Thanks Tobi, trackpad disabled! Fn + F7 did it for me.
11 Feb 2018 1:21PM (Tournament); 112 Readers
Paddy's having lunch. The lawns are draining, so if the forecast is right and we have no more rain, we may be OK. It will be dark before 11 hours' game-time has elapsed.
11 Feb 2018 1:24PM (Tournament); 120 Readers
Expert is claiming that Death only reached the boundary because ball was airborne for the first few yards.
11 Feb 2018 1:27PM (Tournament); 115 Readers
My co-commentator has accompanied northern jimbo back to Lawn 3. First shot is perfect! Applause!
11 Feb 2018 1:28PM (Tournament); 118 Readers
Mangler and ROT checking lawn 1. Reg helpfully pointing out squishy bits.
11 Feb 2018 1:31PM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Paddy joins conference. Reg using mallet as squeegee to demonstrate soddenness.
11 Feb 2018 1:32PM (Tournament); 113 Readers
Apparently we start at ten to, ie 15 minutes' time. Or at least another pitch inspection.
11 Feb 2018 1:34PM (Tournament); 109 Readers
On lawn 3 Death is attempting a Hogan roll. Not bad. Now all we need is Hogan to try a death roll.
11 Feb 2018 1:36PM (Tournament); 104 Readers
Don't know what a Hogan roll is? (or a death roll?)..
11 Feb 2018 1:37PM (Tournament); 105 Readers
Cicadas are audible again.
11 Feb 2018 1:43PM (Tournament); 100 Readers
We think the correct verb is "chirp". The cicadas are chirping again.
I have a versatile expert at the moment.
11 Feb 2018 1:45PM (Tournament); 92 Readers
Definitely brightening.
11 Feb 2018 1:46PM (Tournament); 92 Readers
Mangler on lawn 1 again.
I remember some rain at Cheltenham 2005, Bamford v Kirby was interrupted. Had trouble getting Reg to resume. He explained he was about to play some big shot to set up sextuple.. In the event he played the forward ball and made 3 hoops.
11 Feb 2018 1:48PM (Tournament); 97 Readers
Bamford v Chapman Game 3 (Match score 1-1)
G3T1 Bamford Red 9y N of 4th corner.
G3T2 Chapman Black from A-baulk, to 1' N of 4th corner.
Expert approves.
11 Feb 2018 1:50PM (Tournament); 99 Readers
G3T3 Bamford Yellow at Red from A-baulk. Hits.
11 Feb 2018 1:51PM (Tournament); 98 Readers
G3T3 Bamford Yellow takes off to Black, taps it. Croquets Black 2y S of peg. Leaves 4' rush for Red to Black.
11 Feb 2018 1:54PM (Tournament); 99 Readers
G3T4 Chapman Blue is near end of A-baulk. Shooting at Red. Big shot this. Misses.
11 Feb 2018 1:55PM (Tournament); 100 Readers
J-P's live video stream has resumed.
I've forgotten today's house style. Back to first names!
G3T5 Reg Red taps Blue, stops it into lawn, rushes Yellow, next shot underhit, cuts Black 1y ENE of hoop 1. Makes hoop with rush pointng to 4th corner. Hoop 2 pioneer is 8y SSE of hoop, but if he can make 2, he'll have 4-ball break.
11 Feb 2018 1:59PM (Tournament); 97 Readers
G3T5 Reg is still getting used to pace of lawn, but he plays a good rush to 2. Neither Black nor Blue is within 5 yards of 3.
11 Feb 2018 2:01PM (Tournament); 99 Readers
I can't see Reg using 1-back tactics here. 9 hoops is his aim.
I'm missing my usual experts and my co-commentator.
Reg makes 3 and the balls are now behaving themselves.
Jonathan Powe has won the Bowl.
11 Feb 2018 2:04PM (Tournament); 105 Readers
I assure Jonathan that I'm genuinely pleased for him. It's not just that he's in my Fantasy team.
Linesy has taken Jenny's spot. Seems reluctant to contribute.
G3T5 Reg Red puts out what I still believe is an early 2-back pioneer. Yes Yellow is going to 1-back.
11 Feb 2018 2:08PM (Tournament); 102 Readers
Miranda Chapman is the current AC Women's World Champion, so should Paddy win that would be a unique household. Though the Clarkes have held a number of team World Championships jointly.
G3T5 Reg Red is making 9 hoops.
11 Feb 2018 2:11PM (Tournament); 103 Readers
Streamer experimenting with split screens.
Sherif is on lawn 2 with a camera, no drone though. I think he's recording for posterity rather than live streaming.
11 Feb 2018 2:14PM (Tournament); 95 Readers
Tobi is claiming World record for longest distance IT support.
Decent enough spread, tho the ball that's usually near the W bdry is just E of the hoops 1-2 line.
Also rolling Red and Yellow from a few yards.
Red and yellow further South than usual - level with hoop 4
Clips: Reg Red 4-back Yellow 1; Paddy Black 1 Blue 1
I am delighted to say that my co-commentator is back in time for Paddy's turn.
11 Feb 2018 2:20PM (Tournament); 98 Readers
Well hello there - I'm back...
11 Feb 2018 2:21PM (Tournament); 97 Readers
G3T6... Paddy has lifted black from the peg, and has found a shortish shot... black at blue - blue is well south, but also slightly west of hoop 2.
11 Feb 2018 2:21PM (Tournament); 96 Readers
Casting... slightly onto his toes as he shoots at blue .. misses.
11 Feb 2018 2:22PM (Tournament); 96 Readers
I am sitting next to a sand-bucket, into which I've just dropped my mouse for the nth time.
Anyone know how to get sand out of a mouse? Or how to reactivate a trackpad?
11 Feb 2018 2:22PM (Tournament); 100 Readers
Paddy lines in black on the west boundary level with hoop 1. And it's Andrew back for Reg's turn
11 Feb 2018 2:23PM (Tournament); 101 Readers
Black has missed Blue to 5y N of 1st corner.
G3T7 Reg Yellow rushes Red to Blue, Blue to 2y ENE of Black. Little take-off. Cuts Black in front of hoop. Runs hoop with rush of Black to Blue.
At least Paddy's shot meant Red is the hoop 2 pioneer, making standard TP a tad trickier.
11 Feb 2018 2:26PM (Tournament); 93 Readers
Errors: Reg 1, Paddy 1, Long roquets.. Reg 4/4, Paddy 2/8
11 Feb 2018 2:27PM (Tournament); 91 Readers
That tells a bit of a tale. Reg's error was drifting past a 6 yarder at partner near 2back in game 1, Paddy's was rushing badly to (and subsequently misapproaching and failing) hoop 3, also in game 1. One of Reg's shots was nailing the short duffer tice, also in Game 1, and he hilled onto one earlier.
11 Feb 2018 2:29PM (Tournament); 89 Readers
Some debate on length of Reg's missed roquet on the sextuple turn in Game 1. I recorded 4-5 yards, the crowd is more generous, 5-7 yards. Anyway please understand all distances are approximate.
But that shot definitely counts as an error, not a missed shot. Co-commentator has calculated stats above.
G3T7 Reg Yellow makes 2 off Red. Blue is 1y W of 3, Black, 4' W of peg.
11 Feb 2018 2:30PM (Tournament); 89 Readers
(I think it was 5 yards)
11 Feb 2018 2:31PM (Tournament); 89 Readers
G3T7 After 2 Reg Yellow rushes Red 6y SW of peg. Now trying to croquet it into peeling posi . Maybe 4y S of 4-back. Rushes Black off N bdry.
11 Feb 2018 2:31PM (Tournament); 87 Readers
Peelee isn't due South of 4-back, so Red may be able to run hoop beyond Yellow and rush it back nearer.
11 Feb 2018 2:33PM (Tournament); 90 Readers
It's almost challenging to believe it's only game three. I hope Paddy can keep his head, and his concentration around that. Stephen looked to struggle when he got a late chance in the match against Paddy yesterday
11 Feb 2018 2:33PM (Tournament); 90 Readers
Maybe the term is chirrup? - the cicadas are certainly back in action though!
11 Feb 2018 2:33PM (Tournament); 90 Readers
If anyone is out there in the real world, please can they contact Claire Bassett and tell her Trev's flight has been delayed by three hours?
11 Feb 2018 2:34PM (Tournament); 90 Readers
G3T7 Reg Yellow lining up 4y peel of 4-back after 3, slightly angled. Plays it straight , but peelee hits far wire full, bounces to 1' ESE of hoop. Cuts Blue to mid E bdry. Poor rush to 4. Copes.
TP is now delayed rather than standard.
Hoops 4, peels 0
11 Feb 2018 2:37PM (Tournament); 88 Readers
Toasts all around to the Commentary team - thanks J-P
11 Feb 2018 2:38PM (Tournament); 90 Readers
Black is now 2y SSW of 4-back maybe West by South? Very "narrow" anyway. The plan is to peel Red thru 4-back then rush Black to 6.
Hoops 5 Peels 0
11 Feb 2018 2:40PM (Tournament); 91 Readers
I'm pleased to update that after Chris was thrown out of the clubhouse at lunchtime he got his seat back - thanks to the Spanish contingent who generously reinstate him
11 Feb 2018 2:42PM (Tournament); 91 Readers
Because of Black, the peel attempt has to be from 8'. Jawsing not a bad result.
G3T7 Reg Yellow tries 4-back peel. hits wire(s), is not rush-peelable.
Blue (1-back pioneer) is 2y NE of 1-back.
11 Feb 2018 2:42PM (Tournament); 91 Readers
We're joined on the commentary bench now by Christian Carter (sitting at our feet), Ian Lines (awaiting our beverage-needing pleasure), Jose ("Rafa Nadal") Riva and his sister Pati (I still can't spell - sorry guys)
11 Feb 2018 2:42PM (Tournament); 92 Readers
G3T7 Reg Yellow makes 6 off Black, rushes Black to middle of B-baulk. Croquets Black 9 yards ahort of 2-back, but Yellow is good. Now trying 4-back peel from 9" going to Blue. Red goes 5 yards thru.
Hoops 6, Peels 1
11 Feb 2018 2:45PM (Tournament); 84 Readers
Trev's flight now 3hrs 15 late
11 Feb 2018 2:45PM (Tournament); 84 Readers
G3T7 Reg Yellow makes 1-back off Blue. Some wire, has short rush pointing at 6. Wanting to bring Red more into lawn.
Hoops 7 Peels 1
11 Feb 2018 2:48PM (Tournament); 85 Readers
G3T7 Reg Yellow rushes Blue 2y SW of peg, leaving Red alone for now. Remember 2-back pioneer well short.
11 Feb 2018 2:50PM (Tournament); 90 Readers
G3T7 Reg Yellow makes 2-back off Black. Now has 3y tonk, hoping to get near Red. In fact cuts it into 2nd corner.
11 Feb 2018 2:51PM (Tournament); 91 Readers
OK, beer sorted, two hands back - I'm back!
And I have power
11 Feb 2018 2:53PM (Tournament); 93 Readers
Still Andrew following the action. I'm gonna have a look around the lawns...
11 Feb 2018 2:53PM (Tournament); 93 Readers
The shelters are mostly filled with spectators - it's dry but very muggy, Trev's flight delay appears to be random, rather than fog, as everything else is running well. Claire's in control he'll be late, and he's in control the bar is open
11 Feb 2018 2:54PM (Tournament); 95 Readers
G3T7 Reg Yellow rolls Black 6y SSW of 4-back, Yellow just S of Red. Taps Red. Take-off to Blue earns applause!
If he can get a forward rush, he might get penult peel before 4-back. Otherwise a straight double peel to finish.
Hoops 8, Peels 1
11 Feb 2018 2:55PM (Tournament); 94 Readers
Steve and Mrs Wardle in lawn 4 shelter? - seem to be snuggling, so someone else is coiled and facing somewhat the other direction, Some hungover kiwis in lawn 3 shelter, couple of now-redundant refs in the shelter bewteen - they have done really well.
11 Feb 2018 2:55PM (Tournament); 93 Readers
Stephen Mulliner is looking a little lost - probably expecting to be wielding a mallet today. He'll be back.
11 Feb 2018 2:56PM (Tournament); 90 Readers
Jimbo Oz and North Jimbo seem to have struck up a friendship - internationalisation in this game is excellent - lots of generous offers between players and spectators of accommodation for visits and the opportunity to catch up again.
11 Feb 2018 2:57PM (Tournament); 92 Readers
Gosh - lots of UK readers having a late night - 2am to you ... Reg has just about taken out local player Robert McLay!! - smashes yellow through 4back, it jumps up on the verge, and nearly decapitates Robbie!
11 Feb 2018 2:59PM (Tournament); 94 Readers
There'll have been a rueful grin and apology from Reg as he retrieves his ball
11 Feb 2018 2:59PM (Tournament); 94 Readers
G3T7 Reg Yellow cuts Blue to 3y W of 3rd corner.Blue is croqueted 3y N of 4-back, trying to rush Red to peeling posi. Yes he can have a go. But he must get rush on Black so may be a fair amount of pull. Peel goes through, glues itself to the peg. Red is zero inches North of peg. Has rush on Black. Approaches sending Black halfway between 4-back and penult. Runs 4-back off lawn, into tubing, then at head height into a bench of spectators. Luckily they are awake. (Well they are now.)
Hoops 10, Peels 2
11 Feb 2018 3:00PM (Tournament); 94 Readers
Christian has Reg 35% to finish this turn - red pinned to the north of the peg, black closer to 4back than penult, but really - it's Reg
11 Feb 2018 3:00PM (Tournament); 94 Readers
Briefest smattering of applause as Reg clatters red off the peg to wehre Andrew will describe..
11 Feb 2018 3:01PM (Tournament); 93 Readers
G3T7 After 4-back Reg Yellow rushes Blue into middle of lawn, cuts Red to 8y S of 3rd corner.
11 Feb 2018 3:01PM (Tournament); 93 Readers
A perfect croquet stroke... 95%?
11 Feb 2018 3:02PM (Tournament); 98 Readers
G3T7 Reg Yellow plays excellent croquet stroke. Applause. Red looks to be 1' in front of rover, and Yellow can rush Black to penult.
Hoops 11 Peels 2
11 Feb 2018 3:03PM (Tournament); 100 Readers
G3T7 Reg Yellow croquets Black 1y W of rover. Bllue 2' SE of rover. Peeling from 6". Irish peel, both thru.
Hoops 12, Peels 3
Just the rush to the peg to execute.
11 Feb 2018 3:05PM (Tournament); 102 Readers
Tis an ill wind that blows...
11 Feb 2018 3:06PM (Tournament); 101 Readers
... a few drops of rain onto my laptop screen
11 Feb 2018 3:06PM (Tournament); 100 Readers
7' peg-otu...
11 Feb 2018 3:07PM (Tournament); 100 Readers
Bamford wins game 3 +26tp and leads match 2-1
11 Feb 2018 3:07PM (Tournament); 101 Readers
3.08 pm. That'll be afternoon tea for many people. Andrew is digging the sand out of his mouse - not sure why he keeps hurling it into the sand bucket.
11 Feb 2018 3:08PM (Tournament); 97 Readers
More water. Sorry University of Canterbury - your laptop is getting damp!
11 Feb 2018 3:08PM (Tournament); 99 Readers
Manager: they're going straight on - I'm not sure if that was a directive, or a statement of fact.
11 Feb 2018 3:09PM (Tournament); 98 Readers
Trevvie makes himself useful bringing chips and "kiwi dip" - a tin of nestle reduced cream with a packed of dry (sweet?) onion soup mixed in. (Maggie variety)
11 Feb 2018 3:10PM (Tournament); 101 Readers
Game 4
11 Feb 2018 3:10PM (Tournament); 101 Readers
1. Paddy, Black - 9 yards north of corner 4
11 Feb 2018 3:10PM (Tournament); 100 Readers
2. Reg takes yellow up to the north boundary... changing things up again - it's a corner 2 opening from Reg. Plays about 8 inches south of corner 2
11 Feb 2018 3:11PM (Tournament); 101 Readers
2. Reg takes yellow up to the north boundary... changing things up again - it's a corner 2 opening from Reg. Plays about 8 inches south of corner 2
11 Feb 2018 3:11PM (Tournament); 100 Readers
Hmm the wind is in the wrong direction, blowing mizzle onto the keyboard.
11 Feb 2018 3:11PM (Tournament); 101 Readers
3. Paddy shooting at partner from the end of A baulk.. hits ...Errors: Reg 1, Paddy 1, Long roquets.. Reg 4/4, Paddy 3/9
11 Feb 2018 3:12PM (Tournament); 103 Readers
Takes off to yellow - doesn't get past hoop 2! This is about a 9 yarder, and missing gives away a double. But he'll hit...
11 Feb 2018 3:13PM (Tournament); 103 Readers
Hits! ...
11 Feb 2018 3:13PM (Tournament); 101 Readers
Andrew: "As your hubby said to Dave Kibble 'You're very good at hitting in, but try to do it no more than once each turn1' "
11 Feb 2018 3:14PM (Tournament); 103 Readers
(sry about the rogue '1')
11 Feb 2018 3:14PM (Tournament); 102 Readers
Maybe we'll take Reg down one, and only count roquets over 10 yards in our count...
Errors: Reg 1, Paddy 1, Long roquets.. Reg 3/3, Paddy 3/9 - that short duffer is no longer in the count.
11 Feb 2018 3:15PM (Tournament); 100 Readers
Very nice croquet stroke sends yellow to about 13 yards south of corner 2, and inlawn a couple of yards... gets 5 yards east of the peg with blue. Lags back to black, leaving a rush to yellow
11 Feb 2018 3:15PM (Tournament); 103 Readers
4. Reg down to the end of A Baulk with red. Can keep his perfect record... seemed to be checking the rush Paddy has a considering the long shot - nope - noone wants to shoot down that boundary
11 Feb 2018 3:17PM (Tournament); 105 Readers
It's a 3 yard rush pointing somewhere near yellow
11 Feb 2018 3:18PM (Tournament); 106 Readers
Mentally preparing - upright, arms by sides...
11 Feb 2018 3:18PM (Tournament); 109 Readers
Shooting at the in-lawn ball - hits most of it - but he has rushed it 10 yards up the boundary from black!
11 Feb 2018 3:19PM (Tournament); 110 Readers
Errors: Reg 1, Paddy 1, Long roquets.. Reg 4/4, Paddy 3/9
11 Feb 2018 3:19PM (Tournament); 110 Readers
New thread from JP... https://www.facebook.com/johnpaul.moberly/videos/1586530234734510/ - it froze, so started again
11 Feb 2018 3:20PM (Tournament); 108 Readers
"Move your feet, lose your seat" - Plate winner Stephen Morgan snaffles Jose Riva's seat. "no way Jose!"
11 Feb 2018 3:21PM (Tournament); 105 Readers
Reg takes off to black - huge cut sending black up to almost level with hoop 3 but on the east boundary... big croquet stroke... black is 3 yards north of hoop 2 and he has a 6 yarder on partner pointing at the middle of the west boundary.
11 Feb 2018 3:22PM (Tournament); 98 Readers
Hits the middle of it... of course.
11 Feb 2018 3:22PM (Tournament); 98 Readers
Oh no - Andrew is offline...turning on wireless... but we need a fiddle to keep JPs streaming off!
11 Feb 2018 3:23PM (Tournament); 96 Readers
Am I back?
11 Feb 2018 3:24PM (Tournament); 97 Readers
11 Feb 2018 3:24PM (Tournament); 97 Readers
Andrew's an approved connectee to my phone.
11 Feb 2018 3:24PM (Tournament); 97 Readers
Reg rolls down to hoop 1 - not in front - plays off the boundary behind yellow .. 'oooo - he missed it' is chorused behind me - charming, but not quite.
11 Feb 2018 3:25PM (Tournament); 97 Readers
Paddy will shoot from the east boundary just south of the 2-3 line at black 3 yards north of hoop 2 .. if he can see it... Christian assures me it's not a full target
11 Feb 2018 3:25PM (Tournament); 100 Readers
So closing my laptop turns it off. Who knew?
Too many people on club wifi for me to get back on.
11 Feb 2018 3:26PM (Tournament); 101 Readers
5. Paddy shooting black at red and yellow. Errors: Reg 1, Paddy 1, Long roquets.. Reg 4/4, Paddy 3/10
11 Feb 2018 3:27PM (Tournament); 99 Readers
Is anyone out there? - we're knackered, and flagging - chat to us please :) [email protected]
11 Feb 2018 3:27PM (Tournament); 104 Readers
G4T6 Reg Red hits Blue (3y). Should get first break from this.
11 Feb 2018 3:27PM (Tournament); 104 Readers
Crowd thinks it may be 1-back tactics this time. I dont't know...
G4T6 Reg Red makes 1 off Yellow.
Jenny recounting shooting stats.
11 Feb 2018 3:29PM (Tournament); 104 Readers
G4T6 After 1 Reg Red rushes Yellow beyond Black, croquets Yellow 2y SW of peg. Good rush of Black to 2. Runs hoop 2 to boundary, good rush/ tonk near Yellow. rushes Yellow near Blue. Makes 3 off Blue. Should achieve full control shortly, in time for putative 1-back leave.
11 Feb 2018 3:33PM (Tournament); 104 Readers
J-P on phone to the missus, in case you're wondering what's happened to streaming.
G4T6, Reg has all the balls as he makes 4. Yellow is at 5.
11 Feb 2018 3:36PM (Tournament); 100 Readers
I've been told this it too generous to Reg: apparently: Errors: Reg 1, Paddy 1, Long roquets.. Reg 3/3, Paddy 3/10
11 Feb 2018 3:36PM (Tournament); 101 Readers
I have it from Bruce McLay in Christchurch that Robbie McLay in Wellington has recovered from his near be-heading by Reg after 4back - just regretting he didn't make the one handed catch for all the $$$
11 Feb 2018 3:37PM (Tournament); 105 Readers
G4T6 Reg Red is putting out a1-back pioneer. It'll be 9 hoops and a spread.
11 Feb 2018 3:39PM (Tournament); 114 Readers
for those in international land, we have that competition in one day (20-20?) cricket competitions in New Zealand - if a crowd member catches a ball one-handed, and is also wearing the sponsor's tshirt, they share a substantial prize pot. One of my former students, Canterbury Hockey coaching luminary Sanjay Ganda was the first catch-a-million winner in the most recent cricket world cup in NZ a couple of years ago - he ended up getting a fairly decent prize, but nowhere near $1M after lots of other one-handed catches were taken by people in appropriate orange tshirts.
11 Feb 2018 3:40PM (Tournament); 113 Readers
113 text commentary readers. many more online, it's dry enough that the in-person crowds are thronging a little. It has been a very very long week, but really fun. So many people to catch up with and this has been played in great spirit.
11 Feb 2018 3:41PM (Tournament); 113 Readers
Thank you Robert Hurst! Sweets coffee or beers from here, but they'll be on me next time I run into any of the commentary team.
11 Feb 2018 3:41PM (Tournament); 115 Readers
Lots and lots of support for Paddy - there are a LOT of us absolutely hanging out wanting to see Paddy win his first world championship.
11 Feb 2018 3:42PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
G4T6 Reg Red makes 2-back off Yellow. Lot of wire.
11 Feb 2018 3:43PM (Tournament); 115 Readers
Live stream is now Christian - J-P's lady kept phoning ... https://www.facebook.com/christian.l.carter/videos/10100973111680415/?notifid=1518230069335641¬ift=livevideo
11 Feb 2018 3:43PM (Tournament); 115 Readers
But you'll need to put your head - or TV - on its side Linda ...Maybe we need JP back
11 Feb 2018 3:43PM (Tournament); 111 Readers
ok, try this... https://www.facebook.com/christian.l.carter/videos/10100973116146465/
11 Feb 2018 3:45PM (Tournament); 111 Readers
Thanks Ian D - wish you were here. Thanks for the support folks. Fingers getting weary, but we're staying with it till the end. The very end. C'mon Paddy... We want a game 5!
11 Feb 2018 3:46PM (Tournament); 97 Readers
Looks like Blue by the peg might be in ideal position already.
G4T6 After 3-back Reg Red croquets Black to 3 or 4y in from W bdry, leaving rush from 12y N of 4th corner.
Clips: Reg Red 4-back Yellow 1; Paddy Black 1 Blue 1
11 Feb 2018 3:46PM (Tournament); 95 Readers
Polite applause.
11 Feb 2018 3:47PM (Tournament); 95 Readers
Drone is hovering over lawn 3 with ominous red light.
11 Feb 2018 3:48PM (Tournament); 95 Readers
G4T7 - Paddy's back - looking from the end of A baulk at the shortish shot at black south of hoop 2... nope - lifts black and he's taking the short shot at red or yellow. Probs yellow - the boundary ball.
11 Feb 2018 3:48PM (Tournament); 95 Readers
This could be his last shot...
11 Feb 2018 3:49PM (Tournament); 95 Readers
Drone is down. Drone is down!!! - resting on lawn 3. Awaiting instructions from Sherif. Modern approach to lighting as it gets gloomier?
11 Feb 2018 3:49PM (Tournament); 95 Readers
At last Paddy has turn, I can relax for a bit.
11 Feb 2018 3:49PM (Tournament); 95 Readers
Nope - shooting at blue at the peg... "doesn't like it" - that spectator needs to get to know Paddy better - hits!!!!!
11 Feb 2018 3:49PM (Tournament); 95 Readers
Errors: Reg 1, Paddy 1, Long roquets.. Reg 3/3, Paddy 4/11
11 Feb 2018 3:50PM (Tournament); 96 Readers
Sorry, first time I've pre-empted Jenny's speedy typing.
11 Feb 2018 3:50PM (Tournament); 96 Readers
Christian (now doing the video streaming) "Definitely a TPO on here" - decent call - get a bit of lawn time, take Reg out of his comfort zone.
11 Feb 2018 3:50PM (Tournament); 95 Readers
Paddy didn't hit that shot very hard.. but hit all of it! Blue now 3 yards SE of hoop 6.
11 Feb 2018 3:51PM (Tournament); 99 Readers
Taps yellow in. rushing red to hoop 1. A bit short. Paddy attempting to make his first hoop in 3 games. (??)
11 Feb 2018 3:52PM (Tournament); 102 Readers
Through hoop 1 - rush is pointing at hoop 6, but he'll need to wrangle yellow as well to sort out the TPO. red is the 4back ball. Will he TPO. I would (if I had his skill set..)
11 Feb 2018 3:53PM (Tournament); 100 Readers
(I'm working on it!)
11 Feb 2018 3:53PM (Tournament); 100 Readers
Thanks Ellen - we'll get there! - I'm sure the University of Canterbury could do with some research accounts being audited - I worry what you'd find though!!
11 Feb 2018 3:53PM (Tournament); 101 Readers
Red left there - takes off to yellow - croquets yellow accurately to hoop 3 - it's Reg's hoop 1 ball, but we're picking pu a break here - and by no means guaranteed to do a TPO
11 Feb 2018 3:54PM (Tournament); 102 Readers
The rush on partner to hoop 2 is a bit short - Andrew thinks the back ball climbed up a bit on the rush.
11 Feb 2018 3:55PM (Tournament); 103 Readers
Approaches...short!! and a bit of an angle. The crowd are getting rowdy.
11 Feb 2018 3:55PM (Tournament); 100 Readers
Runs hoop 2 well off the boundary
11 Feb 2018 3:55PM (Tournament); 102 Readers
Crowd nor more vocal and appreciative. Possibly as many of us have reached the drinking stage of the day...
11 Feb 2018 3:56PM (Tournament); 107 Readers
now not nor
11 Feb 2018 3:56PM (Tournament); 106 Readers
Tim Murphy is back in Oz and is following the action... his own creation - croquetscores.com. Thanks Tim! - you've given hundreds of people pleasure through this site - including me - I'm a compulsive fidget, so this is helping!
11 Feb 2018 3:56PM (Tournament); 108 Readers
Puts blue to 4 going to red.. left it on the mat! (i.e. both balls short, mainly due to slower conditions)
11 Feb 2018 3:57PM (Tournament); 109 Readers
Christian says he is definitely going to TPO. "no other option"
11 Feb 2018 3:57PM (Tournament); 109 Readers
Stephen Mulliner would lay for an SXP in this situation - I'd be willing to wager.
I say aloud "Stephen will stop at 1back", and other other end of our bench Stephen Morgan looks around slightly alarmed!
11 Feb 2018 3:58PM (Tournament); 110 Readers
Paddy through 3, Wants a delayed TPO
11 Feb 2018 3:58PM (Tournament); 112 Readers
Maybe a 1back leave then a TPO, peels on partner and two off
11 Feb 2018 3:58PM (Tournament); 111 Readers
Crowd pro Paddy, some 'cos they're Kiwis, some love an underdog, and most want a 5th game. I'm supporting Reg to try and give some edge to the commentary. But really I'm not. Some experts will be supporting Reg as he is the best player in the event. He has to perform today though.
11 Feb 2018 3:59PM (Tournament); 113 Readers
How about POPping yellow to hoop 2 (or hoop 3? - not sure you're getting a leave with two), and then TPOing - you want to peel him to two for that - removes the squeeze
11 Feb 2018 3:59PM (Tournament); 115 Readers
It's slowly coming back to me.
11 Feb 2018 3:59PM (Tournament); 116 Readers
It has been a few hours since Paddy had a turn of croquet (funny phrase which suggests he actually played a croquet stroke)
11 Feb 2018 4:00PM (Tournament); 115 Readers
Yay - Annabel is coming to stay - yuss!!!
11 Feb 2018 4:01PM (Tournament); 115 Readers
Ill wind is back - it's raining on my keyboard!!!
11 Feb 2018 4:01PM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Peeling yellow through hoop 1 getting a rush to hoop 5
11 Feb 2018 4:02PM (Tournament); 116 Readers
Stephen Mulliner has wandered by, and in response Christian advises of the website... http://lookatmyfuckingredtrousers.blogspot.co.nz/
11 Feb 2018 4:03PM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Sorry about the wording in there folks
11 Feb 2018 4:03PM (Tournament); 116 Readers
Right - makes 5, rushes red to corner 1.. croquets red to 1back going to yellow.
11 Feb 2018 4:04PM (Tournament); 109 Readers
Head drops - he's not wired is he??? - phew. No, he isn't
11 Feb 2018 4:04PM (Tournament); 111 Readers
Thanks for holding the cushion to shield my laptop from the rain Christian - bloody nice chap
11 Feb 2018 4:05PM (Tournament); 111 Readers
Doesn't get the peel on yellow - I'm confused - expected the crosswire and TPO - not like Reg can't to a TP from hoop 3!!
11 Feb 2018 4:06PM (Tournament); 113 Readers
hmmm... I am conused.
11 Feb 2018 4:06PM (Tournament); 112 Readers
confused, even
11 Feb 2018 4:06PM (Tournament); 113 Readers
Rushes NE of hoop 6, runs it. Still raining. Thanks Christian.
11 Feb 2018 4:06PM (Tournament); 112 Readers
Through hoop 6 - is he rushing blue to corner 4 and will he go back and crosswire at hoop 2?
11 Feb 2018 4:06PM (Tournament); 114 Readers
Nope - hits blue gently... it's a ball to 4back - gosh.
11 Feb 2018 4:06PM (Tournament); 115 Readers
Is this a "calculated risk"? or a "mis-calculated risk"? - is that really an American correcting Christian's English? - it's fun here - all very friendly.
11 Feb 2018 4:08PM (Tournament); 118 Readers
Crowd sceptical of Paddy's tactics - Reg has hit everything.
11 Feb 2018 4:08PM (Tournament); 118 Readers
Peels yellow to hoop 3 after 1back. It'll be a defensive leave.
11 Feb 2018 4:08PM (Tournament); 120 Readers
Andrew has turned his computer off again. Christian is being very patient keeping mine safe
11 Feb 2018 4:09PM (Tournament); 121 Readers
Hello, back on.
11 Feb 2018 4:09PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
Doesn't rush that well to 2back, but he has approached it well. Has a rush pointing towards corner 2 - he's going to give Reg a 13 yarder??!!
11 Feb 2018 4:10PM (Tournament); 122 Readers
We reckon he'll hit about 80% of a ball at 13 yards - i.e. nearly full ball contact. And that he'll make that roquet 80% of the time.
11 Feb 2018 4:11PM (Tournament); 121 Readers
But it's getting late. Maybe there is some fatigue to factor in.
11 Feb 2018 4:11PM (Tournament); 122 Readers
Rushes blue to corner 2
11 Feb 2018 4:12PM (Tournament); 123 Readers
Is this Plan E?
11 Feb 2018 4:12PM (Tournament); 124 Readers
Croqueting blue back to the peg - is this now a spread?
11 Feb 2018 4:12PM (Tournament); 125 Readers
Maybe want to let Reg miss a maximum distance shot and to have a TP of his own?
11 Feb 2018 4:12PM (Tournament); 126 Readers
Blue croqueted to 2 yards north of hoop 5. Forget speculation - i'm lost. I'll report where the balls go. i wish Chris was here...
11 Feb 2018 4:13PM (Tournament); 125 Readers
Runner sent for Chris...
11 Feb 2018 4:13PM (Tournament); 124 Readers
Rushes yellow north of hoop 4, rushing red to hoop 4
11 Feb 2018 4:14PM (Tournament); 125 Readers
Commentators have summoned an expert.
Clips: Reg Red 4-back Yellow 3; Paddy Black 4-back Blue 1
11 Feb 2018 4:14PM (Tournament); 126 Readers
Chris was hoping for a NZTPO - one peel and a 1back leave, then finish the TPO maybe with a couple of peels on partner.
11 Feb 2018 4:14PM (Tournament); 129 Readers
It's a NSL
11 Feb 2018 4:14PM (Tournament); 129 Readers
Red's on hoop 4.
11 Feb 2018 4:14PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
Clips... Reg: red for 4back - that's on the back of hoop 4, yellow for hoop 3 (peeled there by Paddy), over south-west of hoop 2, Blue for 1, black for 4back, and they're laid up on the east boundary north of hoop 4
11 Feb 2018 4:16PM (Tournament); 123 Readers
"It's a good turn, but maybe not against Reg."
11 Feb 2018 4:17PM (Tournament); 122 Readers
Reg lifts Yellow to 3rd corner. Shooting at Blue (22y). Misses! Close though. Yellow is in or near 4th corner. (Crowd in way.)
11 Feb 2018 4:21PM (Tournament); 120 Readers
Errors: Reg 1, Paddy 1, Long roquets.. Reg 3/4, Paddy 4/11
11 Feb 2018 4:22PM (Tournament); 120 Readers
Looks very unhappy with that
11 Feb 2018 4:22PM (Tournament); 122 Readers
G4T9... Paddy has a TPO chance... nudges partner in. Takes off to corner 4. Hits yellow... plays the big drive..
11 Feb 2018 4:23PM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Maybe a foot or two short of ideal... has the rush...
11 Feb 2018 4:23PM (Tournament); 118 Readers
Rushes partner across - under cuts it... 3 yards NNW of hoop 1 (that's where mine always end up)
11 Feb 2018 4:24PM (Tournament); 115 Readers
Takes off well.. has a 3 foot straight hoop - TP coming.. we'll have a decider - c'mon!!
11 Feb 2018 4:24PM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Re stalks...
11 Feb 2018 4:24PM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Runs hoop 1 vey smoothly - he's back!!!
11 Feb 2018 4:24PM (Tournament); 116 Readers
Andrew holding my cushion now - wet laptop -plugged into mains power - what could possibly go wrong?
11 Feb 2018 4:25PM (Tournament); 115 Readers
Rushes red up abit - crqoueting it to 3 goingto hoop 2 pioneer WNW of hoop 6 - he has a rush to 2
11 Feb 2018 4:25PM (Tournament); 113 Readers
Rushes nicely to hoop 2. "tell you what - if the new zealander finishes this one, we wno't get through it tonight" - are you kidding?? - it's only 4.30!!
11 Feb 2018 4:26PM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Through hoop 2
11 Feb 2018 4:26PM (Tournament); 118 Readers
yellow tight to hoop 4, peelee up - and in position. approaching off red
11 Feb 2018 4:28PM (Tournament); 120 Readers
There is a cushoin over my screen because--- it's raining!
11 Feb 2018 4:28PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
Ths is game 4
11 Feb 2018 4:28PM (Tournament); 118 Readers
Through 3, rushes partner back to a yard south and slightly east of the hoop. Maybe 2.5 feet.
11 Feb 2018 4:29PM (Tournament); 126 Readers
Peel... Black into the jaws. Hampered...mallet in the air - it's not problemmatic. But he's being polite - it's the world championship final.
11 Feb 2018 4:30PM (Tournament); 125 Readers
Hits it easily, and he has a really good hoop 4 pioneer.
11 Feb 2018 4:30PM (Tournament); 125 Readers
Croquet stroke is short - red is two yards they've run out of (proper) beer!!!
11 Feb 2018 4:31PM (Tournament); 125 Readers
croquet stroke is short - red two yards north of hoop 5, approaches 4, runs it with a rush north
11 Feb 2018 4:31PM (Tournament); 125 Readers
Hmm not sure about the rush [though I hesitate to gainsay my colleague], he's not gone to Black before 5.
After 5 Paddy Red rushes 11y E of peg. This stroke needs to be good. 3y shy of Black. Umpire on. Rush-peels by 4". Not sure he can Black N of penutl and go to yellow.
Not too bad.
11 Feb 2018 4:35PM (Tournament); 125 Readers
Josh Smith - Tui is improper beer. But it will do in a pinch.
11 Feb 2018 4:36PM (Tournament); 122 Readers
It's too wet - Andrew's computer is wet. Paddy must be wet
11 Feb 2018 4:37PM (Tournament); 124 Readers
My computer's getting wet. Team may look to go inside hut.
Paddy Blue (not red, d'oh) having go at penult peel before 1-back.
11 Feb 2018 4:37PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
Chris was ok with a POP in the previous turn, but then wanted a north-south crosswire and partner in hoop 3
11 Feb 2018 4:37PM (Tournament); 129 Readers
Wiley peel - rushpeels 4back, rolls it across, but instead of a proper 1back pioneer he has a ball halfway between 6 and 1back and puts the other one well north... runs hoop 6, hits the north ball, puts it to 2back and he has peeled penult really nicely getting a rush to 1back
11 Feb 2018 4:39PM (Tournament); 131 Readers
Andrew is inside now too, and is drying his screen. At least it'll be a bit cleaner now!
11 Feb 2018 4:39PM (Tournament); 134 Readers
Team now in hut. No chairs to be had.
11 Feb 2018 4:40PM (Tournament); 133 Readers
Good croquet stroke sending black to 2 feet east of rover and he has a good rush on black to 2back.
11 Feb 2018 4:41PM (Tournament); 131 Readers
red is 3 yard NW of 3back - so a bit northerly, but on a decent peeling line
11 Feb 2018 4:41PM (Tournament); 130 Readers
Paddy has grovelled through 2back!!!
11 Feb 2018 4:42PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
He's going for the 8 yarder on partner at rover...
11 Feb 2018 4:42PM (Tournament); 129 Readers
Should be ok.. at this stage of his break.
11 Feb 2018 4:42PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
Rushed it to 2 yards east of red.
11 Feb 2018 4:42PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
Cant' trust the spectators - the chap on the line of it said "nope" ... but follows it up with "if he was really good, he could have nicked it leaving it in front of rover"
11 Feb 2018 4:43PM (Tournament); 129 Readers
Might play to rush back after 3b and peel - that's an under-used opportunity for a rover peel
11 Feb 2018 4:43PM (Tournament); 129 Readers
Yellow sent to 4back, Black is 4 yards north and a foot west of 3back. It'll be tough to rush that in front of rover
11 Feb 2018 4:45PM (Tournament); 130 Readers
Straight rover peel looming...
11 Feb 2018 4:46PM (Tournament); 131 Readers
Checking out Annabel's St George tattoos... she has one on each cheek, and one on each hand - hasnt spotted it's NZ v SA in the final? - I got reminded there were some English in teh minor finals!
11 Feb 2018 4:49PM (Tournament); 26 Readers
Offer to turn her cheek tattoos into (rather larger) NZ flags rejected. She thinks she might be allergic to the ones there now!
11 Feb 2018 4:50PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
Right - back online after switching back to my own hotspot...
11 Feb 2018 4:50PM (Tournament); 30 Readers
He is through penult. Has a rover peel to sort out..
11 Feb 2018 4:50PM (Tournament); 34 Readers
rushing to in front of rover from in front of rover - this will be a 8 inch straight rover peel.
11 Feb 2018 4:51PM (Tournament); 42 Readers
Andrew and I have used commentatorial priviledge to gain inside front-row seats
11 Feb 2018 4:52PM (Tournament); 41 Readers
Lining it up - two side balls - peels it nicely... Liz M "heehee" - in some joy
11 Feb 2018 4:52PM (Tournament); 46 Readers
Different atmosphere in hut. We can chat a bit louder.
11 Feb 2018 4:53PM (Tournament); 49 Readers
Well done Paddy - an excellent comeback!
Pegs out from 3 feet. Paddy wins 26TP-11
+2018 WCF AC World Championship final... 1-1
11 Feb 2018 4:54PM (Tournament); 52 Readers
We have a decider!
11 Feb 2018 4:54PM (Tournament); 52 Readers
2018 WCF AC World Championship final... 2-2
11 Feb 2018 4:54PM (Tournament); 53 Readers
(I really should look where my fingers are pointing!)
11 Feb 2018 4:54PM (Tournament); 49 Readers
4.54pm. A few people scurrying off to catch flights.
11 Feb 2018 4:54PM (Tournament); 53 Readers
We're sitting here inhaling the aroma of Mark (Mr Gabrielle)'s red wine - aromatic - yum. I think I like the smell more than the actuality (well, after 2 beers and a very long day, I fancy a coke zero)
11 Feb 2018 4:56PM (Tournament); 51 Readers
The commentaries have negotiated / bullied their way to front of hut.
11 Feb 2018 4:56PM (Tournament); 50 Readers
Players having a wee break. I'm gonna go rescue my bag and , more importantly, the rather excellent 2018 worlds mug I just bought
11 Feb 2018 4:57PM (Tournament); 52 Readers
I missed afternoon tea. Having a nice cuppa.
11 Feb 2018 4:57PM (Tournament); 52 Readers
It's windy and it's raining. Ick. This is the Wellington I spent most of a season playing in a few years back
11 Feb 2018 4:57PM (Tournament); 54 Readers
About 3 hrs 45 of daylight remaining, so we should be finishing today, as long as this rain doesn't get much worse.
11 Feb 2018 4:58PM (Tournament); 56 Readers
Where's your money, folks?
11 Feb 2018 5:00PM (Tournament); 57 Readers
Last night at dinner there was a table of senior kiwis with a few Mac appearances behind them. I'll forget some, but my best efforts...
John Prince.. 9 Mac series played in
Roger Murfitt... 5 Macs
Graeme Roberts.. 1 Mac, also our most senior and the most well respected official on the planet
Steve Jones... 4 Mac appearances
Joe Hogan... 5 Mac appearances - most recently in 2017!
(argh - who have I missed - that's pretty good so far though - apologies to anyone mised
11 Feb 2018 5:02PM (Tournament); 69 Readers
There are 4 flags billowing in the breeze. Croquet NZ, South Africa, NZ, WCF.
Bamford v Chapman deciding game 5
Bamford has choice and will start, Paddy will have Black & Blue.
G5T1 Bamford Red 9y N of 4th corner.
11 Feb 2018 5:04PM (Tournament); 73 Readers
G5T2 Paddy Black 1' N of 4th corner. (as per game 3)
11 Feb 2018 5:05PM (Tournament); 71 Readers
G5T3 Reg Yellow at Red from A-baulk. Misses, no he's claiming it. Some of crowd verified the snick.
11 Feb 2018 5:06PM (Tournament); 77 Readers
G5T3 Reg Yellow takes off to Black, hits. Croquets Black to ... halfway between 5 and peg. Is the lawn slowing up again?
11 Feb 2018 5:08PM (Tournament); 81 Readers
Errors: Reg 1, Paddy 1, Long roquets.. Reg 4/5, Paddy 4/11
11 Feb 2018 5:08PM (Tournament); 80 Readers
Will that 1/5 prove to be the decider??
11 Feb 2018 5:08PM (Tournament); 81 Readers
G5T4 Paddy Blue from A-baulk at Red (16y). Misses, not close.
11 Feb 2018 5:10PM (Tournament); 79 Readers
Errors: Reg 1, Paddy 1, Long roquets.. Reg 3/4, Paddy 4/12
11 Feb 2018 5:10PM (Tournament); 79 Readers
Errors: Reg 1, Paddy 1, Long roquets.. Reg 4/5, Paddy 4/12
11 Feb 2018 5:10PM (Tournament); 81 Readers
Liz McLay points out there is a LOT of crowd movement. Well, it has been a very long day - however they should still be very aware of critical shots being taken in the World Championship final.
11 Feb 2018 5:12PM (Tournament); 79 Readers
G5T5 Reg Red taps Blue, stops it in to 3y NW of 4. rushes Yellow, underhits croquet stroke slightly, cuts Black 18" NNE of 1. Yellow is 5y shy of 2. Makes 1.
11 Feb 2018 5:13PM (Tournament); 87 Readers
Chris offers "The last sextuple in a worlds final was 2005"
11 Feb 2018 5:14PM (Tournament); 91 Readers
by... Reg Bamford...
11 Feb 2018 5:14PM (Tournament); 95 Readers
Gabrielle... "well that was the last one completed... when was the last one attempted...?"
11 Feb 2018 5:15PM (Tournament); 94 Readers
Andrew... "this morning!"
11 Feb 2018 5:15PM (Tournament); 93 Readers
lol... we're looking for something previous...
11 Feb 2018 5:15PM (Tournament); 92 Readers
2012 Adelaide... Robbie Fletcher v Reg Bamford... Reg tried to get the crosswire but didn't get it and went to 4back.
11 Feb 2018 5:15PM (Tournament); 95 Readers
G5T5 After 1, Reg Red rushes Black 3y WSW of 4. Take-off to Blue. Rushes Blue 6y E of peg. Pretty good croquet stroke. Approaching 2 from 7'.. 2' hoop. Runs it to boundary. Fails to clear tubing this time.
First break to Reg.
11 Feb 2018 5:17PM (Tournament); 92 Readers
(Reg tends to keep control of things in case of challenging cross-wiring at 1back... unlike an infamous doubles match in Cheltenham early 2000s ... "I don't need a rush to 1b - I'll get the cross-wire"... [doesn't get the cross wire] "what shall I do now?" ... "it doesn't matter - they aren't wired". Still, neither of the enormous croquet brains thought about trying to cut partner near 1back and actually make 1back! (they admitted that afterwards!)
11 Feb 2018 5:17PM (Tournament); 91 Readers
Famous Bamford-Mulliner doubles pairing :) I have a wonderful photo somewhere of Stephen standing in the lawn 1 shelter staring ruefully out.
11 Feb 2018 5:18PM (Tournament); 90 Readers
It's quite warm, and peaceful in here. Reg removing his coat out there. Not sure why Reg didn't put blue to 5. Neither is Gabrielle - they are both on hoop 1 - maybe sending it from closer. Chris "think I'd have hit the two yarder before taking my coat off". Reg is quiet good at 2 yarders.
11 Feb 2018 5:21PM (Tournament); 91 Readers
I've been on battery power for a while now, Allegedly have hour and a half left. Might be looking to relocate that extension cable.
G5T5 Reg Red thru 3 off Blue. Removes his waterproof jacket. Plays a roll, rather than a drive - why not send Blue to 5? Crowd baffled.
11 Feb 2018 5:21PM (Tournament); 91 Readers
Trevor Bassett isn't stunning at it - and he's about to take off soon... it's really cloudy and really windy - good luck Trev!!
11 Feb 2018 5:21PM (Tournament); 92 Readers
I expect 9 hoops here.
G5T5 Reg Red has Black at 5. Makes 4 off Yellow.
11 Feb 2018 5:22PM (Tournament); 94 Readers
His delayed flight it still scheduled for 8.15pm, so plenty of time for the wind to die down. It's making the 4 flags stand out quite attractively. If Nick was still here he'd have that on 'insta'
11 Feb 2018 5:22PM (Tournament); 93 Readers
In case you can't tell, I've had a coke - I'm awake again!!
11 Feb 2018 5:22PM (Tournament); 93 Readers
And I'm inside with my shoes off and feet up - feeling a LOT more comfortable than on a wooden bench. - my back's not up to that sort of thing all day either (cricket, not sodden croquet, is my excuse)
11 Feb 2018 5:23PM (Tournament); 93 Readers
Reg unhappy about Yellow as his 6 pioneer. It's a good 3 yards short.
11 Feb 2018 5:23PM (Tournament); 94 Readers
Black is early 2-back pioneer. Blue croqueted to 1-back getting rush on Yellow.
G5T5 Reg Red makes 6 off Yellow.
11 Feb 2018 5:26PM (Tournament); 100 Readers
Gosh - he's going to 4back!
11 Feb 2018 5:27PM (Tournament); 100 Readers
Chocolate being passed round. Someone's run off with it.
11 Feb 2018 5:29PM (Tournament); 97 Readers
Chocolate eaten.
G5T5 Reg Red is coming up to 3-back. Expect a spread.
11 Feb 2018 5:30PM (Tournament); 101 Readers
Reg has made 9.
Spread again with the ball usually near the W bdry maybe 6y in from said boundary. Doesn't matter as long as you get the wiring.
Clips: Reg Red 4-back Yellow 1; Paddy Black 1 Blue 1
11 Feb 2018 5:34PM (Tournament); 105 Readers
Weather improving, and brightening - Michael has spotted clouds - not mist. Hills are back!
11 Feb 2018 5:35PM (Tournament); 112 Readers
Paddy needs to hit... anything
11 Feb 2018 5:35PM (Tournament); 111 Readers
G5T6... Paddy on the lawn as Reg is applauded. Greg videoing Paddy
11 Feb 2018 5:36PM (Tournament); 112 Readers
So we're now applauding a 4-ball break to 4-back?!
11 Feb 2018 5:36PM (Tournament); 112 Readers
Looks at the spread...
11 Feb 2018 5:36PM (Tournament); 112 Readers
Paddy lifts blue... he hasn't been POPped this time, so not as much compulsion to shoot at partner at the peg, but it is the shortest shot on the lawn. Shooting at black at the peg...
11 Feb 2018 5:37PM (Tournament); 111 Readers
Commentator confidently asserts he'll be shooting at Yellow. Wrong again!
11 Feb 2018 5:38PM (Tournament); 112 Readers
Shoots - HITS!!!!!
Errors: Reg 1, Paddy 1, Long roquets.. Reg 4/5, Paddy 5/13
11 Feb 2018 5:38PM (Tournament); 111 Readers
The crowd would love a TPO here!
11 Feb 2018 5:38PM (Tournament); 108 Readers
Interesting question.. why is Paddy so high on numbers? - maybe lost count? - probably due to lots of openings and lifts. I don't know
11 Feb 2018 5:39PM (Tournament); 107 Readers
The sun is out!
11 Feb 2018 5:39PM (Tournament); 107 Readers
Leaves black 4 y SE of hoop 4 and takes off - he's a little shot, but copes.
11 Feb 2018 5:39PM (Tournament); 106 Readers
We still have a bit of wind, but the sun is out! - there are Shadows!!!
11 Feb 2018 5:39PM (Tournament); 106 Readers
James Death has offered the commentary team a drink - I'm wrecking his street cred - having a coke Zero.
11 Feb 2018 5:40PM (Tournament); 106 Readers
Rushes a bit short to hoop 1. Should cope
11 Feb 2018 5:40PM (Tournament); 106 Readers
Croquet stroke... blue pulled up a lot, but it's ok... angled hoop though... these hoops havent been fighting back - and he's off!!!!!
11 Feb 2018 5:44PM (Tournament); 113 Readers
red put a little north-east of hoop 6, taps yellow, takes off to black - rushes it a bit short of 2, but approaches the hoop and runs it well through hoop 2
11 Feb 2018 5:45PM (Tournament); 112 Readers
Jimbo's buying a round. Beer for me, coke zero for m'colleague. No coke zero. 2 Tuis it is.
11 Feb 2018 5:45PM (Tournament); 111 Readers
Black to 4 - that's short too - has a cut to 3.. hits all of red. Has a 1 yard backward takeoff. He'll make sure he gets past this
11 Feb 2018 5:45PM (Tournament); 108 Readers
Good takeoff and runs it with control
11 Feb 2018 5:46PM (Tournament); 107 Readers
Cuts red towards the East boundary. Yellow and black are down the lawn, but neither is exactly a hoop 5 pioneer.
11 Feb 2018 5:46PM (Tournament); 110 Readers
This is Paddy's first ball around Michael... he's just having a ball around
11 Feb 2018 5:47PM (Tournament); 110 Readers
Hmm if this is a TPO, the ecsape ball is not well placed! 9 hoops and 2 POPs again, then hope Reg misses?
11 Feb 2018 5:47PM (Tournament); 109 Readers
Good hoop 5 pioneer, hits yellow, takes off to get a 5 foot rush to 4. Rushes it to 4. No POPs in sight yet.
11 Feb 2018 5:47PM (Tournament); 107 Readers
Gabrielle and I are pretty confident he could roll yellow across getting a rush on black. s
11 Feb 2018 5:48PM (Tournament); 108 Readers
Ho hum - through hoop 4 - no wire.
11 Feb 2018 5:48PM (Tournament); 108 Readers
Rushes black up on top of yellow - stops it to that mid-pointy position between the peg, hoop 4 and hoop 5. Hits yellow (no useful rush on offer -it'll be his hoop 6 pioneer)
11 Feb 2018 5:50PM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Paddy now slight favourite for this championship for the first time in some hours! Go kiwi!!!!
11 Feb 2018 5:50PM (Tournament); 112 Readers
Downright bright outside now
11 Feb 2018 5:51PM (Tournament); 114 Readers
Looking like Zero POPs, unless he has one after 2-back. Perhaps better to concentrate on making leave with nothing shorter than 19 yards.
11 Feb 2018 5:51PM (Tournament); 114 Readers
Ellen taking care of the Aussies. Seems like a very long time since the Aussies flew to Wellington via a couple of attempts to land and a very bumpy trip via Christchurch. Ned Wilson was already in Christchurch - spent 7 hours getting from Christchurch to Wellington (you could almost drive (and ferry) that!)
11 Feb 2018 5:53PM (Tournament); 118 Readers
Rushes yellow back towards black after hoop 6 - will be an awkward croquet stroke to get it to 2back and get a rush on black here. Keeping reasonable control though..
11 Feb 2018 5:54PM (Tournament); 117 Readers
"Unless Black hits Red he's fine." Oops
11 Feb 2018 5:54PM (Tournament); 117 Readers
"ooo, that's short. That is pathetic". Bit harsh, but yellow is left west of hoop 5. Seems to want partner to 2back... nooo... black cannons into red at 1back - yellow is not the 2back pioneer.
11 Feb 2018 5:54PM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Or can Paddy come up with a forcing leave, so that Reg has to play Red?
11 Feb 2018 5:55PM (Tournament); 116 Readers
Making 1back off red, will hit black first after the hoop and put it to the middle, gets a rush on red towards hoop 5.
11 Feb 2018 5:55PM (Tournament); 116 Readers
We should get another NSL with red at 3back. That's kinda encouraging.
11 Feb 2018 5:56PM (Tournament); 116 Readers
Croquets red to 3back, he's short on yellow! - he can still cut it in front of the hoop.
11 Feb 2018 5:56PM (Tournament); 116 Readers
He cuts it to about 3 yards ENE of 2back - scary!!! - he'll cope though...
11 Feb 2018 5:57PM (Tournament); 116 Readers
Approaches 2back very well, putting yellow deep
11 Feb 2018 5:57PM (Tournament); 117 Readers
Was hoop 1 there? - or just a hologram of itself? - not strong evidence of hoop presence. Paddy runs 2back off the lawn
11 Feb 2018 5:57PM (Tournament); 122 Readers
NSL with Red at 4?
11 Feb 2018 5:58PM (Tournament); 121 Readers
Rushes yellow up the lawn
11 Feb 2018 5:58PM (Tournament); 121 Readers
Yellow SW of hoop 2
11 Feb 2018 5:58PM (Tournament); 121 Readers
Nice croquet stroke puts yellow into standard position on the NW bit of the lawn.
11 Feb 2018 5:58PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
Rushes black north of hoop 4.
11 Feb 2018 5:58PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
Red is a good 3b pioneer.
11 Feb 2018 5:58PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
Rushes red in front of 3b, wee croquet stroke puts it in front where he can run slightly past it and rush it into perfect position.
11 Feb 2018 5:59PM (Tournament); 116 Readers
Mini cheese toasties. Yum!
11 Feb 2018 6:00PM (Tournament); 118 Readers
Runs 3b slightly past red, rushes it into perfect position, nudges it into slightly more perfect position, and rushes partner off the lawn about 12 yards N of corner 4 (I'm guessing - it'll be thereabouts)
11 Feb 2018 6:01PM (Tournament); 118 Readers
One more stroke to play...
11 Feb 2018 6:02PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
Clippage: blue and red on 4back. Yellow and black on 1. Reg playing red and yellow
11 Feb 2018 6:02PM (Tournament); 120 Readers
Lots of applause - very well deserved. They started this match 9 hours ago!
11 Feb 2018 6:03PM (Tournament); 119 Readers
Gabrielle points out that they have hours and hours to go to beat the duration of Stephen Mulliner and David Maloof, Florida 2016 for duration of a worlds final.
11 Feb 2018 6:04PM (Tournament); 122 Readers
Sherif's drone is up...
11 Feb 2018 6:05PM (Tournament); 126 Readers
Reg doing his preparation. He's ready - it's over to Andrew...
11 Feb 2018 6:05PM (Tournament); 127 Readers
Reg has meandered to the end of A-baulk
G5T7 Reg lifts Yellow to 3rd corner. Shooting at Black.(22y). As always, staring at the shot, not yet holding his mallet. Here comes the shot....
11 Feb 2018 6:05PM (Tournament); 127 Readers
.... Reg misses on his right to just W of 4th corner.
11 Feb 2018 6:06PM (Tournament); 127 Readers
Errors: Reg 1, Paddy 1, Long roquets.. Reg 4/6, Paddy 5/13
11 Feb 2018 6:06PM (Tournament); 129 Readers
It's not just the ones you hit - it's the few you miss that can make all the difference!
11 Feb 2018 6:06PM (Tournament); 130 Readers
My colleague may now have the privilege of describing the final turn.
11 Feb 2018 6:07PM (Tournament); 129 Readers
Now needs the key shot out of 4th corner to get a rush on Red....
11 Feb 2018 6:07PM (Tournament); 130 Readers
Paddy's on! ...nudges partner in a couple of yards, takes off to yellow in corner 4... has an important croquet stroke...
11 Feb 2018 6:07PM (Tournament); 130 Readers
(interesting Reg took that last shot as a long shot - he missed the previous one, and has been very successful from A baulk - Paddy probably laid up to add an extra yard or two to the A baulk shot)
11 Feb 2018 6:08PM (Tournament); 129 Readers
"ooo, that's well short" - Gabrielle looks up from her ipad. People doing some distraction things to help them cope with the tension!
11 Feb 2018 6:08PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
Well short, but cuts red very well... he has a 6 yard takeoff from right in front of hoop1. Critical shot for the championship...
11 Feb 2018 6:09PM (Tournament); 130 Readers
Plays it really really well - bit of an angle, but we know hoop 1 isn't interested. Less than 30 degrees - runs it with a rush pointing at corner 2
11 Feb 2018 6:09PM (Tournament); 132 Readers
Cuts it hard (why???) - probably wanted a really fine cut - no idea where he was going to - he hit that very hard.
11 Feb 2018 6:10PM (Tournament); 129 Readers
Now Phil's buying the beers. If you've been enjoying this commentary, why don't you buy us a beer next time we meet?
11 Feb 2018 6:10PM (Tournament); 128 Readers
Rushes red to 2 yards south of the north boundary, halfway between hoops 3 and 6. (or "nowhere", if you ask my expert witness - who I kinda agree with)
11 Feb 2018 6:10PM (Tournament); 126 Readers
Takes off to blue - it's good - he has a rush pointing back at yellow - nice recovery. Paddy will have a standard TP for the Championship!!!!!!!
11 Feb 2018 6:11PM (Tournament); 126 Readers
Croquets blue really nicely to hoop 3 and he has rushed well to hoop 2
11 Feb 2018 6:11PM (Tournament); 132 Readers
"Is that OK? "That's fine." The crowd nervously reassures itself.
11 Feb 2018 6:12PM (Tournament); 132 Readers
Looks like Jane McIntyre came up to watch the final - top NZ Lady player - would be lovely to have her back - Chch based. very good friend of Paddy and Aiken.
11 Feb 2018 6:12PM (Tournament); 132 Readers
Approaches 2 sharply, runs it to the north boundary and has a 2.5 yarder - hits it well. He'll put it as an escape ball for the peel, and red to hoop 4.
11 Feb 2018 6:13PM (Tournament); 135 Readers
Sends yellow 3 feet south of hoop 3 and a few inches offline to the east. Should be great there.
11 Feb 2018 6:13PM (Tournament); 137 Readers
Red to 3 yards NNW of hoop 4, and he has a rush to whereever he wants on a very good peelee
11 Feb 2018 6:14PM (Tournament); 137 Readers
Clunks blue onto the wire of the hoop 3 - takes off - leaves it a bit angled... stops blue into the front of the jaws. An expert commentator fancies an Aspinall peel - very adventurous!
11 Feb 2018 6:15PM (Tournament); 133 Readers
Crowd suggest Aspinall peel. Maybe not in the Worlds final!
11 Feb 2018 6:15PM (Tournament); 133 Readers
Just a wee stopshot for Paddy. and rushes yellow down the lawn
11 Feb 2018 6:15PM (Tournament); 135 Readers
Yellow south of hoop 5, approaches 4 with a wee roll - will be rushing back up after 4
11 Feb 2018 6:16PM (Tournament); 139 Readers
Commentator bemoans his inconsistent handling of the plurality of "crowd".
11 Feb 2018 6:16PM (Tournament); 140 Readers
Makes 4 - did he clip the leg of hoop 4?? - rushes red to within a yard of yellow - he'll roll up here and hit blue... rushpeels it easily
11 Feb 2018 6:17PM (Tournament); 141 Readers
Red is a yard NNW of hoop 6, taking off from blue which is 3.5 yards north of 4back.
11 Feb 2018 6:17PM (Tournament); 145 Readers
Takes off a little short of yellow at hoop 5
11 Feb 2018 6:18PM (Tournament); 146 Readers
Hits his 2 yarder in the middle and he is approaching from 4.5 feet SW of 5
11 Feb 2018 6:18PM (Tournament); 147 Readers
Approaches the hoop really well.
11 Feb 2018 6:18PM (Tournament); 147 Readers
Slightly angled, but he's ok. Re stalks it
11 Feb 2018 6:18PM (Tournament); 144 Readers
No sign of hoop 5 either, and he has run just past yellow - rush pointing at corner 4
11 Feb 2018 6:19PM (Tournament); 146 Readers
Nudges yellow 4 feet to the east, will croquet this going to red. Doesn't need a rush on blue, though it'd be handy.
11 Feb 2018 6:19PM (Tournament); 147 Readers
Has a 2 yarder pointing north
11 Feb 2018 6:20PM (Tournament); 145 Readers
Rushes it north ... "There's no need for the triple to get in the way of the break" - whaaat??
11 Feb 2018 6:20PM (Tournament); 147 Readers
I have power again, was down to about half an hour on battery. OK if Paddy finishes, but didn't want to jinx him by assuming....
11 Feb 2018 6:21PM (Tournament); 148 Readers
Rolls blue 3.5 yards directly north of hoop 6 - the triple and the break are happening here
11 Feb 2018 6:21PM (Tournament); 148 Readers
Approaches the hoop well, red is a couple of yards NNW of red.
11 Feb 2018 6:21PM (Tournament); 147 Readers
Hits blue - can play a straight peel here.
11 Feb 2018 6:21PM (Tournament); 147 Readers
Hoops 6,Peels 1.5
11 Feb 2018 6:22PM (Tournament); 151 Readers
Greg's standing a very long away away concentrating very hard for Paddy
11 Feb 2018 6:22PM (Tournament); 151 Readers
Peel... it's in the jaws of penult - very good stroke
11 Feb 2018 6:22PM (Tournament); 149 Readers
Even in the hut you can hear the cicadas chirruping.
11 Feb 2018 6:23PM (Tournament); 150 Readers
Oh dear - people are getting tired here and a little whiney in the background.
11 Feb 2018 6:23PM (Tournament); 148 Readers
Red... very short - it's about 6 yards north of 2back. Approaches 1back very well though
11 Feb 2018 6:23PM (Tournament); 150 Readers
Has a good rush back north-east - gentle rush and he'll put this to 3back going to blue - will look to peel rover before 3back
11 Feb 2018 6:23PM (Tournament); 151 Readers
Greg Bryant is pacing the W bdry of lawn 3 like an expectant father.
11 Feb 2018 6:24PM (Tournament); 150 Readers
Yellow is very good. Has an easy roquet on blue, which he hits very well. Will take off from blue to red, but blue is now 2 yards in front of rover - really good rush that.
11 Feb 2018 6:24PM (Tournament); 151 Readers
Nudges it a bit closer and most importantly get a rush he can cut to 2back - he was a little short on that, but should be fine.
11 Feb 2018 6:24PM (Tournament); 151 Readers
Has a 4 footer to approach 2back from NW
11 Feb 2018 6:25PM (Tournament); 150 Readers
plays it really well. Red is a deep reception ball
11 Feb 2018 6:25PM (Tournament); 151 Readers
Runs 2back with no wire again - creams red
11 Feb 2018 6:25PM (Tournament); 152 Readers
creams = Christs off
11 Feb 2018 6:26PM (Tournament); 152 Readers
Great to hear there are people out there who have gone the distance - looking forward to the Dixon Advisory Classic in three weeks David
11 Feb 2018 6:26PM (Tournament); 152 Readers
Croquets red well to 4back, has a 2.5 yard dribble - he's not dribbling! - it'll be a straight rover peel- unless he has a crack after 3back
11 Feb 2018 6:26PM (Tournament); 155 Readers
Sensible rejection of dribbly 3-yarder.
11 Feb 2018 6:26PM (Tournament); 155 Readers
Setting up for it
11 Feb 2018 6:27PM (Tournament); 156 Readers
Blue's across, approaching from directly south of yellow
11 Feb 2018 6:27PM (Tournament); 155 Readers
Puts yellow... on the back of blue... that's not ideal - won't be rushing blue to rover.
11 Feb 2018 6:28PM (Tournament); 156 Readers
Runs 3b past these two - if he hits blue (which he will) yellow will ricochet south
11 Feb 2018 6:28PM (Tournament); 156 Readers
Plays it really well - blue squirts out to a few feet SE of rover, yellow pretty much stays there.
11 Feb 2018 6:28PM (Tournament); 158 Readers
Paddy just needs to keep concentrating, keep cool.
11 Feb 2018 6:29PM (Tournament); 157 Readers
Lots of crowd chatting about what they'd have done - it really didn't look nice - and he has done ok - can rush in front of rover after 4back and tidy that up.
11 Feb 2018 6:29PM (Tournament); 156 Readers
Rushes yellow up - that's going to penult, red is a bit south of 4back, but he has fantastic control today.
11 Feb 2018 6:29PM (Tournament); 158 Readers
Good penult pioneer, and rushes really well to 4back.
11 Feb 2018 6:29PM (Tournament); 159 Readers
Hoop stroke standing up well.
11 Feb 2018 6:30PM (Tournament); 163 Readers
Runs 4back. rushing back.. black really jumps on red and it is only a couple of yards south of the line of hoop 6.
11 Feb 2018 6:31PM (Tournament); 161 Readers
Next stroke not so good. Needs to collect himself, still in good position.
11 Feb 2018 6:31PM (Tournament); 161 Readers
Taking off from red to tidy up that blue... it's a good shot, and he can tidy that errant peelee up.
11 Feb 2018 6:31PM (Tournament); 161 Readers
Takes off from blue - blue's lovely. Little too far - he'll have a backwards takeoff to the hoop? - no - cuts it perfectly in front of penult - beautiful stuff here
11 Feb 2018 6:32PM (Tournament); 166 Readers
Hoops 11, Peels 2
11 Feb 2018 6:32PM (Tournament); 166 Readers
Every croquet player dreams of being in this situation.
11 Feb 2018 6:32PM (Tournament); 166 Readers
Through penult, yellow going as a side-ish ball,
11 Feb 2018 6:32PM (Tournament); 164 Readers
Red will go as a side-ish ball - he'll be irish peeling from about 6 inches.
11 Feb 2018 6:33PM (Tournament); 162 Readers
The chatter has died. Everyone wishing, hoping...
11 Feb 2018 6:33PM (Tournament); 164 Readers
Red across the hoop to the west, it's another side ball, little deeper than ideal, but it's absolutely fine.
11 Feb 2018 6:34PM (Tournament); 164 Readers
Peeling from 10 inches.
11 Feb 2018 6:34PM (Tournament); 165 Readers
The irish peel needs a straight stroke.
11 Feb 2018 6:34PM (Tournament); 167 Readers
Blue is through - black is in the jaws
11 Feb 2018 6:34PM (Tournament); 168 Readers
A few calming breaths...
11 Feb 2018 6:34PM (Tournament); 169 Readers
Takes black through...
11 Feb 2018 6:35PM (Tournament); 169 Readers
Choice of side balls to hit...
11 Feb 2018 6:35PM (Tournament); 170 Readers
Nearly there, think calmly.
11 Feb 2018 6:35PM (Tournament); 170 Readers
It's gonna happen!!!!!!
Pegging out from 18 inches..
Paddy Chapman is the 2018 Association Croquet World Champion - the second ever New Zealand World Champion - fantastic!!!!!
11 Feb 2018 6:36PM (Tournament); 175 Readers
Congratulations Paddy, your new World Champion!
11 Feb 2018 6:36PM (Tournament); 176 Readers
Paddy wins the decider 26TP-9
11 Feb 2018 6:37PM (Tournament); 162 Readers
Relief swamps the crowd.
11 Feb 2018 6:37PM (Tournament); 160 Readers
First kiwi in 29 years - absolutely brilliant Paddy
11 Feb 2018 6:37PM (Tournament); 152 Readers
I owe some chaps some beers.
11 Feb 2018 6:37PM (Tournament); 146 Readers
Thanks for all the messages, see you soon, Andrew
11 Feb 2018 6:38PM (Tournament); 135 Readers
from Kevin Fellows an interesting stat "Five times Reg has been knocked out of the World Championship by a young kiwi"
11 Feb 2018 6:38PM (Tournament); 130 Readers
Let's go celebrate and congratulate the champion.
Well played Reg. Well played Paddy - one error apiece in an epic 5-match final
11 Feb 2018 6:39PM (Tournament); 126 Readers
At 28 Mar 2025 2:54PM (Tournament) there are 18 people reading commentaries.