CNZ GC Nationals & Limited
Notes from the Manager by Annie Henry
The Golf Croquet Nationals that will be held at two venues: Nelson Hinemoa and Richmond Croquet Clubs from 2 – 8 January 2017. It is a great way to start the new year.
Formats: The formats for the Open and Limited events are based on giving the full tournament play for all competitors and achieve a matchplay format in the Open Singles blocks.
Open Doubles: The Open Doubles will be played in 2 days because of the large number in the Open Singles. With the large number, a decision needed to be made about what is best for full tournament play. The Open Doubles will be played the first two days (Monday and Tuesday). All games will be played at the Nelson Hinemoa Croquet Club. The format is:
• Day 1 (Monday): Two blocks of 8 doubles that are seeded
• 13 point games in a Round Robin
• No time limits
• Day 2): The top 4 from each block will play in a Full KO.
• Time limits of 1hr, 2hr, 3hrs will be set. If time is called, the hoop that is being contested will be completed. If scores are then tied, the next hoop will be played to determine the winner. If the full amount of time is not used in a game, it may be carried over for the next game. If a hoop is being contested when time is called, then the additional time needed to complete the hoop will NOT be counted against the total match time.
• The remaining 8 teams will play in a Plate in a Full KO.
• No double banking
Open Singles: There are 5 days (Wednesday through Sunday) to play the Open Singles. All games will be played at the Nelson Hinemoa Croquet Club.
• Three days with 36 in the Singles:
o Four blocks of 9 with a bye in each round.
o Best of 3 Round Robin
o 13 point games
o Double banking
o Top 4 from each block will progress into the Full KO
• Two days (Saturday & Sunday):
o Full KO for 16 players
Four top players in each block will enter into a Full KO.
Players’ Choice will used for the KO seeding.
X, Y, Z, and W will be played for those who are knocked out
Best of 3
13 point games
Double banking
Final will be Best of 3. Best of 5 may be played if time allows. The manager will make the decision on the final day.
o Plate:
Number of players will determine format.
Double banking
13 point games
Limited Doubles: All games will be played at the Richmond Croquet Club the first 3 days
• There are 8 doubles that will be played in one block.
• Double Round Robin with 7 games per day for the first 2 days.
• Alternate toss for the second day of Round Robin. Whomever won the toss the first day will play first the first day and play second on the second day.
• 13 point games.
• No double banking
• No time limits
• On the third day the top 4 doubles will play a full KO, Best of 3.
• The Plate will be played with the remaining 4 doubles with a Full KO, Best of 3.
Limited Singles: Four days of play at the Richmond Croquet Club.
• Double Round Robin will be played over 3 days.
• Alternate toss for the second round.
• 13 point games.
• No double banking.
• Top 4 will play best of 3 on the last day in KO.
• Remaining 6 players will have 5 single games in a block.
General Information:
• Practice on the respective lawns will be available on Sunday, 1 January, from 12 – 5 pm. Additional times may be arranged with the Manager.
• Report to the respective club by 8:15 am for an 8:30 start each day.
• 5 minute warm up at the beginning of each day. If someone has a bye, then warm up will be arranged before the player starts.
• All players have signed the CNZ Player Code of Conduct.
• There is an Appeals Committee, if needed.
• Blocks are on All games will be posted on croquet scores. This information will be posted in the “Commentary” section of croquet scores. If there are any updates, it will also be posted.
• Jazz Festival in Nelson is from 3 – 6 January. The jazz is free in the evenings at most cafe venues. Newton Rocksteady will be performing Thursday and Friday nights at the Boat HOUSE with an admission charge.
• For more entertainment, please visit Itson.Nelson.
• Closing ceremony for all awards will be at Nelson Hinemoa on the 8th of January.
• A $5 per day per player is paid to the respective club. Youth pay $2 per day.
• Morning and afternoon teas will be served starting at 9:30 am until play is finished each day. Tea and coffee will be available from 8:15 onwards. Gluten free and vegetarian options will be served.
• If you have food request, please let the manager know in advance.
• Lunches are available upon request.
o Nelson Hinemoa will make a sandwich pack for $5 per pack. Meats will vary: chicken, corned beef, or ham. Tuna and egg are available for vegetarian option. Salad included in the sandwich will be lettuce, tomato, & grated carrots. Order before 9 am each day. There are also cafes within a few blocks that are available as well as Burger King & McDonalds. You are welcome to bring your own lunch.
o Richmond will have sandwich packs for $3.50 for egg and $4.50 for meat and salad.
• BBQ will be at Nelson Hinemoa Croquet Club on Friday. Meat patties, sausages, crumbed fish, salads, potatoes, and berries and ice cream at $15. Order by Wednesday of the tournament. Both the Open and Limited players are invited for the BBQ. BYOB.
The best to all of you. I look forward to seeing all of you next week. If you have questions, please let me know at your earliest convenience.
D. Annie Henry
Manager, CNZ GC Nationals
02239 79 303
29 Dec 2016 9:45AM (Tournament); 1 Readers
The first day of the Open Doubles the two blocks played a round robin in blocks of 8. The top 4 moved into the Full KO. The last games of both blocks had countbacks to determine fourth places. The weather was lovely for most of the day until early evening.
Light rain started the second day but lifted completed after 1 pm. Best of 3 were played for all games with time limits, except the final.
Josh Freeth and Hamish McIntosh played Duncan Dixon and Grace Mohi in the finals. The first round Josh and Hamish went around quickly for a 7 - 1 win. The second game it is tied 4 - 4. Hamish ran hoop 9 with his black ball half way to hoop 10. Duncan followed by getting into position with yellow. Josh placed blue between black and yellow, blocking black. Hamish jumped but knocked blue to the side. Yellow ran hoop 10 easily, tieing the game 5 - 5.
The final of the Plate is being played between Declan Leahy and Connell Leahy against Peter Freer and Sue Roberts.
03 Jan 2017 4:55PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Grace cleared blue from hoop 11. Hamish won it with black.
03 Jan 2017 5:07PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Grace cleared black with her red. Black cleared blue instead of yellow. Yellow won hoop 12. Blue is beside hoop 13 with red near the baulk line. Black moved into good position to run the hoop. Yellow was played from near the A baulk line, getting position in front of the hoop. Blue gently moved in front for position. Red cleared both blue and black.
03 Jan 2017 5:22PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Black moved yellow slightly off to the side, creating more angle for the shot. Yellow went for the hoop but didn't win it. Blue gently cleared yellow. Red cleared blue and took position in front of the hoop.
03 Jan 2017 5:29PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Black went for the hoop from near the baulk line and didn't win it. Yellow went for a block. Blue went for the hoop and didn't win it.
03 Jan 2017 5:31PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
Red went for the hoop and didn't win it. Yellow won the hoop and won the second game in the match.
03 Jan 2017 5:34PM (Tournament); 1 Readers
At 15 Mar 2025 7:55AM (Tournament) there are 2 people reading commentaries.